
时间:2024-03-08 20:30:58编辑:奇闻君


Jackpot[地名] [美国] 杰克波特; [电影]背心而驰累积大奖;累积奖池;乐透;多宝双语例句1. A nurse won the £5 million jackpot.一个护士赢得了500万英镑的头奖。2. to win the jackpot得头奖3. This guy won a million - dollar jackpot on a game show.这家伙在一场比赛中赢得了一百万美元的奖金.4. What about those lucky few who do win a lottery jackpot?那些少数幸运赢得彩票头彩奖金的人 呢 ?5. The jackpot can be yours if you pick the six winning numbers.要是你挑中了六个幸运号码,头彩就是你的了.


JACKPOT的意思是:1、n. 头奖;累积赌注;十分成功2、adj. 头奖的;累积赌注的;大笔收入的短语:hit the jackpot 赢得大笔钱;获得巨大成功例句:Tennis player Michael Stich hit the jackpot yesterday when he won $2 million.网球运动员迈克尔·施蒂希昨天获胜赢了2百万美元。扩展资料jackpot的近义词:prize词语用法:1、prize的基本意思是指颁予竞赛中优胜者、学校优秀学生等的“奖赏,奖金,奖品”,还可指“值得竞争追求之物”,是可数名词。2、prize用于比喻可指“横财,意外的收获”,是不可数名词。prize可用于其他名词前作定语,表示“获奖的,该得奖的; 第一流的,了不起的”,在口语中,还可表示“糟透了的,十足的”,用作反语。3、prize用作动词时意思是“珍视,珍惜”,是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。词汇搭配:1、best-story prize最佳小说奖2、cash prizes现金奖3、consolation prize(体育比赛的)安慰奖4、door prize(剧场、舞会等发的)门票对号奖5、the Nobel P-诺贝尔奖


jackpot[英]['dʒækpɒt][美][ˈdʒækˌpɑt]n.赌注; 头奖,最大成功; 积累的赌金; 困境;



《最后的晚餐》The Last Supper



3、汉元帝在位期间,南北交兵,边界不得安静。汉元帝为安抚北匈奴,选昭君与单于结成姻缘,以保两国永远和好。在一个秋高气爽的日子里,昭君告别了故土,登程北去。一路上,马嘶雁鸣,撕裂她的心肝;悲切之感,使她心绪难平。她在坐骑之上,拨动琴弦,奏起悲壮的离别之曲。南飞的大雁听到这悦耳的琴声,看到骑在马上的这个美丽女子,忘记摆动翅膀,跌落地下。从此,昭君就得来“落雁” 的代称。
4、唐朝开元年间,有一美貌女儿叫杨玉环,被选进宫来。杨玉环进宫后,思念家乡。一天,她到花园赏花散心,看见盛开的牡丹、月季......想自己被关在宫内,虚度青春,不胜叹息,对着盛开的花说:“花呀,花呀!你年年岁岁还有盛开之时,我什么时候才 有出头之日?”声泪俱下,她刚一摸花。花瓣立即收缩,绿叶卷起低下。哪想到,她摸的是含羞草。这时,被一宫娥看见。宫娥到处说,杨玉环和花比美,花儿都含羞低下了头。“羞花”称号得来。


这完全是一窍不通嘛,最多可以这样理解,在酒吧里面狂野的咪牌,然后选出一个头奖。总之呢游戏是融汇贯通的艺术,是另一个世界的载体,也是技术含量最高、交互最为生动的娱乐方式, 是本质上和书籍、电影没什么区别的传播媒介。而且游戏没有门槛,不需要你是富二代或者家里 很有钱。玩家都知道,游戏带来的体验是现实里其他事物无法替代的。




To be or not to be解释为生存还是毁灭释义:be:是to be or not to be :要是还是要不是是什么呢?be 这个动词太宽了,to live or to die. to take the money or not to take it.都很好解释。所以 be就概括了可以放在这个位置的所有的动词。那么最终,诗意化一下就解释成了 要生存 还是要毁灭(要做还是不要?)出处:是莎士比亚名剧《哈姆雷特》里的王子哈姆雷特的一句著名台词,意思是:是生还是死?造句:To be or not to be? This is a question.


NBA是National Basketball Association的缩写。1949-50赛季,NBA共17支球队。1976年NBA吞并了美国篮球协会(ABA),球队增加到22支。1980年达拉斯小牛队加入NBA。1988年,夏洛特黄蜂队和迈阿密热火队加入NBA。1990年奥兰多魔术队和明尼苏达森林狼队加入NBA。1995年两支加拿大球队加入NBA,多伦多猛龙队和温哥华灰熊队,使NBA的球队达到29支。2004年的山猫队的加入达到30支。扩展资料:竞赛方法从总体上看,NBA的赛程安排分为夏季联赛、季前赛、常规赛、季后赛和总决赛。季前赛无特定主客场,常规赛采用主客场制,季后赛和总决赛采用七场四胜制的淘汰制。NBA常规赛从每年的10月底的第一个星期二开锣,到次年的4月20日左右结束。在这期间,30支球队总共要进行1189场常规赛,每支球队要打满82场比赛,主客场各占一半。季后赛从4月下旬开始进行,直到6月中旬决出总冠军为止。NBA分为东西两个联盟,每个联盟各有三个赛区。在常规赛中每支球队与同一赛区的球队要打四场,与同一联盟不同赛区的球队打三到四场,与另一联盟的球队打两场。一个赛季每支球队在自己的主场至少与其它29支球队进行一次交锋。参考资料来源:百度百科—NBA


标准篮球直径(dB)为24.6厘米 NBA比赛专用篮球----斯伯丁篮球的标准: 斯伯丁篮球按型号分为:#7、#6、#5、#3标准男子比赛用球:重量600-650g, 圆周75-76cm标准女子比赛用球:重量510-550g,圆周70-71cm青少年比赛用球:重量470-500g,圆周69-71cm儿童比赛用球:重量300-340g,圆周56-57cm斯伯丁篮球的特点不易漏气变形,不易开胶起皮,篮球制作工艺复杂严格,球体坚固耐用,(出厂前,抽样通过两万次撞击试验);圆周度一致,篮球整体一致性均优于国际专项检验标准(圆周度差异小于±2mm);运球手感优异,弹跳性适中;SPALDING篮球综合手感极佳。创始至今130年,蕴涵着许多传奇。NBA巨星在比赛发球时对篮球的LOGO的方向和位置都很有讲究,绝对不能改变;信誉保障和售后服务,正常使用,在保质期内,如有质量问题无条件退换。


篮球巨星中的百搭和散布是重要的出分点,,同时也是玩家的迷茫之处。只要 出现百搭符号并连接成功或出现1个篮球,一般得分是相当的可观 ,所以我们很有必要去研究一 下! 经过大量的游戏,发现了一个很稳的规律,一般游戏80局都会出现20-35次的百搭符号,上下浮 动的变量也是挺大的。还发现了一个得分的小妙招,一般百搭符号出现并连接成功后,下一局出 现百搭符号的几率有70%以上,而且在连续10次不出现百搭符号,第11局出现百搭符号的几率有 92%以上,所以当遇到这种情况的时候,赶紧加满注,就能获得更高的得分了!说起5个冰球,既 困惑又惊喜。在实战中每次出现1个冰球以上都能带来非常可观的爆分,有时候一开局就出现, 有时候玩几个小时也出现不了一次,所以实在捉摸不透,也不敢乱下结论,也许只能靠运气吧! 很多人说玩摆脱.冰球突破的心态就是输了不气馁,很多人又说息怒不形于色,我倒觉得良好的 心态是别人对你步步紧逼时你可以在短时间内做出正确的判断,胜不骄输不燥,保持思路清晰, 不可心浮气躁,才能在冰球道路上走的更加长远!

jackpot (流行之王)歌词分配。都是谁唱的?!?!?

Ready or not
  Let’s hit the jackpot (Let’s hit the jackpot)
  Ready or not
  Let’s hit the jackpot
  Race on baby
  不该继续被操控 继续被不理解
  没时间听你 说 太多
  我 没时间 浪费
快点 加入 我的部队
  一起来吧 everybody
  就要爆发 我的fans都要等 不急
  让我宣泄 看我到处撒野
  Trouble maker 他们 一直都想 阻拦我
  最后却都 低着头 躲着我~
  Ready or not here i come
  Ready or not here i come准备好 然后跟着我们 出发
  Come on baby ,Come on baby
  我要用 这个jackpot 告诉你 谁才是 biggest star
  Come on baby,Come on baby
  跟着我 一起创造 属于我们 的世界 hurry up
  Lala lalala Lala lalala
  Ready or not (Let’s hit the jackpot )
  Lala lalala Lala lalala
  Ready or not ,
  Here I come,Here I come,Here I come
  满世界 到处 都是 烂到不行的 idols
  看到烦了累了也没发现 谁优秀
  他们在我眼里 all dead
  Ready or not I’m ready to die
  别总是 那么自以为是 给我让开
  你快要 追上 来 我刚好把你又甩开
  你丢了饭碗 却还不知道是谁作怪
  Ready or not Here i come
  Ready or not Here i come
  准备好 然后跟着我 出发
  Come on baby ,Come on baby
  我要用 这个jackpot 告诉你 谁才是 biggest star
  Come on baby,Come on baby
  跟着我 一起创造 属于我们 的世界 hurry up
  Lala lalala Lala lalala
  Ready or not (Let’s hit the jackpot )
  Lala lalala Lala lalala
  Ready or not ,
  Here I come, Here I come, Here I come
  不顾一切让希望 燃起了火花
  Hurry up Hurry up
  不要担心因为我们 一直在并肩作战
  准备倒数计时 我们要出发
  hurry up hurry up
  Lala lalala
  Lala lalala
  Ready or not (Let’s hit the jackpot )
  Lala lalala
  Lala lalala
  Ready or not ,
  Here I come,Here I come,Here I come
  Come on Come on Come on Come on
  Who's the Best ,mo-doo say my name
  Come on Come on Come on Come on
  Who's the Best ,mo-doo say my name

Quitzow的《Jackpot》 歌词

歌曲名:Jackpot歌手:Quitzow专辑:Art College311 - JackpotGet upEverybody jumpWooJackpot, uh split shotI'm in line doing fineThis ? I've got the bountyBlessed with the amount, weNever guess, the best is yet to comeCan't you rock the fucking blockIf you don't come newThen you might get droppedI think it's strangeThe ? the same, carry onSeason's derangedWith the touch of my wandYou are my God, you're my guardianI hit the jackpot, I'm the lucky oneMy fortune endless, never coming undone, uhMoving, I'm a nomadAnother girl's voice is the voices radMy treasure is soul, aren't you gladI get pyschedelic with a pen and a padMoving up the ? it's about that criticalFind it difficult to be so analyticalI'm filled with hopeThe rope it won't hang youSit your ass down and come in ?Right about now it's about that timeYou know I crack the coconut and I twist up the limeI've been on a roll like a Seminole warriorPassing up the tales like the one they wrote the story forWooEverybody jumpWhat are the chancesThe odds must be enhances ofWhy a god let you throughOf all the places to end upIt amazes meAfter all we've been throughJackpotAll the people say woahJackpotLet me hear you say woahJackpotUh, what, woahGive 'em what you got 'til you hit that spotWoahWe hit the jackpotThe lotto, lucky dotSo the path that we treadWe pave the bars of goldNow we got itHow we bought itSweating from stage to stageA lot of itAnd if we won the chance to danceAnd do it all againWe wouldn't change a thingThere is no other endThe pinnacle we reachedWe knew it was possibleHow we got hereOvercoming obstaclesRight about now it's about that timeYou know I crack the coconut and I twist up the limeI've been on a roll like a Seminole warriorPassing up the tales like the one they wrote the story forReside West Coast from the Mid WestTake what you like and fuck all the rest, manWe only enter in one contestWe made up ourselvesThat's to be the 311'estWooEverybody jumpWhat are the chancesThe odds must be enhances ofWhy a god let you throughOf all the places to end upIt amazes meAfter all we've been throughWhat are the chancesThe odds must be enhances ofWhy a god let you throughOf all the places to end upIt amazes meAfter all we've been throughJackpotAll the people say woahJackpotLet me hear you say woahJackpotUh, what, woahGive 'em what you got 'til you hit that spotWoahWooTo the death of dismayUhDisc jock to the truth hits hardhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2205259


歌曲:Bop bop baby 设为手机铃声
专辑: World of Our Own [IMPORT]
歌手:Westlife 下载和弦
MTV: Bop bop babyMTV - MTVKU.COM

Mom always said
Nothing would break me or lead me astray
Who wouldve guessed
Id let my mind drift so far away
You always said
I was a dreamer
Now instead
Im dreaming of things thats making my mind go crazy
Small things like
When I call you at home and he answers the phone
Or I get your machine and I dont hear me
When I lie in my bed with the thoughts in my head
When we danced and we sang and we laughed all night
All (Shane):
Ooh the bop bop baby
Please, dont let me go
(And live my life this way)
Ooh the bop bop baby
Please just let me know
And put my mind at ease for sure
On the love train twenty-odd years now
I got off today
But nobody said the stop that Ive taken
Was a stop too late
Now Im alone Im thinking that youve been hurtful
Small things like
When I call you at home and he answers the phone
Or I get your machine and I dont hear me
When I lie in my bed with the thoughts in my head
When we danced and we sang and we laughed all night
All (Mark):
Ooh the bop bop baby
Please, dont let me go
(And live my life this way)
Ooh the bop bop baby
Please just let me know
And put my mind at ease for sure
Maybe its time to say goodbye
Maybe its time to let this lie
This is when we must set things right
Now that weve gone our seperate ways
I just cant live these desperate days
This is what Ive been tryin to say
All (Shane):
Ooh the bop bop baby
Please dont let me go
(And live my life this way)
Ooh the bop bop baby
Please just let me know
Put my mind at ease
Ooh the bop bop baby
Please dont let me go
(And live my life this way)
Ooh the bop bop baby
Please just let me know
And put my mind at ease
Ooh the bop bop baby
Please dont let me go
(And live my life this way)
Ooh the bop bop baby
Please just let me know
Put my mind at ease
Ooh the bop bop baby
Please dont let me go
(And live my life this way)
Ooh the...
(rpt to fade)


my mama said nothing would break me or lead me astray
who would have guessed i'd let my mind drift so far away
you always said i was a dreamer now it's dead
i'm dreaming of things that's making my mind go crazy
small things like
when i call you at home and he answers the phone
or i get your machine and i don't hear me
when i lie in my bed with the thoughts in my head
when we danced and we sang and we laughed all night
ooh da bop bop baby please don't let me go
ooh da ,漂亮的女孩,请你别让我走
can't live my life this way
ooh da bop bop baby please just let me know
ooh da 漂亮女孩,请你让我知道
and put my mind at ease for sure
on a love train
20 odd years now
i got off today
but nobody said the stop that i've taken
was a stop too late
now i'm alone i'm thinking of stupid
hurtful small things like
when i call you at home and he answers the phone
or i get your machine and i don't hear me
when i lie in my bed with the thoughts in my head
when we danced and we sang and we laughed all night
ooh da bop bop baby please don't let me go
ooh da 漂亮女孩,请你别让我走
can't live my life this way
ooh da bop bop baby please just let me know
ooh da 漂亮女孩,请你让我知道
and put my mind at ease for sure
maybe it's time to say goodbye
maybe it's time to let this lie
this is when we must set things right
now that we've gone our separate ways
i just can't live these desperate days
this is what i've been trying to say

ooh da bop bop baby please don't let me go
ooh da 漂亮女孩,请不要让我走

can't live my life this way

ooh da bop bop baby please just let me know
ooh da 漂亮女孩,请让我知道

and put my mind at ease for sure

