burning bridges 歌词
歌曲名:burning bridges歌手:Mest专辑:mestMest - Burning Bridges LyricsIt was a late Thursday night,When I decided to write this songJust me, bow wow,my dirty floorAnd all the herb is goneEveryone's asleep, but the TV is still onDebating the past three years,What I did right and wrongSo tell me is this world we live in all rightWhy does every conversation end in a fight?Why does every fight keep us up all damn night?'Cause I ain't trying to see the sunrise todayI've been burning bridgesAlways burning bridges抵制日货从我做起!!!小日本去死吧!!Just think of life, what do you knowAt twenty-two, I've learned all I need to knowI've made mistakes, I've burned a bridgeApologize (what?), there's only one life to liveWhen everybody's gone, and the radio's still onThat's when I realize it's all I need to carry onSo tell me is this world we live in all rightWhy does every conversation end in a fight?Why does every fight keep us up all damn night?'Cause I ain't tryin to see the sunrise todayI've been burning bridgesAlways burning bridgesI've been burning bridges (I'm looking at a lifetime)Always burning bridges (in these past three years)So tell me is this world we live in all rightWhy does every conversation end in a fight?Try to explain this life in black and white'Cause I'm gonna see the sunrise today抵制日货从我做起!!!小日本去死吧!!I've been burning bridgesAlways burning bridgesI've been burning bridges (I'm looking at a lifetime)Always burning bridges (in these past three years)I've been burning bridges(I'm looking at a lifetime)Always burning bridges(in these past three years)http://music.baidu.com/song/14512047
Burning Bridges 歌词
歌曲名:Burning Bridges歌手:crematory专辑:PrayCrematory-Burning Bridges★ lrc 编辑:妙一法师Seek evil, you will find, speak evil, it's on your mindBuild a bridge to anywhere to have a home to turnTo a brook flows from anywhere and you will find the evilThat you suffer unto having on your mindWalk this way and you will findThose burning bridges inside your mindSo you look back into nowhereTo see all these bridges are meant to stayAggression in large amounts, that's everything that countsNo hand waiting that must be paid, leave your encores all unplayedKnocked down and out, you cry it out loudLocked inside your self-made prisonWalk this way and you will findThose burning bridges inside your mindSo you look back into nowhereTo see all these bridges are meant to staythen one fine you're led astray, a witch flew on her broomin sparkling skies she flew away and took with her your doomthen one fine you're led astray, a witch flew on her broomin sparkling skies she flew away and took with her your doomSeek evil, you will find, speak evil, it's on your mindBuild a bridge to anywhere to have a home to turnTo a brook flows from anywhere and you will find the evilThat you suffer unto having on your mindWalk this way and you will findThose burning bridges inside your mindSo you look back into nowhereEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/24291259
面对保尔·柯察金,我扪心自问实在是有愧。遇到困难就退缩,考试成绩一下降就丧气,刀子划破手就痛哭…… 我很想在困难面前坚强一回,不退缩,勇敢地面对困难,挑战自己;有时,我也想在成绩的打击下坚强一回:吸取教训,总结经验,奋起直追,勇往直前;有时,我也曾想在手在滴血的情况下坚强一回:抹干眼泪,拿起剪刀、纱布,忍痛为自己包扎伤口。可是我好像没能做到。
有时,我也想不动心思 “碧云天,黄叶地……山映斜阳天接水。芳草无情,更在斜阳外。” 看着作文题里“有时我也想”的提示语,我的脑海闪过一幅幅画面,思绪万千,很久才缓过神回到考场。不知怎的,随着年龄的增长,感觉我的心思越来越重,常常告诫自己少动心思,但总控制不住。 我曾经想过青史留名。 雁过留声,人过留名,我这十五年的蹉跎岁月啊,又流下了什么呢? 春去秋来,历经十五个轮回,十五个年间的磨难沧桑,让我饱经风霜,却又让我自始至终都没能真懂得“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”。 我曾经想过坚强勇敢。 面对保尔·柯察金,我扪心自问实在是有愧。遇到困难就退缩,考试成绩一下降就丧气,刀子划破手就痛哭…… 我很想在困难面前坚强一回,不退缩,勇敢地面对困难,挑战自己;有时,我也想在成绩的打击下坚强一回:吸取教训,总结经验,奋起直追,勇往直前;有时,我也曾想在手在滴血的情况下坚强一回:抹干眼泪,拿起剪刀、纱布,忍痛为自己包扎伤口。可是我好像没能做到。 我曾经想过刻苦攻书,孝敬父母。 回想“悬梁刺股”、“卧冰求鲤”这两个经久不衰的成语故事,我不禁要低垂下头,自我反省。想想故事的主人公,他们,为了刻苦学习,竟然头悬梁、锥刺股,多么勇敢,多么刻苦!而我,从来都不为好成绩做出牺牲。想想古人,为了满足母亲的心愿,竟然自己躺在冰上,用自己的温暖去熔化冰雪,为母亲求得鲤鱼,而我,却从来都没有为母亲付出过什么,说来惭愧。 我也曾经想过认真一回。 看看我的同学,瞧瞧我的同桌,聚精会神听讲,端端正正摘笔记,响响亮亮回答问题,而我,课堂上时不时开小差,字写得乱七八糟,回答问题总是低着头,偶尔,我在想,那首《学生四头》的怪诗是不是在说我呢:“班里活动充大头,老师提问低下头,每逢考试伸伸头,成绩不好摇摇头”。虽然我不“伸伸头”,但其它“三头”我几乎一一“做到了”。 我还曾经想过:我向来很浮躁,有时也想深沉一回;我一直都漫不经心,有时也想认真一回;困难中有时也想勇敢一回;是非中也想正义一回;所谓“艰难困苦,玉汝于成”,挫折中有时也想顽强一回…… 我很想抛下私心杂念,不胡乱想心思,但就是做不到。 要是我能够少点或者不——浮想联翩,那么,我这十五年,可能不是“灰”云天,黄叶地,而是“碧天云,绿叶地”,那么,十五年风雨,十五年岁月,也就留下了一页辉煌。 真的!有时,我想不动心思。
《Burring Bridges》这首歌歌词的中文大意是什么
战略大作战 又名 凯利的英雄们 电影主题曲
Burning Bridges
Friends have tried to warn me but I held my head up high,
all the time they warned me but I only passed them by,
they all tried to tell me but I guess I didn't care,
turned my back and left them standing there.
All the burning bridges that have fallen after me,
all the lonely feelings and the burning memories,
everyone I left behind each time I closed the door,
Burning bridges lost forever more.
Joey tried to help me find a job, a while ago,
when I finally got it I didn't want to go,
the party mary gave for me, when I just walked away,
now there's nothing left for me to say.
All the burning bridges that are falling after me,
all the lonely feelings and the burning memories,
everyone I left behind each time I closed the door,
burning bridges lost forevermore.
Years have passed and I keep thinking, what a fool I've been,
I look back into the past, and think of way back then,
I know I lost everything I thought I could win, I guess I should have listened to my friends.
All the burning bridges that are falling after me,
all the lonely feelings and the burning memories,
Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door,
Burning bridges lost forevermore.
Burning Bridges lost forevermore
电影《战略大作战》主题曲的下载地址http://www.filmscoremonthly.com/store/MP3/0720/15_BURNING_BRIDGES__SUNG_BY.MP3 歌词:
Friends have tried to warn me but I held my head up high,
all the time they warned me but I only passed them by,
they all tried to tell me but I guess I didn't care,
turned my back and left them standing there.
All the burning bridges that have fallen after me,
all the lonely feelings and the burning memories,
everyone I left behind each time I closed the door,
Burning bridges lost forever more.
Joey tried to help me find a job, a while ago,
when I finally got it I didn't want to go,
the party mary gave for me, when I just walked away,
now there's nothing left for me to say.
All the burning bridges that are falling after me,
all the lonely feelings and the burning memories,
everyone I left behind each time I closed the door,
burning bridges lost forevermore.
Years have passed and I keep thinking, what a fool I've been,
I look back into the past, and think of way back then,
I know I lost everything I thought I could win, I guess I should have listened to my friends.
All the burning bridges that are falling after me,
all the lonely feelings and the burning memories,
Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door,
Burning bridges lost forevermore.
Burning Bridges lost forevermore 希望是你要找的歌曲!
Burning Bridges
Friends have tried to warn me but I held my head up high,
all the time they warned me but I only passed them by,
they all tried to tell me but I guess I didn't care,
turned my back and left them standing there.
All the burning bridges that have fallen after me,
all the lonely feelings and the burning memories,
everyone I left behind each time I closed the door,
Burning bridges lost forever more.
Joey tried to help me find a job, a while ago,
when I finally got it I didn't want to go,
the party mary gave for me, when I just walked away,
now there's nothing left for me to say.
All the burning bridges that are falling after me,
all the lonely feelings and the burning memories,
everyone I left behind each time I closed the door,
burning bridges lost forevermore.
Years have passed and I keep thinking, what a fool I've been,
I look back into the past, and think of way back then,
I know I lost everything I thought I could win, I guess I should have listened to my friends.
All the burning bridges that are falling after me,
all the lonely feelings and the burning memories,
Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door,
Burning bridges lost forevermore.
Burning Bridges lost forevermore
我也要:<Burring Bridges>
电影《战略大作战》主题曲 的下载地址 http://www.filmscoremonthly.com/store/MP3/0720/15_BURNING_BRIDGES__SUNG_BY.MP3 歌词: Friends have tried to warn me but I held my head up high, all the time they warned me but I only passed them by, they all tried to tell me but I guess I didn't care, turned my back and left them standing there. All the burning bridges that have fallen after me, all the lonely feelings and the burning memories, everyone I left behind each time I closed the door, Burning bridges lost forever more. Joey tried to help me find a job, a while ago, when I finally got it I didn't want to go, the party mary gave for me, when I just walked away, now there's nothing left for me to say. All the burning bridges that are falling after me, all the lonely feelings and the burning memories, everyone I left behind each time I closed the door, burning bridges lost forevermore. Years have passed and I keep thinking, what a fool I've been, I look back into the past, and think of way back then, I know I lost everything I thought I could win, I guess I should have listened to my friends. All the burning bridges that are falling after me, all the lonely feelings and the burning memories, Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door, Burning bridges lost forevermore. Burning Bridges lost forevermore 希望是你要找的歌曲! 如果喜欢就给我分啊!