The Fields Of Athenry》是一首爱尔兰民歌,背景是在1845年至1852年间的爱尔兰大饥荒年代,一个来自高威郡附近名为迈克尔的男子因为给他食不果腹的家人偷窃了食物而遭到流放至澳大利亚的故事。这首歌曲原作者是彼得·穆尼,首次被收录是在1979年丹尼·多伊尔的专辑。虽然本届欧洲杯爱尔兰的征程早早宣告结束,但相信爱尔兰球迷的歌声会继续伴随着欧洲杯,成为欧洲杯赛场上的一幕经典画面。附:《The Fields Of Athenry》歌词By a lonely prison wall, I heard a young girl calling Michael, they are taking you away, For you stole Trevelyan's corn, So the young might see the morn. Now a prison ship lies waiting in the bay.Low lie the fields of Athenry Where once we watched the small free birds fly Our love was on the wing, we had dreams and songs to sing It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry.By a lonely prison wall, I heard a young man calling Nothing matters, Mary, when you're free Against the famine and the Crown, I rebelled, they cut me down. Now you must raise our child with dignity.Low lie the fields of Athenry Where once we watched the small free birds fly Our love was on the wing, we had dreams and songs to sing It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry.By a lonely harbor wall, she watched the last star falling As that prison ship sailed out against the sky Sure she'll wait and hope and pray, for her love in Botany Bay It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry.It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry.Low lie the fields of Athenry Where once we watched the small free birds fly Our love was on the wing, we had dreams and songs to sing It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry.
寂寞渐浓 沉默留在舞池角落
谁任由谁放纵 谁会先让出自由
双脚悬空 在你冷酷热情间游走
我嫉妒你的爱 气势如虹
若爱只剩诱惑 只剩彼此忍受
推开苍白的手 推开苍白的厮守
别再叫我 心软是最致命的脆弱
我嫉妒你的爱 气势如虹
你要的不是我 而是一种虚荣
若爱只剩诱惑 只剩彼此忍受
直到那个时候 你在我的心中
将不再被歌颂 把你当作天后
The Fields Of Athenry 应该是这首歌了,但是歌词是爱尔兰球迷自己改编了一些 因为上一届亨利的手球淘汰了爱尔兰对。你先听一下是不是这个曲子吧。
附:《The Fields Of Athenry》歌词
By a lonely prison wall, I heard a young girl calling Michael, they are taking you away, For you stole Trevelyan's corn, So the young might see the morn. Now a prison ship lies waiting in the bay.
Low lie the fields of Athenry Where once we watched the small free birds fly Our love was on the wing, we had dreams and songs to sing It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry.
By a lonely prison wall, I heard a young man calling Nothing matters, Mary, when you're free Against the famine and the Crown, I rebelled, they cut me down. Now you must raise our child with dignity.
Low lie the fields of Athenry Where once we watched the small free birds fly Our love was on the wing, we had dreams and songs to sing It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry.
By a lonely harbor wall, she watched the last star falling As that prison ship sailed out against the sky Sure she'll wait and hope and pray, for her love in Botany Bay It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry.
It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry.
Low lie the fields of Athenry Where once we watched the small free birds fly Our love was on the wing, we had dreams and songs to sing It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry.
安瑟瑞的原野 爱尔兰歌曲,本次欧洲杯转播时播出过。 谢谢
The Fields Of Athenry》是一首爱尔兰民歌,背景是在1845年至1852年间的爱尔兰大饥荒年代,一个来自高威郡附近名为迈克尔的男子因为给他食不果腹的家人偷窃了食物而遭到流放至澳大利亚的故事。这首歌曲原作者是彼得·穆尼,首次被收录是在1979年丹尼·多伊尔的专辑。虽然本届欧洲杯爱尔兰的征程早早宣告结束,但相信爱尔兰球迷的歌声会继续伴随着欧洲杯,成为欧洲杯赛场上的一幕经典画面。附:《The Fields Of Athenry》歌词By a lonely prison wall, I heard a young girl calling Michael, they are taking you away, For you stole Trevelyan's corn, So the young might see the morn. Now a prison ship lies waiting in the bay.Low lie the fields of Athenry Where once we watched the small free birds fly Our love was on the wing, we had dreams and songs to sing It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry.By a lonely prison wall, I heard a young man calling Nothing matters, Mary, when you're free Against the famine and the Crown, I rebelled, they cut me down. Now you must raise our child with dignity.Low lie the fields of Athenry Where once we watched the small free birds fly Our love was on the wing, we had dreams and songs to sing It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry.By a lonely harbor wall, she watched the last star falling As that prison ship sailed out against the sky Sure she'll wait and hope and pray, for her love in Botany Bay It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry.It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry.Low lie the fields of Athenry Where once we watched the small free birds fly Our love was on the wing, we had dreams and songs to sing It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry.
1971年8月10日出生在爱尔兰科克, 他首次代表球队参加联赛,就显示出非同一般的才干,诺丁汉森林对当时的冠军利物浦(Liverpool)予以迎头痛击,让对手好好遭受了一番炮火洗礼。等到基恩参加英格兰联赛的第一个赛季走到尾声时,他有机会参加1991年的足总杯决赛,并且获得亚军。爱尔兰国家队的主帅杰克·查尔顿(Jack Charlton)自然不会对基恩的优异表现视而不见,很快将其召入帐下,1991年5月基恩第一次为国家队征战,并且打满全场。一个赛季后,温布利大球场又一次目击了基恩和诺丁汉森林球队的失意,这次他们是在联赛杯决赛上痛失奖杯,而对手恰恰就是基恩的未来东家曼联。接下来的赛季他与球队的运道依旧没有好转,诺丁汉森林队被迫降级,各家俱乐部争先恐后要购入基恩,曼联成了这场争夺的最终胜利者,花了375万英镑将其签下,从而创造了当时球队以及全英球员转会纪录。基恩与曼联俱乐部就工作合同的谈判在1999/2000赛季中受到媒体的强烈关注,因为当时据透露身为队长的他没有接受球队提出的待遇。不过等到曼联在冠军杯赛事中主场迎战西班牙巴伦西亚队时,球队宣布与基恩正式续约。此后,基恩看起来似乎摆脱了心理负担,一如既往的担负起统帅球队的重任,这个赛季中,他一共打进12粒精彩进球,尤其值得指出的是,其中半数来自欧洲赛场。该赛季中出色表现令足球作家联盟(Football Writers)和职业球员协会(Professional Footballers Association)均为之折服,双双将他评选为年度最佳球员。 罗比·基恩(Robbie Keane)是一名爱尔兰足球运动员,司职前锋,现效力英格兰超级足球联赛的阿斯顿维拉足球俱乐部,是爱尔兰国家足球队队长兼核心成员,是一名速度与技术兼备的攻击球员。其入球后的招牌翻滚及模仿机关枪的庆祝动作深入人心。基恩是爱尔兰“黄金一代”的领军人,早在1998年他就带领球队拿到了欧洲U18锦标赛的冠军。同年6月他首次披上了成年队的战袍——代表爱尔兰出战捷克,而六个月后与马耳他队的比赛中,基恩打进了他国家队生涯的处子球。到现在为止,罗比已经代表国家队出场81次,打入33球——比排在第二的奎因足足多了12粒入球,同时还在2006年被主教练斯汤顿任命为了国家队队长。尽管基恩是英超史上第13位进球过百的球星,但至今为止他手中的冠军却寥寥无几——只是曾代表热刺拿到了联赛杯,不过在喜欢基恩的球迷心中,他们才不管那些,爱尔兰神奇小子的英姿已经深深地印在了他们的脑海中,未来还有的是机会触碰冠军奖杯呢!
爱尔兰国家足球队(Republic of Ireland national football team)是爱尔兰的足球代表队,由爱尔兰足球协会管理,他们在1988年德国欧洲国家杯之前并未打进任何国家队杯赛。他们在1990年世界杯以八强的成绩结束,这也是他们唯一一次连续进入欧洲国家杯和世界杯。他们亦都在1994年和2002年世界杯进入第二圈。爱尔兰国家足球队的球衣赞助商是Umbro。