Balcony(阁楼、阳台)是指室内外建筑物中突出的结构,通常位于二楼或以上层次。它通常是一个可以供人站立或坐下的平台,有时会被围栏或栏杆围住。Balcony的传统用途是为房间增添空间和自然采光。它也可以被用作欣赏景色、放置花草植物、休闲、聊天等等。Balcony这个词来源于意大利语 "balcone",它的形式翻译成英文后成为 balcony,最早出现于英文文学中是在16世纪,当时通常用于描述城堡或教堂中的走廊或平台。历史上,balcony在欧洲文化中非常普遍,并被赋予了建筑美学和文化分类的意义。在人们的生活中,balcony也扮演了不同的角色,例如,意大利人会在balcony上放置桌椅,享受阳光,西班牙人会在balcony上观看节日庆典和烟花,印度人会将balcony用作为宗教仪式和日常寻求安宁的场所。总的来说,balcony是一种具有实用和美学价值的建筑构造,不仅可以让我们感受到美好的自然景色,同时它也是建筑文化中不可或缺的一部分。
balcony的意思是:阳台。(剧院的)楼厅,楼座。例句:1We watched the proceedings from the balcony. 我们从阳台上观看仪式。2There were tubs of flowers on the balcony. 阳台上有一盆盆的花。3The shutters and the balconies make the street look almost continental. 活动护窗和阳台使这条街看起来颇具欧洲大陆风格。4The balcony juts out over the street. 阳台伸出在街道上方。5There were glass doors leading on to this balcony. 有玻璃门通到这个阳台。6She led us to a room with a balcony overlooking the harbour 她把我们领进了一个带阳台的房间,从那里可以俯瞰海港。7A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been reserved for him 特地为他预留了一间带阳台的海景双人房。8They would flap bath towels from their balconies as they chatted. 他们聊天时会在阳台上抖搂浴巾。9Her house had a balcony 她家房子有一个阳台。10Vivid red and pink geraniums cascade over my balcony 鲜艳的红色和粉色的天竺葵从我家的阳台上直挂下去。11Chris unhooked the shutters and went out on the balcony. 克里斯拉开百叶窗,走到了阳台上。12He walked out on to the balcony where he rested his arms on the railing. 他走上阳台,把胳膊搭在栏杆上。13You can see peaks covered with snow all the year round from the balcony of that room. 从那间屋子的阳台上能够看到终年被积雪覆盖的山峰。14Our garden is overlooked from the neighbour's balcony. 从邻居的阳台居高临下可以俯视我家的花园。15He was watching a performance from the balcony. 他正在从楼厅上看电影。16Got an apartment with a balcony? Plant some herbs. 公寓有阳台吗?种点草药吧。17To get the students back in order, I shared my own story of getting my knee stuck between the rails of a balcony . 为了让学生们恢复秩序,我分享了我自己膝盖卡在阳台栏杆里的事情。18And you can grow your own even if you only have a small backyard or a balcony ( R E). 即使你只有一个小后院或阳台,你也可以自己种植。
balcony的意思是:阳台;包厢;戏院楼厅。例句如下:(1)The prospect from thebalconywas breathtaking.从阳台上看去景色美极了。He planted some flowers on thebalconythat projects over the street.他在那个伸出到街上的阳台上种了些花。(2)He was watching a performance from thebalcony.他正在从楼厅上看电影。I'm sorry, all thebalconyseats are sold out.抱歉,包厢的票都卖完了。She led us to a room with a balcony overlooking the harbour.她把我们领进了一个带阳台的房间,从那里可以俯瞰海港。(3)And I told you I had called this room with the balcony.好了,我告诉过你我占了这个有阳台的房间了。A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been reserved for him.特地为他预留了一间带阳台的海景双人房。You can see the sea from our balcony.你从我们的阳台上就能看见大海。(4)He was watching a performance from the balcony.他正在从楼厅上看电影。We have breakfast on the balcony.我们在阳台吃的早饭。You can see the sea from our balcony.你可以看到我们的阳台从大海。Why do you go on the balcony when I sing?为什么我唱歌的时候你要到阳台去呢?