pretty ballerinas

时间:2024-05-16 00:02:04编辑:奇闻君


这年头鞋的品类还挺多,软底鞋也有很多,杂牌子的话相信我推荐了很多人也不知道,那我就给你推荐一些我个人比较喜欢的品牌鞋,有点小贵,但是真的好看又好穿,脚感极佳。一、阿迪-Boost系列参考价:899元踩屎感Boost泡沫中底,价格稍贵,阿迪的椰子鞋相信无人不知的踩屎感,真的无敌好穿,踩起来噗噗的。而且配色也非常的多哦,满天星系列也是让人着迷。UltraBoost呢是我最喜欢的跑鞋系列,大家喜欢跑步或者健身的朋友选UB系列绝对又好看又好穿,最重要的它还有一点增高的感觉,但是又不会让人觉得不适,我觉得这是春秋季必备的单品了,让你体验到什么叫一分钱一分货。二、阿迪-椰子500参考价:1699元这双是大大大爆款啦,颜色真的超级百搭,脚感无敌,穿上就舍不得脱下的那种,老爹鞋型价格有点贵,椰子500系列是我最喜欢的老爹鞋,已经不知道推过多少次了,真的是亲测好穿,比得上椰子350的踩屎感,鞋底特别的软。而且男生女生穿都是不显脚大的,我觉得这是出门炸街必选的时尚单品了,时尚感直接拉满。三、耐克-AJ11参考价:799元我男朋友说这双鞋子的脚感是他所有篮球鞋中最好的,因为篮球鞋有碳板,他穿感觉,我看外在,我是觉得 AJ11的鞋型挺好看的,而且男女皆可穿,AJ11蓝蛇白蛇满天星配色都是非常适合女生上脚的,高帮低帮都非常耐看。采用碳纤维技术减轻了鞋重量,球场上打球很轻快舒适,在球场上这双鞋子的出场率真的很高,基本人手一双。四、Nike-空军1号 参考价:749元对于这双鞋子我只想说买了后悔一个月,不买后悔一辈子,为什么呢,因为除了贵点之外,真的没啥其他缺点,鞋底很软款式百搭,空军是我觉得脚感最好的最大众百搭的休闲鞋之一了。上面的老爹鞋或者椰子鞋如果说挑人呢,那么空军绝对是人手必备,我称它是休闲鞋中的脚感王者,女孩子拿来搭配裙子或者西装也是很好看的。五、NewBalance-999/574系列参考价:599元最后我们就来说说这双大众经典的鞋子吧,价格真的很白菜了,然后我们这回讲的就是是脚感好的鞋,那么NB的脚感我就不多赘述,如果喜欢NB鞋型的人就可以选择NB跑鞋,绝对不用考虑脚感好不好的问题。很多男孩女孩都喜欢拿来当情侣鞋穿,脚感棒到飞起,小情侣穿上它一起散个步完全不会累。我推荐的这些呢都是我个人认为好的,但是每个人对软的定义以及审美都是有差别,所以我的建议参考即可,这些鞋子在我们平常的购物平台都是可以买到的,不过记得到官方旗舰店购买,避免买到假货,如果预算不够又想买的的话,你也可以到得物看看,不过真假记得仔细辨别一下,如果需要平价软底鞋的宝子可以评论区留言,有机会我再推荐一些平价的平底鞋。

[create_time]2023-06-17 22:46:02[/create_time]2021-09-26 13:31:19[finished_time]5[reply_count]0[alue_good]咖喱吖学姐[uname][avatar]游走在理智吃瓜的第一线[slogan]游走在理智吃瓜的第一线[intro]28861[view_count]

西班牙pretty ballerinas芭蕾舞鞋国内哪有卖

Pretty Ballerinas是全球最著名的芭蕾舞鞋品牌,源自西班牙百年制鞋Mascaro家族,平底芭蕾舞鞋作为Mascaro家族手工制鞋的传统项目可以追溯至1918年开始第一间芭蕾舞鞋作坊。Jaime Mascaro,世界最著名的西班牙女鞋设计大师之一

[create_time]2015-04-17 07:25:12[/create_time]2015-04-17 11:01:03[finished_time]2[reply_count]5[alue_good]天常蓝水常清[uname][avatar]TA获得超过1.9万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2330[view_count]


什么鞋底最软最舒服   什么鞋底最软最舒服,在橡塑行业中,TPR材料、PVC材料都是比较常用的两种材料,鞋底的tpr材料就是热塑性橡胶材质,一种新型热塑性橡胶的环保材料,以下分享什么鞋底最软最舒服。   什么鞋底最软最舒服1    1、橡塑合成底   橡胶合成底简称仿皮底,是一种高弹性的材料,穿着时轻快、舒适,而且没有响声、防滑、耐磨,以橡胶为基料,加入10%~30%的高苯乙烯,这样的鞋底,既具有良好的弹性,又具有较高的硬度和刚性,其性能很类似天然皮革。    2、牛筋(津)   淡黄色、半透明的鞋底,外观漂亮,而且有较好的弹性和耐磨性,穿着舒适。牛筋底可以用橡胶来做,也可以用塑料来做,还可以用热塑弹性体(TPR)来做。    3、Pu底   从弹性和穿着舒适及耐磨的角度看,Pu底比较好。价格相比较牛筋与塑料是最贵的。由聚氨酯乳液经过机器高温发泡而成。鞋底非常轻便。    4、塑料鞋底   传统说法中有新塑料和旧塑料之分,常见的原料为树脂粉料,加以碳酸钙混合,制造的鞋底密度大,重量高。耐磨性一般。而旧塑料则为回收料,包括的材料可以是PVC、真皮座椅皮料、箱包皮料等粉碎料、在粉碎后加上黑炭和油拌制而成。   旧塑料的特点是制作成的鞋底轻便、成本低廉(大约为聚氨酯的十分之一)。成品鞋常用于出口热带地区国家。    5、真皮鞋底   真皮鞋底是一种自己能自动呼吸并带动脚呼吸的鞋底,能自动释放吸收的汗液保持脚的干燥。   鞋子品牌的选择也很重要,可以选择TBA的男鞋,很耐磨又好穿。   什么鞋底最软最舒服2    儿童鞋底什么材质的比较好   PU是最轻最耐磨的.当然价格也是最贵的.   PU材料的鞋底很好认,拿在手里很轻,鞋底背面的孔都是圆的.   PVC的材料的鞋底拿在手里比TPR的要重.   TPR材料的鞋底弹性比PVC的要好,把鞋底坚的拿着,自然掉落下去,如果能弹起来的话就是TPR的   PVC材料的鞋底较TPR的要便宜,但是质量不好,特别是在冬天,很容易断底.   PVC材料的鞋底有一个特点就是没有注射孔,还有用鼻子闻的话,有味道.放着时间长的话还会长白色的东西.   TR的鞋底表面很光亮.比一般的TPR鞋底要硬一些.TR的注射孔比TPR的多.注射孔很特别.   重量上:RUBBER(橡胶)最重,PU,EVA最轻   材料上:PU贵,EVA,TPR适中,PVC最便宜   工艺上:TPR做出来就是一个成型的,而PVC要加工,ABS一般为高跟鞋的材料,贵并且硬   应用上:PVC多用在里料或非承受重量的部位、或是制造童鞋;PU革则可以适用于鞋类的面料或承受重量的部位。在包袋方面,适用的比较多的是PVC革。这是因为包袋中的物品不同于穿在鞋里的`脚,不会散发热气;不用承受个人的体重。   PU、PVC的区别方式比较容易,从边角看PU的底布要比PVC厚许多,手感方面也有区别,PU的手感柔软一些;PVC的手感较硬一些;也可以用火来烧,PU的味道比PVC的味道要淡很多。   那什么材料的鞋底防滑适合儿童呢?如下:   1、RB底,俗称:橡胶底,耐磨度好,但偏重。   2、TPR底,体质轻,但是不耐磨,不环保。   3、PR底,俗称:聚胺脂底,体质轻,但是不耐磨,可自动分解,很环保。   4、MD底,俗称:怀龙大底,底部是橡胶片,上层是高弹EVA,即防滑又轻盈,目前国内外一流品牌都是用这种底材.   5、PVC底,俗称:塑料底,不耐磨,主要用以低档鞋使用.   所以要防滑底,只有两种最好!   一个是RB橡胶底,全橡胶材质,主要用于滑板鞋,休闲鞋。   一个是MD怀龙底,底部是橡胶,主要用于登山鞋,跑鞋。   本文详细介绍了现在市场上出售的鞋子的鞋底材质。通过介绍可以知道其实鞋子的鞋底材质是存在着很大的区别的,鞋底比较好的当然价格也会贵一些。防滑的鞋底有rb橡胶底和md怀龙底。    儿童鞋如何晾晒   1、完全拧干刷完后,要把鞋子里面的水分都拧出来。这样容易快速干。鞋舌头晾干的时候要把鞋舌头从鞋子里拉出来。让鞋舌头在外面晾干。   2、鞋子尖朝上晾干鞋子的时候先鞋尖朝上立。控水一段时间。   3、然后鞋尖朝下立控干水后,就反过来立。让鞋子通风效果变强。   4、通风的位置晾干鞋子的地方,最好有直接的风流动。鞋子前方没有什么阻挡的东西。常温下通风处晾干能防止水浸入鞋底内的发泡材料。   5、晾鞋时使用鞋撑有助鞋子恢复原形,也可将纸团塞入鞋中,既能维持原形又能吸潮。   什么鞋底最软最舒服3    阿迪boost系列   跑步用的鞋子提到软首先想到的当然是阿迪的 boost 系列,真的可以用踩在“Si上的感觉来形容,简直是我穿过的跑鞋里最软的。鞋底采用了阿迪自主研发的boost技术,这也是这双鞋的的核心科技。   boost技术指跑鞋中底采用了塑料泡沫鞋底,tpu(为热塑性聚氨酯弹性体橡胶)材料经过发泡处理,tpu颗粒在高温下就像爆米花一样发泡膨胀到原来体积的10备,我们把发泡后的tpu叫说E-tpu,再将这些成千上万的发泡颗粒聚集成型便成为运动鞋的boost中底。   与传统的EVA材质中底相比,boost有着弹性更足、更轻质、缓冲更强以及更耐久的优点,而且用boost材料直接作为中底最上层可以为脚底提供更柔软更Q弹舒适的触感。   穿着感受:我的穿着感受来说boost对于入门跑者是个很不错的选择,对于膝盖的保护起到很到的作用。如果你是对时间和速度要求比较高的选手,那太软的中底和回弹带来的就是缓冲时间的增加,影响速度的发挥。   价格在1000上下    Nike zoom   Nike zoom系列相对于boost来说可能没那么软,但也足以满足一般人的穿着。Nike zoom最大的特点就是在鞋底中藏有气垫,通过气垫来让鞋底变得更有弹性、缓冲更好。   穿着感受:回弹的感觉不是特别强,对于中长距离来说是不错的选择,我就穿着Nikezoom pagesus34用来跑20km左右的路程,整体下来还算是比较舒服。   价格也在1000块左右    亚瑟士kayao   这个系列的鞋子也是采用了品牌的当家技术GEL缓震技术,即在鞋子中底加入缓震胶来增加缓冲力,据说一个鸡蛋从6米的高空落在2cm后的gel上没有破,可见其软的程度。   穿着感受:这个系列的鞋子尤其是适合大体重的人群,160斤往上踩上去效果会更明显,再加上亚瑟士鞋楦要比其它品牌稍微宽,大个子的人穿会更能感受到GEL科技带来的缓冲力。   价格:1000+

[create_time]2022-09-29 08:59:44[/create_time]2022-10-13 13:45:05[finished_time]1[reply_count]2[alue_good]温屿17[uname][avatar]TA获得超过9467个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]6339[view_count]



[create_time]2022-12-22 00:24:44[/create_time]2023-01-06 00:24:44[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]懂视生活[uname][avatar]百度认证:湖南福仁科技有限公司官方账号[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2[view_count]

red valentino是什么牌子

red valentino是valentino品牌旗下的一个系列,中文译名为华伦天奴。valentino则是世界级服饰奢饰品牌,总部设在意大利。red valentino则主打销售对象为时尚少女,因此该系列配色为大红为主,设计比较个性化。red valentino品牌惯用的蝴蝶结及荷叶边装饰为谱写浪漫的主打元素,配以粉红、裸色、淡绿等清新色彩,让穿戴起的女性更加活力。服饰运用柔软贴身的丝质面料和颜色鲜明的亮缎绸,加上合身的剪裁以及恰当的整体配搭,获得了广大上流时尚圈的喜爱。扩展资料valentino旗下的分支品牌一、Red valentin:标准色“华伦天奴红”(Valentino Red) 的采用,给人带来一种视觉上的冲击;服饰的设计深得女生时尚,自信,个性纯真,勇于活得浪漫并且也不怕展露自己不羁反叛的一面。二、VLTN系列:为valentino旗下的新生时长品牌,该系列融入了时长的运动元素,打破了传统的高贵端庄界限,创造出一些列的成衣,包袋,鞋履,配饰等。三、Valentino Garavani:该系列的主要产品为皮具为主,例如手袋、皮带、皮鞋、皮质首饰等。参考资料来源:百度百科-Valentino

[create_time]2019-03-28 16:49:44[/create_time]2014-08-09 19:22:59[finished_time]7[reply_count]29[alue_good]优雅的小六[uname],2529907474&fm=3012&app=3012&autime=1689614673&size=b200,200[avatar]关注我不会让你失望[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]60529[view_count]



[create_time]2022-05-09 15:00:49[/create_time]2022-05-21 10:46:43[finished_time]1[reply_count]3[alue_good]小熊玩科技gj[uname][avatar]世界很大,慢慢探索[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]4569[view_count]


太多太多平凡的妹子都想努力的变美,我们期待更好的自己,喜欢看到照片里好看的自己,想要被别人夸奖,享受别人注视的目光。先说说我自己,我和大家一样,平凡的一枚大学生。我有时也很邋遢,但仅限于在家,出门我从不会让自己邋遢,想要变成女神,的养成好的习惯,而习惯就要从每一次的行动中培养。发一张我昨天和姐妹出去玩的照片,记住美是给自己看的!其实真正的女神很少,我们都是平凡的女孩。 今天我来讲讲怎么让自己看起来有女神范。首先: 头发无论你爱清新动人的直发,还是风情俏皮的卷发。想要有女神既视感,必须保持头发清爽、干净、不打结、不分叉。这四点看起不难,如果你能保持的话也不简单 其次就是:脸蛋最重要的一点就是我觉得最重要的一点就是肤质好,五官我们抛开不看,肤质一定要好才能成为女神。所以抱怨自己脸蛋的姑娘们,与其每天花时间研究怎么化妆,不如花心思给自己护肤,肤质上升了,你的气质也会不一样。本人在米国,周围的韩国女生护肤真的非常认真,造就了她们的整体水平大陆的女生高,当然这只是一方面因素,其他的我会随后提到。至于化妆,我觉得生活中很多姑娘夸大了化妆的作用。化妆确实可以弥补缺陷,但是! 不是每个人都有很高的化妆技术,我们不是专业的,所以淡妆示人是一大要决!不要觉得别人觉得大浓妆好看,身边的人很少有觉得浓妆漂亮的。除非你是卖艺的。我们要花心思研究的是怎么画好一个裸妆。接下来就是:穿衣穿衣的风格更是形形色色,难以一一举例。我觉得无论你走的是什么风格,一定不要复杂的堆叠。全身的色系不要超过三个(撞色也撞不出那么多颜色)。其次就是衣服上一定不要有线头,无论多少钱的衣服,有线头就会显得很low。我给大家的建议是把要穿的衣服挂在光线充足的地方检查一遍, 确保没有污点、线头再穿。还有就是衣服不要太杂,LZ早期也曾乱买过很多形形色色的衣服,后来都闲置了,现在杨丞琳买前三思的好习惯,因为LZ在美帝,衣服的tag不剪掉的话都是可以退的,很多衣服买回来觉得不合适我就会退掉,这也是避免造成整个衣柜都是衣服,却挑不出合适的来还有我买衣服有个规则:质感大于款式再好的的款式,如果容易皱容易破的的质感,我是不会选择的,一个女生穿得花枝招展的款式能带给我的只是一瞬间的好感,而她令人舒服的衣服质感才能让我给她较高的定位

[create_time]2017-07-20 17:31:35[/create_time]2017-08-04 17:31:34[finished_time]5[reply_count]4[alue_good]ryftckr2ccbc[uname][avatar]TA获得超过616个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]26[view_count]


  利用英语经典美文开展阅读教学,是培养学生阅读能力的有效形式。下面是我带来的高中英语美文摘抄,欢迎阅读!   高中英语美文摘抄篇一   Enjoy Life Now, AND Save for Later   Often we're told that we have to suffer now — give up what we want — in order to succeed later, that in order to save we must sacrifice. Give up instant gratification to get delayed gratification.   But you can do both.   For years, I was confused about this, as I read books and websites that sent me two different messages:   Pleasure later. The first message was that in order to be successful, in order to build wealth, you have to delay gratification. You can't have instant gratification and be successful.   Pleasure now. The second message was usually from other sources on Happiness, but sometimes from the same source: enjoy life now, while you can, because it's short and you never know when your last day will come. Live every day like it's your last. Trouble is, I agree with both messages. And if you read this site often, you’ll see that I send both messages: Live frugally and simply! But also enjoy life!   That's because I've reconciled the two philosophies into one: Live life now and enjoy it to the fullest — without destroying your future. The key to doing that? Find ways to enjoy life completely, utterly, maximally … that don’t cost your future very much.   Here are some tips for actually living that philosophy:   Find free or cheap pleasures. Frugality does not have to be boring or restrictive … if you use your imagination. Be creative and find ways to have fun — loads of it — without spending much money. Have a picnic at the park, go to the beach, do crafts, board games, fly a kite, make art, bake cookies … I could list a hundred things, and you could come up with a few hundred more. Make a list of simple pleasures, and enjoy them to the maximum. This is the key to the whole idea of enjoying life now without spending tomorrow's dollar. See Savor the Little Things .   Make simplifying fun. I'm a big fan of simplifying my life, from decluttering to creating a simple lifestyle in every way. And to me, this is great fun. I get rid of stuff (and possibly make money selling it) and have a blast doing it. That’s good math.   Rediscover what’s important. Oftentimes we spend tons of money, shopping, going out, watching movies, eating out … without really enjoying life. And when we stop to think about it, we never have time for the things we really want to do. Well, that's probably because your life is filled with things that aren't very important to you. Instead, step back and really think about what’s important to you. Then get rid of the other (expensive) stuff, and focus on what's important. Listen to some stuff on my list: my wife and kids, other friends and family, reading, writing, exercising, volunteering, spending quiet time in contemplation. Guess how many of those things cost a lot of money? Read more here .   Make people a priority. This is related to the above point, but I thought I'd give it a little more emphasis. If you give "stuff" a priority — stuff like gadgets, nice furnishings, nice clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc. — then you will spend a lot of money. But if you make people a priority — the people you love most, you close friends and family — you don't need to spend a dime to enjoy life. Make some time to visit with friends, or your parents … and have a conversation with them that doesn't involve eating out or going to the movies. Just sit, have some iced tea or hot cocoa (depending on the weather), and talk. Tell jokes and laugh your heads off. Talk about books you've read, movies you’ve watched, new things going on in your life, your hopes and dreams. And make time for your kids or your significant other — really spend time with them, doing things that don't cost money. (See Spend Time with Family and Loved Ones , 100 Ways to Have Fun With Your Kids and 50 Ways to Be Romantic on the Cheap .)   Find time for yourself. Make time every day, and every week, to spend time alone. It really gives more meaning and enjoyment to your life, rather than rushing through life with no time to think, to breathe. For ideas on how to make this time, see these ways to create time for solitude .   Sometimes, splurge. You shouldn't restrict yourself from expensive pleasures all the time — it's not good to develop the feeling of deprivation. To prevent that, once in awhile, buy yourself something … or better yet, give yourself a decadent treat. I love things with dark chocolate or berries. Crepes with ice cream and berries are one of my favorites. Just don't go overboard … and learn to enjoy the splurge to the fullest. If you truly take the time to enjoy a treat, you don't need a lot of it.   Track your successes. It doesn't really matter how you track your success … you can use gold stars for creating a new simplifying or frugalfying habit, or a spreadsheet chart to track your decreasing debt and increasing savings or investments. Tracking is a great way to not only provide motivation, but make the process of changing fun.   Reward yourself. And in order to make it more fun, celebrate every little success! Set rewards for yourself (hopefully not too expensive!) along your path to success — celebrate one day, two days, three days, a week, two weeks, three, a month … you get the idea.   Volunteer. One of the most rewarding things for my family has been when we have managed to volunteer. It's actually something we only started doing last year, but since then, we've done it a bunch of times in a number of different ways. And while it doesn't cost a dime, it is tremendously satisfying in ways that money could never buy. Read more .   Live in the moment. Learn to think not so much about the past or future, but about what you are going through right now. Be present. It may seem trite, but it's the key to enjoying life to the fullest — without having to spend money. Think about it — you can spend money on eating out, but if you are not really thinking about what you're eating, you may not enjoy it much at all. But if you cook a simple but delicious meal, and really taste every bite, it can be tremendously enjoyable without costing a lot. Read more .   Slow down. In the same way, you can't really enjoy life to the fullest if it's rushing past you like it's on fast forward. Ever think about how quickly a week, a month, or a year goes by? Perhaps you're in the fast lane too much. Try slowing down, and things will be less stressful and more enjoyable. Drive slower , eat slower , live slower .   Learn to find cheap, cool stuff. Call me crazy, but I love shopping at thrift stores. You can find so many cool things there, and it costs so little. Garage sales are the same way. Or check out Freecycle , or read 20 Ways to Find Free or Cheap Books .   高中英语美文摘抄篇二   Happiness is a Choice   "Happiness, like unHappiness, is a proactive choice." - Stephen Covey   We want it. We strive for it. We envy others who have it. We can see it just beyond the horizon …as soon as we get richer, thinner, married, divorced, younger, older, find a dream job, or quit a lousy one.   Yet, how many people do you know who “have everything” and still yearn for true happiness? The kind of happiness I'm talking about is that kind that comes from within and is not based on status, position, wealth, or possessions. It's a natural resource that is readily available to all. Happiness is a choice.   It had previously been thought that the brain is unchanged by life experiences. Recent breakthroughs in psychology, neurology, and chemistry have revealed that Happiness is attainable, and the brain can actually change as a result of conscious selection of thoughts.   Experts in the field have given Happiness a nickname -- “subjective well-being.” One person's Hell may be Paradise for another. For example, bungee jumping would be sheer torture for me to endure. For a thrill-seeker friend of mine, this activity represents ultimate joy. Clearly our set points are based on different subjective criteria.   Each of us is born with a genetically coded happiness “set point” which is not based entirely on what happens to us. This explains why some people are naturally cheerful most of the time, while others walk around with a permanent scowl on their faces – determined in part by their genetic predisposition. However, according to University of Minnesota professor emeritus of psychology David Lykken, “Happiness is genetically influenced, although it is not genetically fixed. The brain's structure can be modified through practice. If you really want to be happier than your grandparents provided for in your genes, you have to learn the kinds of things you can do, day by day, to bounce your set point up and avoid the things that bounce it down.”   A study conducted with identical twins raised in different environments suggests that an individual's set point determines about 50% of their disposition to Happiness. In other words, some people are happy , regardless of their less-than-ideal circumstances, while others are unhappy , even when they seem to “have it all.”   According to Ed Diener, a professor of psychology at the University of Illinois and coeditor of the Journal of Happiness Studies , a number of tools can be used to raise subjective well-being. Here are some examples:   Getting enough sleep   Getting enough exercise   Nurturing close relationships -- connection, physical touch   Maintaining an optimistic outlook – choosing positive thoughts   Keeping a gratitude journal   Forgiving others and letting go   Utilizing signature strengths (honesty, kindness, ingenuity, love of learning, etc.) in service of something larger than yourself   Acting happy by changing your physiology -- Put on a happy smile!   meditation*   *meditation is a very effective way to change subjective well-being. Richard Davidson, professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin, found in his research that high levels of activity at the left frontal area of the cerebral cortex coincided with feelings of Happiness, joy, and alertness. Activity on the right frontal area corresponded to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and worry. Since meditation generates more left-brain activity, studies have concluded that it offers a way to produce more positive emotion.   Even in the midst of hardship, one can experience simple pleasures by using some of the tools listed above.   高中英语美文摘抄篇三   14 Timeless Ways to Live a Happy Life   How we achieve Happiness can be different for each one of us. Our passions, expectations, life experiences, and even our personalities all contribute to the level of happiness we experience in our lives. Some find Happiness in their careers while others prefer the bliss found in their marriages or other intimate relationship.   No matter how you define happiness for yourself, there are certain universal and time-proven strategies to bring, and sustain, more happiness into your life. The following 14 ways to live a happy life can be adapted and even customized to fit your needs. Over time, these strategies will become positive and life-changing habits that will begin to bring more Happiness, joy and peace into your life.   1. Notice What’s Right   Some of us see the glass as being half-full, while others see the glass as half-empty. The next time you are caught in traffic, begin thinking how nice it is to have a few moments to reflect on the day, focus on a problem you have been trying to solve, or brainstorm on your next big idea. The next time you get in the slow line at the grocery store, take the opportunity to pick up a tabloid magazine and do some “guilty pleasure” reading. Take all that life throws out you and reframe it with what’s right about the situation. At the end of the day, you will more content, at peace and happy. Take the time to begin to notice what’s right and see the world change in front of your eyes.   2. Be Grateful   How many times do you say the words “thank you,” in a day? How many times do you hear these same words? If you are doing the first thing, saying the “thank yous,” the latter will naturally happen. Learn to be grateful and you will be open to receive an abundance of joy and Happiness.   3. Remember the Kid You Were   Do you remember how to play? I’m not referring to playing a round of golf or a set of tennis. I’m talking about playing like you did when you were a child – a game of tag; leap frog, or street baseball when the bat is a broken broom handle and the bases are the parked cars. One way to find or maintain your Happiness is to remember the kid you were and play!   4. Be Kind   There is no question that by merely watching acts of kindness creates a significant elevation in our moods and increases the desire for us to perform good deeds as well. Kindness is indeed contagious and when we make a commitment to be kind to ourselves and to others we can experience new heights of joy, Happiness and enthusiasm for our lives.   5. Spend Time with Your Friends   Although an abundant social and romantic life does not itself guarantee joy, it does have a huge impact on our Happiness. Learn to spend time with your friends and make the friendships a priority in your life.   6. Savor Every Moment   To be in the moment is to live in the moment. Too often we are thinking ahead or looking ahead to the next event or circumstance in our lives, not appreciating the “here and now.” When we savor every moment, we are savoring the Happiness in our lives.   7. Rest   There are times when we need the time to unwind, decompress, or to put it simply, just “to chill.” life comes at all of us hard and fast. Time, as do the days on the calendar, keeps going forward at its own natural pace, which is not always the pace we would choose. Fatigue, stress and exhaustion may begin to settle in on us faster than we may think, or notice. The best remedy for this is indeed rest.   8. Move!   The expression a “runner’s high” does not infer an addiction, but a feeling or a state of mind - a state of euphoria. There is no question exercise, or any physical exertion, elevates your mood and enhances a more positive attitude as well as fosters better personal self-esteem and confidence. Indeed, one way to increase your Happiness is to move!   9. Put on a Happy Face   Sometimes we have to fake it until we make it. I’m not suggesting that we not be honest, real or authentic, but I’m suggesting, sometimes, we just need to put on a happy face and keep moving forward. Researchers claim that smiling and looking like we are happy will indeed make us happier. Studies further show that if we act like we are happy then we can experience greater joy and Happiness in our lives.   10. Pursue Your goals   The absence of goals in our lives, or more specifically avoiding to pursue our goals, makes us feel like we are stuck and ineffective. The pursuit of goals in our personal lives, in our relationships, or with our careers, is the difference between having a mediocre life or a life full of passion and enthusiasm. pursue your goals and watch your Happiness soar.   11. Finding Your Calling   Some find meaning in religion or spirituality while others find purpose in their work or relationships. Finding your calling may be much more than accomplishing one simple strategy for increasing your Happiness, but having a sense of purpose – of feeling like you are here for a reason – can perhaps bring the greatest joy of all   12. Get into the Flow   Flow is the form of joy, excitement and happiness that occurs when we are so absorbed in an activity we love that we can loose ourselves and time seems to stand still. What creates flow is unique to each one of us. To find and sustain true Happiness in our lives, we must get off the sidelines and get into the flow.   13. Play to Your Strengths   One way to achieve flow is by understanding and identifying our strengths and core values, and then begin to use these every day. Once we aware of our strengths and we begin to play to your strengths we can better incorporate them in all aspects of our lives.   14. Don’t Overdo It   Know when to say when. What gives you joy and Happiness the first time may not work the second time. Too much of a good thing may begin not to feel as good if the “thing” becomes more of a routine, or an expectation. Set healthy and reasonable boundaries for yourself and don’t overdo it.

[create_time]2022-06-04 17:05:25[/create_time]2022-06-18 23:38:45[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]吃瓜小能手17[uname][avatar]TA获得超过4726个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]42[view_count]


  高中英语美文摘抄 篇1   Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither(到处) , in a wayward(任性的.,不规则的) course, ove r a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.   I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy(狂喜,入迷) –ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness--that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable(深不可测的) lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what- at last- I have found.   With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have tried to apprehend(理解) the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flu. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.   Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate(回想,反响) in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.   This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.   高中英语美文摘抄 篇2   Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!"   He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.   Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, "I don't get it! You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?"   Jerry replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, "Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood." I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life."   "Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested."Yes, it is," Jerry said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live life."   I reflected on(仔细考虑) what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.   Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business: he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe his hand, shaking from nervousness, slipped off the combination. The robbers panicked and shot him.   Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local trauma(创伤) center. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body.   I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I"d be twins. Wanna see my scars?" I declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place.   "The first thing that went through my mind was that I should have locked the back door," Jerry replied. "Then, as I lay on the floor, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live, or I could choose to die. I chose to live."   "Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness(知觉) ?" I asked.Jerry continued, "The paramedics(护理人员) were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the emergency room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read, "He's a dead man." "I knew I needed to take action."   "What did you do?" I asked."Well, there was a big, burly nurse shouting questions at me," said Jerry."She asked if I was allergic to anything. "Yes," I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled, "Bullets!"   Over their laughter, I told them. "I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead."Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully.Attitude, after all, is everything.   高中英语美文摘抄 篇3   A couple,John and Mary,had two lovely children.John had just been asked to go on a business trip and would be gone for several days.Mary would go along too.They hired a reliable woman to care for children and made the trip,returning home a little earlier than they had planned.   As they drove into their home town feeling glad to be back,they noticed smoke,and they went off their usual route to see what it was.They found a home in flames.Mary said,”Oh,well, it isn’t our fire,let’s go home.”   But John drove closer and exclaimed, “That home belongs to Fred Jones who works at the plant.He wouldn’t be off wo

