求动画电影《至爱梵高(Loving Vincent)》
《至爱梵高·星空之谜》是多洛塔·科别拉、休·韦尔什曼执导的传记类动画影片[1] ,由道格拉斯·布斯、罗伯特·古拉奇克、西尔莎·罗南、艾莉诺·汤姆林森等出演,于2017年6月12日在安纳西国际动画电影节首映[2] ,同年12月8日在中国上映[3] 。该片讲述了梵高去世后,邮差的儿子阿尔芒为把梵高生前的一封信送到收信人手中而踏上了寻找画家生活轨迹的旅程,最终揭开梵高死亡之谜的故事。请点击百度云链接 密码:zdks
you wear no make up then you don't do your hair, you walk around like you're not even there, you share your problem but you don't really care, you just ignore all the views that I am. How do people understand if you won't let them take your hand, you aren't showing any pride in the corner that you hide, I'll help you carry the pain if it's easy for you