
时间:2024-07-05 21:00:15编辑:奇闻君


布朗特出生在英格兰威尔特郡Tidworth,是珍(Jane)和查尔斯·布朗特(Charles Blunt)的长子,幼年曾随着身为军人的父亲居住在英格兰、塞浦路斯和德国,有两位弟妹。其父爱好驾驶飞机,受到父亲的指导,布朗特在16岁的那年就考到了机师的执照。他的家族从10世纪开始就服务于国家军队。他得到军队的补助,在布里斯托大学攻读航空工程,之后转念社会学,在1996年取得学士学位。军队生涯由于布朗特的大学学费是英国陆军补助的,依规定他得服最少四年的兵役。大学毕业后,他前往桑赫斯特皇家军事学院接受训练。在禁卫兵骑兵团服役时被任命为second lieutenant(少尉),在御林军提升到captain(上尉)。1998年,他的第一份任命是前往位在加拿大亚伯达的Suffield英国陆军训练单位,带领队伍作为对战演习敌军,长达六个月。 1999年,于北约布置在科索沃的装甲侦察部队任军官,一开始被派往侦察马其顿与南斯拉夫的边界,布朗特和他的部队在前线为北约提供轰炸塞尔维亚人的位置。在3万维和部队中,他的部队第一个前往保护Pristina国际机场,在那之前,机场一直是由俄罗斯军队控制。由于布朗特的坚持,他的部队拒绝接受北约要其攻击俄罗斯人的命令。在科索沃任务中不那么激烈的时候,他会拿出吉他登上他的坦克,当时写了一首歌《No Bravery》。布朗特是瑞士Household Cavalry阿尔卑斯山滑雪队的队长,得过皇家军队的冠军。他在2000年11月延长服役年限,在秘密的六个月马术课程后,被派到伦敦的Household Cavalry骑兵团,曾受邀参加电视节目《Girls on Top》的访谈,此节目专门介绍非寻常的职业。伊丽莎白·鲍斯-莱昂去世时,布朗特担任守护棺木的卫兵,在2002年4月9日参与丧礼。布朗特在2002年10月1日离开军队,共服役六年。 Back to Bedlam(2003–2006)2003年Blunt在制作人Tom Rothrock的帮助下,在Rothrock家的录音室里录制了专辑Back to Bedlam,专辑中有大批歌手帮忙和声,Blunt自己也亲自演奏了多种乐器。在洛杉矶的那段时间里,他在女演员CarrieFisher家寄宿,他们是在Blunt前女友家中结识的。Fisher非常支持Blunt对音乐的热爱,提出了对专辑名字的建议并且提供了一间浴室让其录制歌曲GoodbyeMy Lover。2004年3月,Blunt作为嘉宾出现在Katie Melua的曼城演唱会中,Designer杂志的Alex McCann观看后写到“Blunt的优势毋庸置疑,明年的这个时候他的专辑应该排名第一,全英音乐奖和无数的赞扬都将是他的囊中之物。”2004年10月11日发行专辑《Back to Bedlam》当时Blunt并不出名,其首张专辑只引起了乐评界很小的关注,英国主流音乐杂志上也没有关于此张专辑的评论文章。他的现场表演大多数是为更加出名歌手的表演中担任伴奏,之后的评论中会穿插着少许对他的赞扬。当对Blunt缺乏表演经验,与听众不能保持长久联系的评论出现时,也有人说他的音乐很有Damien Rice和David Gray的感觉。不做任何公开宣传行程的他,一个人带着一把吉他,在英国各地的小酒馆一站一站,慢慢地唱出他对生命的体认。2004年10月18日,布朗特在英国发行的第一首单曲叫做“心情超好”(High),一开始并没有受到很大的关注。High是James Blunt与RickyRoss和Deacon Blue共同创作完成)。但并未进入英国Top100单曲榜,然而却被Vodafone(跨国性的移动电话运营商)选做了在意大利的广告歌曲。High成为了意大利Top10单曲,接着04、05年交接之际又被Elton John、Lloyd Cole和the Commotions选做宣传歌曲,伦敦一家名为93FeetEast的酒吧也把High定为必演曲目。2005年3月,Blunt推出了第2支单曲Wisemen。2005年5月30日,2005年8月,直到他的单曲“美丽的你”(You're Beautiful) 发行,他才渐渐为公众所注意。这支单曲发行不久便获得英国流行歌曲排行榜12位的好成绩,后迅速攀升至冠军并停留6周。英国各电台也都大肆播放这首歌,无形中将Back toBedlam推到了UKAlbumsChart榜的榜首。大量的歌曲播送让Blunt和他的合作伙伴最终获得了Ivor Novello Award中的最广泛演出奖。单曲“美丽的你”不仅在英国广受欢迎,还横跨英吉利海峡流行到欧洲大陆,在爱尔兰、荷兰、葡萄牙及瑞典获得冠军,成为2005年夏天最热门的单曲之一。不仅在欧洲,在加拿大,单曲“美丽的你”也广受好评;之后You're Beautiful登陆美国,经由纽约著 名电台WPLJ播放,在此之前这首歌从未在美国电台进行过任何形式的发布。秋季,Adult Contemporary,Adult Top40,和AdultAlternative3个电台榜单上You're Beautiful全都进入了Top10。2006年You'reBeautiful排在了BillboardHot100的榜首,这让Blunt成为了近十年来第一位能引领美国单曲榜的英国歌手,上一次出现这种情况还是在1997年。当时,Elton John凭借Candle in the Wind1997也取得了这样的成绩。在美国,它一举夺得公告牌100单曲(Billboard TOP100)的冠军宝座。《You're Beautiful》风靡全球,这是他的突破之作。布朗特的个人专辑“不安于室”,借助单曲“美丽的你”的人气,在全世界流行开来,相继在英国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大、德国、瑞士、瑞典、丹麦、希腊、比利时及奥地利等国获得冠军专辑,全球销量达850万张。在2006年1月,“美丽的你”作为日本电视剧“小早川伸木之恋”的插曲被使用。2005年12月,Goodbye My Lover一经推出,就占据了UK单曲榜的第4位,之后不久又攀升到了亚军位置。2006年,High和Wisemen复刻发行,Blunt在庆祝他获得了5项全英音乐奖提名、摘得最佳男艺人和最佳流行表演类桂冠的同时,也展开了一场长达11个月的环球巡演。2005年秋,Blunt作为嘉宾出现在温弗里脱口秀和Saturday Night Live两档节目中,人气扶摇直上。05至06年间Back toBedlam中有8首歌曲被选作了电视节目(TheO.C.,Grey'sAnatomy等)宣传曲、电影主题曲和广告(Hilton Hotels, Sprint telecommunications)歌曲。2007年2月,第49届格莱美颁奖典礼中Blunt演唱了“You‘reBeautiful”并把它献给了其后的Ahmet Ertegün(Atlantic Records旗下歌手,音乐流派为独立摇滚)。但是他没有赢得所获5项提名中的任何一个奖项。Back to Bedlam最终售出11,000,000张,在16个地区的专辑榜上都高居榜首。在美国,该专辑卖出了2,600,000张,有两周成为白金唱片,而在英国的销售成绩超过3,000,000张,是10周的白金唱片。Backto Bedlam是06年全球最卖座的专辑。2005年Blunt举行了90场现场演出,其中大多数在英国和欧洲各国展开,年底他还作为嘉宾出现在JasonMraz的北美巡演中。2006年元月“不安于室世界巡演”悄然开始,途经欧洲各大城市、英国、澳大利亚、新西兰和日本,此外在北美还有另外3场巡演,此次巡演于11月结束。不算受邀演唱,Blunt在06年举行的演出超过140场。Blunt很喜欢巡演的经历,他曾说这样(指巡回演出)他自己和他的乐队在生命中的每一天都可以去新的地方。然而所发行的Back To Bedlam中的音乐录影带都带有象征主义和暗色意象。High的第一支音乐录影带里,Blunt被埋葬在一片沙海之 中。而Wisemen的第一支音乐录影带中,他被绑架并被当成了人质。在You're beautiful里,Blunt婉转表现了跳海自杀的意境。、没有花俏的布景,没有大量电脑特效的后制,JamesBlunt一个人站在靠海的悬崖边,一句一句真切地唱出邂逅刹那的美丽及感动。唱着唱着,JamesBlunt便一件件地退去身上的衣服,及随身携带物品,包括菸盒、鞋子、手表……就像以最真切最诚实地告白一般,唱出男女邂逅时的感动。当歌曲快结束时,随着歌曲最后一句歌词“我知我不可能再拥有你”,James Blunt便一跃而下向悬崖边里的海面跳去。 这支音乐录影带在英国引起高度讨论,有人认为他跳下悬崖的原因,是无法拥有心仪女生而有如此表现,但也有人认为这是他对战争的无言抗议,暗指他在任职军官时,被派至科索沃目睹当地血腥内战的伤痛回忆。而歌词中美丽的你指的就是科索沃,在经过内战摧残后,再也不见这块美丽的土地,以一句”我知我不可能再拥有你”来暗指科索沃这块分裂的土地再也难回到之前的美丽。再次推出的High中,Blunt在森海里奔跑,而在再次推出的Wisemen里,他烧掉了一堆证件,接着浑身着火在森林里穿行。Goodbye MyLover中,他则扮演了一个第三者,想象着三角恋爱中他与另外两个人的关系。 All the Lost Souls(2007–2008)2007年9月18号,Blunt的第2张录音室专辑All the Lost Souls于在美国发行,英国在此前一天推出了这张专辑。第一周,AlltheLostSouls就卖出了650,000张,而在英国仅仅4天,它就创下了黄金销量。2008年1月底,英国的销售统计为600,000张,全球的销量为350,000张。06年至07年的冬季,Blunt在伊维萨岛的家中创作完成了专辑中的歌曲,而早在05-06的巡演中他就演唱了包含在All the Lost Souls中的5首专辑曲目。专辑中歌词、旋律和和声的后期制作则由Blunt的巡演乐队和制作人Tom Rothrock一并润色完成。他的第一张专辑没有引起太多评论性关注,但是世界各大主流音乐刊物的评论却全都汇集在了All the Lost Souls上。乐评的两极分化很明显,一些乐评家给与了该专辑严厉的斥责,而其余的评论则洋溢着赞许之情。The Hartford Courant的Eric Danton在对All the Lost Souls的评论中写道:“十分平淡,即使再奢华,硬面包还是硬面包”,滚石则评价该专辑为“易忘的情歌”。Billboard的Kerri Mason在评论中评价Blunt时写道“(他)表现出了做一个长盛艺人而不是打榜奇迹的热情和自信”,对于专辑,Mason则写道“从头至尾,没有令人不满意的歌曲”。同样热情洋溢的评论来自The Observer的Liz Hoggard,他写道“想要抵挡Blunt行吟歌者的渴望是不可能的。”尽管All the Lost Souls获得的不全是喝彩之声,但相比首张专辑,它获得的评论要远远超过Back To Bedlam。Back To Bedlam仅是在You're Beautiful获得成功后才真正引起了乐评人的关注。All the Lost Souls中的第一首歌曲“1973”是Blunt在Pacha有感而作的单曲。Pacha是伊维萨岛上的一家俱乐部, 于1973年经营至今。“1973”成了Blunt另一首在WorldSingles Top40和Billboard European Hot100 Singleschart榜上的冠军单曲。D.J.PeteTong制作了1973的混音版并在2007 年夏季在Pacha播放了此混音版。第2首歌曲“Same Mistake”于07年12月初推出,但没有取得很好的成绩,在UK榜单上排名57。第3首歌曲“Carry You Home”在08年3月推出,在UK榜单上排名20。2007年年底,Blunt与法国饶舌歌手Sinik合作演唱了歌曲“jeréalise”。


詹姆斯·布朗(James Brown 1933-2006),出生于美国南卡罗莱纳州的巴恩韦尔,被誉为美国灵魂乐的教父(Godfather of Soul),说唱、嘻哈和迪斯科等音乐类型的奠基人。11953年开始演唱生涯2。1965年,詹姆斯·布朗凭借《老爸的新袋子》获得格莱美最佳R&B唱片,从20世纪50年代至70年代中期,美国歌坛的两次变革都与他有关。布朗一生录制了逾50张专辑,单曲超过119支。布朗曾于1965年和1987年获得格莱美两项大奖,并于1992年加冕格莱美终身成就奖。他还是1986年首批入选摇滚名人堂的歌手之一3。2006年12月25日凌晨1点45分因肺炎不幸在美国去世,享年73岁。

james blunt的个人资料谁有?

  艺 名:James Blunt [ 詹姆斯·布朗特]
  本 名: James Hillier Blount [詹姆斯·希利尔·布朗特]
  别 名:上尉诗人 (The captain poet)
  生 日:1974年2月22日 (星期五)
  星 座:双鱼座
  身 高:173cm(五英尺八英寸)
  代表作:《you're beautiful》
  喜爱的食物:Buffalo wings (鸡翅的一种特殊烧法)
  喜欢的歌手组合:The Flaming Lips
  最喜欢自己的歌: 《you're beautiful》(上尉指每一次都能让他获得乐趣)
  电影作品:James Blunt Return to Kosovo《詹姆斯·布朗特:重返科索沃》(纪录片)
  Till You're Told to Stop《我心永恒》(纪录片)

  布朗特出生在英格兰威尔特郡Tidworth,是珍(Jane)和查尔斯·布朗特(Charles Blunt)的长子,幼年曾随着身为军人的父亲居住在英格兰、塞浦路斯和德国,有两位弟妹。其父爱好驾驶飞机,受到父亲的指导,布朗特在16岁的那年就考到了机师的执照。他的家族从10世纪开始就服务于国家军队。
  由于布朗特的大学学费是英国陆军补助的,依规定他得服最少四年的兵役。大学毕业后,他前往桑赫斯特皇家军事学院接受训练。在禁卫兵骑兵团服役时被任命为second lieutenant(少尉),在御林军提升到captain(上尉)。1998年,他的第一份任命是前往位在加拿大亚伯达的Suffield英国陆军训练单位,带领队伍作为对战演习敌军,长达六个月。 1999年,于北约布置在科索沃的装甲侦察部队任军官,一开始被派往侦察马其顿与南斯拉夫的边界,布朗特和他的部队在前线为北约提供轰炸塞尔维亚人的位置。在3万维和部队中,他的部队第一个前往保护Pristina国际机场,在那之前,机场一直是由俄罗斯军队控制。由于布朗特的坚持,他的部队拒绝接受北约要其攻击俄罗斯人的命令。在科索沃任务中不那么激烈的时候,他会拿出吉他登上他的坦克,当时写了一首歌《No Bravery》。
  布朗特是瑞士Household Cavalry阿尔卑斯山滑雪队的队长,得过皇家军队的冠军。他在2000年11月延长服役年限,在秘密的六个月马术课程后,被派到伦敦的Household Cavalry 骑兵团,曾受邀参加电视节目《Girls on Top》的访谈,此节目专门介绍非寻常的职业。伊丽莎白·鲍斯-莱昂去世时,布朗特担任守护棺木的卫兵,在2002年4月9日参与丧礼。布朗特在2002年10月1日离开军队,共服役六年。
  布朗特表示他在音乐生涯的成功使得他和家人的关系更亲密,父亲负责管理他的财务,母亲则打理购买他们在Ibiza的度假屋的事宜。 他的社交生活是讨论的焦点,特别是狗仔媒体。他喜好夜店的生活,与名人社交。他过去的感情有:《哈利波特》的角色指导迪希·崔西(Dixie Chassay)、音乐家卡蜜拉·柏勒(Camilla Boler)和名模佩特拉·内姆科娃。

  布朗特在幼年时上过钢琴和小提琴课,到了中学才大量接触流行音乐,受到同学的影响学习吉他,在14岁时开始写歌。就读布里斯托大学时,他的毕业论文题目是〈形象的商品化:流行偶像的诞生〉(The Commodification of Image - Production of a Pop Idol)。 布朗特在2002年离开英国军队,为了能展开他的音乐生涯,将姓氏Blount改成Blunt当作艺名,方便拼写。离开军队不久后,他与EMI唱片公司签唱片约,和Twenty-First Artists公司签经纪约。之后,琳达·佩瑞(Linda Perry)在2003年创立Custard唱片公司,她拜访伦敦,听到布朗特的宣传带,且听了他现场表演,几天后便和他签约,一个月后,布朗特就前往洛杉矶进行录音工作Tom Rothrock.
  不安于室(Back to Bedlam)
  布朗特在英国发行的第一首单曲叫做“心情超好”(High),一开始并没有受到很大的关注。直到他的单曲“美丽的你”(You're Beautiful)发行,他才渐渐为公众所注意。这支单曲发行不久便获得英国流行歌曲排行榜12位的好成绩,后迅速攀升至冠军并停留6周,一时间英国大街小巷都在播放它,成为布朗特最受欢迎的单曲。 单曲“美丽的你”不仅在英国广受欢迎,还横跨英吉利海峡流行到欧洲大陆,在爱尔兰、荷兰、葡萄牙及瑞典获得冠军,成为2005年夏天最热门的单曲之一。不仅在欧洲,在加拿大,单曲“美丽的你”也广受好评;在美国,它一举夺得公告牌100单曲(Billboard TOP100)的冠军宝座。
  布朗特的个人专辑“不安于室”,借助单曲“美丽的你”的人气,在全世界流行开来,相继在英国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大、德国、瑞士、瑞典、丹麦、希腊、比利时及奥地利等国获得冠军专辑,全球销量达850万张。 Back To Bedlam在2006年1月,“美丽的你”作为日本电视剧“小早川伸木之恋”的插曲被使用,变成了话题。
  01. 心情超好(High)
  02. 美丽的你(You're Beautiful)
  03. 智者(Wise Men)
  04. 再见了!我的爱人(Goodbye My Lover)
  05. 泪水与雨水(Tears and Rain)
  06. 疯了!(Out of my Mind)
  07. 永别了!吉米(So Long, Jimmy)
  08. 比利(Billy)
  09. 哭吧!(Cry)
  10. 勇气不再(No Bravery)
  失落的灵魂(All the Lost Souls)
  2007年9月,在全球乐迷的引颈期盼下,布朗特终于发行了其自"Back To Bedlam不安于室"之后的首张全新录音室专辑"All The Lost Souls失落的灵魂",除了在音乐风格上保留"Back To Bedlam不安于室"中那舒缓动人的钢琴弹唱外,还加进了一点纯朴动人的民谣风,一点蓝调摇滚情感,还有一点随着心情摆荡的恣意快感。"All The Lost Souls失落的灵魂"不仅迅速拿下全球逾20国的排行榜冠军宝座,在台湾成为实体、网络唱片行专辑销售榜与数字专辑榜三冠王,而其所录的「1973」「Same Mistake」「Carry You Home」「I Really Want You」等作品,亦相继成为各排行榜上的娇客。
  All The Lost Souls专辑曲目:
  01. 1973
  02. One Of The Brightest Stars
  03. I'll Take Everything
  04. Same Mistake
  05. Carry You Home
  06. Give Me Some Love
  07. I Really Want You
  08. Shine On
  09. Annie
  10. I Can't Hear The Music
  Chasing Time The Bedlam Session
  发行时间: 2006年2月13日
  01. Wisemen (Live)
  02. High (Live) Chasing Time: The Bedlam Sessions
  03. Cry (Live)
  04. Goodbye My Lover (Live)
  05. So Long, Jimmy (Live)
  06. Sugar Coated (Live)
  07. You're Beautiful (Live)
  08. Billy (Live)
  09. Fall At Your Feet (Live)
  10. Tears & Rain (Live)
  11. No Bravery (Live)
  12. Where Is My Mind? (Live)
  All The Lost Souls(Tour Edition)
  01.One Of The Brightest Stars(Acoustic) 02.I'll Take Everything
  03.I Really Want You
  04.Goodbye My Lover
  06.Carry You Home
  07.Same Mistake
  09.One of the Brightest Stars (Acoustic)
  10.1973 (Acoustic)
  11.1973 (Acoustic)
  12.I Can t Hear the Music
  13.Same Mistake (Acoustic)
  Some Kind of Trouble
  Some Kind Of Trouble是英国软摇滚艺术家James Blunt的第三张录音室专辑。该专辑在2010年1月到8月间于Blunt在洛杉矶的私人录音室中录制。2010年11月8日在英国发行。专辑的首发单曲,Stay The Night于2010年10月25日发行。专辑共包含9首歌,Deluxe Version则包含13首歌。
  some kind of trouble01. Stay the Night
  02. Dangerous
  03. Best Laid Plans
  04. So Far Gone
  05. No Tears
  06. Superstar
  07. These Are the Words
  08. Calling Out Your Name
  09. Heart of Gold
  10. I'll Be Your Man
  11. If Time Is All I Have
  12. Turn Me On
  13. Into The Dark
  "High" · "You're Beautiful" · "Wisemen" · "Goodbye My Lover" · "1973" · "Same Mistake" · "Carry You Home" · "I Really Want You" · "Love, Love, Love" · "Stay the Night"

  MTV 欧洲音乐大奖-最佳表演新人奖 Q 音乐奖-最佳表演新人奖
  NRJ 音乐奖(法国)-最佳国际新人 英国音乐大奖-最佳流行歌手、最佳男演唱人
  ECHO 奖(德国)-最佳国际新人
  MTV 澳大利亚音乐电视大奖-年度最佳歌曲“You're Beautiful”

求james blunt 的英文个人介绍


“I’ve been on a bit of a roller coaster,” says James Blunt, in his typically dry, British understatement. Two albums, two world tours and 18 million records sold later, Blunt has taken a journey that few ever experience. Now, with his compelling new Custard/Atlantic album “Some Kind of Trouble”, he’s back home.

The album is delightfully upbeat and uncynical. “It captures a bit of the mood of the early ‘80s. There was a global atmosphere in the West that we could do anything – the same optimism we felt as teenagers,” says Blunt,. ‘Some Kind of Trouble’ really captures that same sense of freedom and excitement and naivety.”

Blunt’s first album, “Back to Bedlam,” catapulted him into worldwide superstardom on the strength of such massive songs as “You’re Beautiful,” “High” and “Goodbye My Lover.” His second album, 2007’s “All the Lost Souls,” debuted at No. 1 in 10 countries, selling nearly 5 million copies globally and featuring such hits as “1973,” ”Same Mistake” and “Carry You Home.” He has received numerous awards and accolades including two Brit Awards, two World Music Awards, two MTV Video Music Awards, an MTV European Music Award and five Grammy nomination.

Blunt now sees the first two albums as a pair of book ends –action and reaction. “Some Kind of Trouble” starts a new chapter. “The second album was quite introverted. It was about perception. But these new songs are not about fame and celebrity – they’re about reality,” Blunt says. “I’ve been hanging out with my friends, writing songs about the world we live in, and where we want to go.”

Produced mainly by Steve Robson, key tracks include the bittersweet “These are the Words,” the trenchant, pointed “Superstar” and the infectious “Stay the Night,” a sexy, acoustic-guitar driven, party song about “singing ‘Billie Jean’ and mixing vodka and caffeine.” Written by Blunt, Robson, and OneRepublic’s Ryan Tedder, the song also shouts-out to the legendary Bob Marley, referencing the reggae master’s “Is This Love.” In addition to collecting his first (and likely last) co-write with Marley, “Stay the Night” marks the first time Blunt has written with two other songwriters in the same room or started songs from scratch.

Indeed, a sense of freshness and spontaneity pervades “Some Kind of Trouble,” which Blunt recorded largely in London. “Previously, I would write a song and we’d go and record it later. This time, it was very much come in with nothing,” Blunt recalls. “There was a sense of energy and excitement, to just have fun in the studio and make a noise. We did that and felt natural.” In addition to Robson, with whom he wrote the majority of the album, Blunt also wrote with The Bird & the Bee’s Greg Kurstin, Better Than Ezra’s Kevin Griffin, Wayne Hector and “All the Lost Souls” collaborator Eg White, with whom he wrote the brash “Turn Me On,” which will probably dispel the idea of Blunt as “Mr. Sensitive”. “People expect me to be quite a serious person, who takes life and myself seriously, and that’s not really the case,” he says. “Maybe they’ll see another side in this album?”

That doesn’t mean the “Some Kind of Trouble” is scared to tackle some heavy topics. The album’s anchor is “No Tears,” an unsentimental ballad about “the summing up of a life,” Blunt says. “There are certain songs along the way that are milestones - that define a writer to themselves. Goodbye My Lover was that song on the first album. Same Mistake was from the second. No Tears is my milestone on this album.”

In this tabloid-driven age of overexposure, Blunt fervently wants the music to have the first and final word. “I have a Twitter account which my label and management want me to do and I can’t engage with it in a way they want me to,” he admits. “They want me to say ‘I’m eating this for breakfast’ and I’m upset about this in the world today.’ The world wants public figures to over-share and I don’t feel comfortable doing it, so I kind of enjoy the way the songs try to speak for themselves.”

It’s not that he’s not concerned about world events, it’s more that in this self-absorbed world, he is an artist who realizes the world does not revolve around him. “With so much attention, it’s easy for musicians to think too much of themselves and their position in the world,” he says. “We’re not worthy of that kind of self consideration.” In fact, Blunt feels the best use of celebrity is to use it to shine the spotlight with those doing good. As he had done on previous concert treks, on his 2008-2009 globe-spanning tour Blunt raised funds for Doctors Without Borders, the international medical humanitarian organization whose work the Sandhurst graduate witnessed first hand as a British military officer stationed in Kosovo. He also works closely with Friends of the Earth to increase awareness of climate change.

Indeed, as much as he loves making new music, for Blunt, the ultimate joy comes from playing the songs live and sharing them with an audience. And with a new tour starting in 2011, he’s looking forward to getting back out there. As the recording process comes to a close, he’s waiting to climb back on the bus. “Put the album out and get me on tour,” he says. “We’re going to have the time of our lives playing these songs.”
James Blunt is the English singer-songwriter who shot to fame in 2005 with the single You're Beautiful and the album Back to Bedlam. Since then he has sold over three million records, and In March 2006 he become the first UK artist to top the US singles chart since 1997.
James Blunt is certainly no Brad Pitt, but how many great musicians are? Amazing looks and musical talent simply aren't regular bedfellows. Not that James Blunt is unattractive, far from it. Indeed it's his everyday kind of good looks combined with his undoubted musical abilities that justify his place on this list.

It's sometimes difficult to identify a specific moment in a musician's career where he hit his hottest notes. But with James it was probably in the video for his song Goodbye My Lover where he frolicked in bed with stunning actress Mischa Barton from the television series The OC.
James Hillier Blount, or James Blunt as we know him, was born February 22nd 1977 in Hampshire, England. He studied at Harrow, the famous public school for boys, before joining the army to fight for Queen and country.

James spent four and a half years in the military, six months of which was in Kosovo as part of the peace keeping force.

Upon leaving the army, James decided to pursue his dream of becoming a musician. In 2003 he was spotted by music producer Linda Perry who signed him to her Custard label.

After his first two singles failed to make an impact on the British charts, James looked destined to become another struggling singer trying to scrape a living. But everything changed when his third single You're Beautiful, made it all the way to number one on the U. K. singles chart, and remained there for five weeks. The album Back To Bedlam soon followed and quickly became one the biggest selling records of the year, spending ten consecutive weeks at number one.

In March 2006 You're Beautiful topped the US singles chart, making James the first British artist to do so since Elton John hit the top spot way back in in 1997.


詹姆斯·布朗特(James Blunt)自出道来就得一美誉,“上尉诗人”。上尉是说他之前当过兵,诗人是说他唱歌很妖娆。歌坛里有诗人之称的不在少数,但能够得上上尉级别的还真不多,詹姆斯·布朗特,这个英国男人,一入道就比其他人名声大。但称呼就只是个符号,更多时候就是张空头支票,兑现不能,叫保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)都得叫“爵士(Sir)”,提迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)都得提“天王(King)”。这多半是出于尊重,与肯定其成就与否无关。“上尉诗人” 詹姆斯·布朗特,有时候甚至是一种调侃。事实上,他也并不是明星坯子,因为没有偶像气质,硬件条件太过于欠缺,既没有美到让男人想搞基,也没有丑到女人想骂娘。如果当初不是在歌曲《You Are Beautiful》的MV里连脱掉上衣鞋袜,真看不出他能单靠身形有何吸引大众的魅力。《You Are Beautiful》是火了,火到即使现在大多数人也都能将它随口就唱出来,这与《老鼠爱大米》在国内走红的道理是一样,一首简单到不能再简单的歌曲突然一下像病毒般传播开来。时机占了一半功劳,就是钻了流行歌坛的空子,因为与其它流行曲子不一样,所以让人觉得新鲜。但,这种奇迹只能发生一次,《You Are Beautiful》2.0版未有出现,从后来的几张专辑来看,詹姆斯·布朗特也的确未能再创狂销奇迹。《You Are Beautiful》对于詹姆斯·布朗特来说就是头顶上一高悬的光环,有一圈足以,再多几圈也就那么大的亮光。詹姆斯·布朗特不适合走完全主流的道路,他跟戴米安·莱斯(Damien Rice)才是同胞兄弟,两人都可以写出沁人心脾的好歌,但这些歌不应该成为完全的流行口水歌,这对于歌手本人是屈才且完全不合适的,歌手都有各自成长的土壤,此二人就该是独立歌手的范儿。由于《You Are Beautiful》的大热,詹姆斯·布朗特的处女作《Back to Bedlam》不小心就成了主流专辑,而后的《All the Lost Souls》却证明,他并非主流歌手的范式,而是小众歌手的料子。好事的媒体将《All the Lost Souls》猛批一顿,因为他们再也找不到《You Are Beautiful》。其实歌手写歌就是揭伤疤,揭一次可以,要次次都揭同一块伤疤,那结果只能是麻木不仁。詹姆斯·布朗特没有揭开同一块伤疤,这其实是自我救赎,他无法为了成就大名而去专职写口水歌。《Some Kind of Trouble》就是最好证明,他早就将百万销量的成绩抛到脑后,安心做一独立小众歌手。现实地想,以《Back to Bedlam》的销量成绩足以让他过好后半辈子,既然衣食无忧了何不做点自己喜欢的事情?唱慢情歌,不仅仅是他喜欢做的,而且是适合他做的事情,只有这样,大众对他的评判才能离开主流标准,不要再以《You Are Beautiful》的标准来衡量他现在的作品,因为那首歌本来就是一个假象。《Some Kind of Trouble》里没有一夜爆红的单曲,但却有美妙的旋律,《Best Laid Plans》、《Superstar》这些都是听歌的人想听到,写歌的想写出的好歌。整张专辑可以毫无障碍的听下来。因为,你不是在以一张流行专辑的标准来衡量它,而是以音乐本身。好音乐不是销量冠军,不是排行榜首位,应该是耳朵的润滑剂,舒服舒畅舒心。排行榜上詹姆斯·布朗特拼不过X Factor的选秀冠军,但他可以轻易地征服一只只耳朵。自埃尔·顿约翰(Elton John)、菲尔·柯林斯(Phil Collins)、乔治·哈里森(George Harrison)之后英国又多一唱情歌到随心所欲境界的好歌手。我曾说对于詹姆斯·布朗特而言,“温柔是瓶颈”,这是对于主流标准来说的,主流界不需要太多的重复,急需的是突破,就像是《You Are Beautiful》一夜之间的爆红。主流大众就喜欢这样的刺激,他们不在乎每天吃一样的东西,但在乎每一天不能听一样的歌曲,做流行歌手最难的不是唱歌,而是唱不出新鲜的歌,对于完全不能靠脸蛋以及卖萌卖骚吃饭的詹姆斯·布朗特来说,做个低调的小众歌手才是明路。做不了大明星不可怕,可怕的是做不了还想做。詹姆斯·布朗特做不了大明星,索性他也没有这个念头,他不需要成为大体育场的卖座明星,发张专辑,唱几首感动人的歌曲,足矣。“今晚我们能做回自己吗?(Tonight can we be free to be who we really are?)”詹姆斯·布朗特在《Superstar》是这么唱的,他做回了自己


詹姆斯·布朗特被称为“上尉诗人 ...因为他有过一段军旅生涯,在女王亲卫队服役期间,Blunt被任命为副官,之后在这支皇家骑兵卫队里他又晋升为上尉。

求詹姆士布朗特歌曲1973歌词 要中英对照的

James Blunt

Simona 希姆娜
You\'re getting older 青春不再眷顾你
Your journey\'s been 往昔印刻
Etched on your skin 在你的容颜
Simona 希姆娜
Wish i have known that 我真希望我能明白
What seemed so strong 曾经存在于我们之间的默契
Has been and gone 一直走
I will call you up every saturday night 我会在每周六约你
And we both stayed up \'til the morning light 心手相连,直到天明
And we sang \"here we go again\" 我们一起歌唱著“Here we go again”
And though time goes by 纵使青春不再
I will always be 我也会一直
In a club with you 在那个酒吧陪著你
When nineteen seventy three 在那个令人难忘的1973年
Singing \"here we go again\" 歌唱著:“Here we go again”
Simona 希姆娜
Wish i was sober 我希望我能保持清醒
So i could see clearly now 才能看清现实的一切
The rain has gone 暴风雨已经过去
Simona 希姆娜
I guess it\'s over 是否一切已经结束了
My memory plays our tune 在我记忆中
The same old song 那首老歌还一直萦绕
I will call you up every saturday night 我会在每周六约你
And we both stayed up \'til the morning light 心手相连,直到天明
And we sang \"here we go again\" 我们一起歌唱著:“Here we go again”
And though time goes by 纵使青春不再
I will always be 我也会一直
In a club with you 在那个酒吧陪著你直到1973
When nineteen seventy three 在那个令人难忘的1973年
Singing \"here we go again\" 歌唱著:“Here we go again”
I will call you up every saturday night 我会在每周六约你
And we both stayed up \'til the morning light 心手相连,直到天明
And we sang \"here we go again\" 我们一起歌唱著:“Here we go again”
And though time goes by 纵使青春不再
I will always be 我也会一直
When nineteen seventy three 在那个令人难忘的1973年
In a club with you 在那个酒吧陪著你
Singing \"here we go again\" 歌唱著:“Here we go again”
I will call you up every saturday night 我会在每周六约你
And we both stayed up \'til the morning light 心手相连,直到天明
And we sang \"here we go again\" 我们一起歌唱著:“Here we go again”
And though time goes by 纵使青春不再
I will always be 我也会一直
In a club with you 在那个酒吧陪著你
When nineteen seventy three 在那个令人难忘的1973年
Singing \"here we go again\" 歌唱著:“Here we go again”
And though time goes by 心手相连,直到天明
I will always be 我也会一直
In a club with you 在那个酒吧陪著你
When nineteen seventy three 在那个令人难忘的1973年

詹姆斯 布朗特的《1973》 歌词

歌曲名:1973歌手:詹姆斯 布朗特专辑:单曲-19731973James Bluntsimona 希姆娜you're getting older 青春不再眷顾你.your journey's been etched on your skin 往昔印刻在你的容颜.simona 希姆娜.wish i had known that 我真希望我能明白.we seemed so strong 曾经存在于我们之间的默契.we've been there and gone 我们匆匆而来,又转身离去.i will call you up everyday saturday night 我会在每周六约你.and we both stayed out 'til the morning light 心手相连,直到天明.and we sang, "here we go again" 我们一起吟唱着:“here we go again”.and though time goes by 纵使青春不再.i will always be in a club with you 我也会一直在那个酒吧陪着你.in 1973 在那个令人难忘的1973.singing "here we go again" 吟唱着:“here we go again”simona 希姆娜.wish i was sober 我希望我能保持清醒.so i could see clearly now 才能看清现实的一切.the rain has gone 暴风雨已经过去.simona 希姆娜i guess it's over 是否一切已经结束了.my memory plays our tune the same old song 那首老歌还一直在我记忆中萦绕.i will call you up everyday saturday night 我会在每周六约你.and we both stayed out 'til the morning light 心手相连,直到天明.and we sang, "here we go again" 我们一起吟唱着:“here we go again”.and though time goes by 纵使青春不再.i will always be in a club with you 我也会一直在那个酒吧陪着你.in 1973 在那个令人难忘的1973.singing "here we go again" 吟唱着:“here we go again”i will call you up everyday saturday night 我会在每周六约你.and we both stayed out 'til the morning light 心手相连,直到天明.and we sang, "here we go again" 我们一起吟唱着:“here we go again”a.and though time goes by 纵使青春不再.i will always be in a club with you 我也会一直在那个酒吧陪着你.in 1973 在那个令人难忘的1973.singing "here we go again" 吟唱着:“here we go again”.i will call you up everyday saturday night 我会在每周六约你.and we both stayed out 'til the morning light 心手相连,直到天明.and we sang, "here we go again" 我们一起吟唱着:“here we go again”.and though time goes by 纵使青春不再.i will always be in a club with you 我也会一直在那个酒吧陪着你.in 1973 在那个令人难忘的1973.singing "here we go again" 吟唱着:“here we go again”.and though time goes by 纵使青春不再.i will always be in a club with you 我也会一直在那个酒吧陪着你.in 1973 在那个令人难忘的1973......http://music.baidu.com/song/15400508

詹姆士 布朗特 good bye my lover 这首歌的中文歌词

GOOD BYE MY LOVER - James Blunt [再见我的爱 ]

Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.

So I took what's mine by eternal right.
[因此我坚持我自己是永恒的真理 ]
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.

You touched my heart you touched my soul.
[你抚慰我的心灵我的灵魂 ]
You changed my life and all my goals.
[你改变我的生活我的追逐 ]
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.

I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.

Goodbye my lover. [再见我的爱]
Goodbye my friend. [再见我的朋友]
You have been the one. [你是唯一]
You have been the one for me.(2x) [你是我今生的唯一]

I am a dreamer but when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
[记住我们,记住我们一起的时光 ]

I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.

I know your fears and you know mine.
[我们相互知晓彼此的恐惧 ]
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.

Goodbye my lover. [再见我的爱]
Goodbye my friend. [再见我的朋友]
You have been the one. [你是唯一]
You have been the one for me.(2x) [你是我今生的唯一]

And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
[在我熟睡的时候 ]
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
(注:单膝跪,MS求婚- -`|||,即当此男人拜倒在某女人的牛仔裤下)

Goodbye my lover. [再见我的爱]
Goodbye my friend. [再见我的朋友]
You have been the one. [你是唯一]
You have been the one for me.(2x) [你是我今生的唯一]

I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow

Goodbye my lover詹姆斯布朗 中英文歌词

goodbye my lover 歌手:james 专辑:back to bedlam
goodbye my lover
james blunt
did i disappoint you or let you down?
should i be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'cause i saw the end before we'd begun
yes i saw you were blinded
and i knew i had won
so i took what's mine by eternal right
took your soul out into the night
it may be over but it won't stop there
i am here for you if you'd only care
you touched my heart you touched my soul
you changed my life and all my goals
and love is blind and that i knew when
my heart was blinded by you
i've kissed your lips and held your head
shared your dreams and shared your bed
i know you well, i know your smell
i've been addicted to you
goodbye my lover
goodbye my friend
you have been the one
you have been the one for me.
goodbye my lover
goodbye my friend
you have been the one
you have been the one for me.

i am a dreamer but when i wake,
you can't break my spirit
it's my dreams you take.
and as you move on,
remember me,
remember us and all we used to be
i've seen you cry, i've seen you smile
i've watched you sleeping for a while
i'd be the father of your child.
i'd spend a lifetime with you
i know your fears and you know mine
we've had our doubts but now we're fine
and i love you,i swear that's true.
i cannot live without you
goodbye my lover
goodbye my friend
you have been the one
you have been the one for me.
goodbye my lover
goodbye my friend
you have been the one
you have been the one for me
and i still hold your hand in mine
in mine when i'm asleep
and i will bear my soul in time
when i'm kneeling at your feet.
goodbye my lover
goodbye my friend
you have been the one
you have been the one for me.
goodbye my lover
goodbye my friend
you have been the one
you have been the one for me
i'm so hollow, baby
i'm so hollow
i'm so, i'm so, i'm so hollow
i'm so hollow, baby
i'm so hollow
i'm so, i'm so, i'm so hollow






詹姆士布朗特 you are beautiful歌词

You are beautiful-James Blunt

My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw you face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
F**king high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw you face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.

我的人生缤纷灿烂 我的爱如此纯真
因为我见过天使 对此我深信不疑

她在地铁上对我微笑 虽然身边伴著另一个男人
但我可不为此辗转难眠 因为我已有心理准备

你就是这麼美 你就是这麼美
你就是这麼的美 这是千真万确
这令我不知所措 因为 我和你永远无法相依

是啊 我视线被她占据 在我们擦身而过的瞬间
她应该可以从我的神情看出 我欣喜若狂飞上云霄
我想 我将再也见不到她 但我们共享了永恒的片刻

你就是这麼美 你就是这麼美
你就是这麼的美 这是千真万确
这令我不知所措 因为 我和你永远无法相依

你就是这麼美 你就是这麼美
你就是这麼的美 这是千真万确
但事实就是 我和你永远无法相依

哪位大侠帮我翻译一首英文歌曲,詹姆斯布朗特的《Youre beautiful》

我的生活是如此的灿烂。 我的爱情是完美的。 我看见一位天使。 我对此深信不疑。 她在地铁上对我微笑。 她与另一个人。 但我并不为此失眠, 因为我已经有了一个计划。 你是如此美丽。你是如此美丽。 你是如此美丽,这是真的。 我在这个拥挤的空间看见你的容颜, 我不知道该做些什么, 因为我永远不会和你在一起。 是啊,她抓住了我的双眼, 当我们擦肩而过。 她能从我的脸上看出我欣喜若狂, 我认为我不会再次见到她, 但是我们共同分享的这一刻将持续到最后。 你是如此美丽。你是如此美丽。 你是如此美丽,这是真的。 我在这个拥挤的空间看见你的容颜, 我不知道该做些什么, 因为我永远不会和你在一起。 你是如此美丽。你是如此美丽。 你是如此美丽,这是真的。 世上一定有天使,脸上带着微笑, 当她想起时我能和你在一起。 但该是面对现实的时候了, 我和你永远无法相依。麻烦采纳,谢谢!


本名 James Hillier Blount
出生 1974年2月22日英格兰 威尔特郡 Tidworth


