
时间:2024-10-17 14:12:54编辑:奇闻君


  关注,指关心重视;用眼睛去看某人、某事;用实际行动去或用心去对待某人、某事。那么你知道关注用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习关于关注的英语知识吧。    关注英语说法   Attention   Focu on   to pay close attention to    关注英语例句   希望你对此给予关注。   I hope you will pay attention to this problem.   政府声称对失业表示关注纯属做做姿态。   The government's claim to be concerned about unemployment is sheer hypocrisy.   原子弹受到普遍的关注。   The atom bomb is of catholic concern.   这是最受关注的地区。   This is the area that attracts the most attention.   不断增长的失业大军引起了这名经济学家的关注。   The increasing army of the unemployed has attracted the attention of the economist.   我们关注自己过多以至于没有足够的去关注需要关注的人们。   We focus too much on ourselves and not enough on the needs of other people.   关注点和精力是相互依赖的,关注点必须和精力紧密联系在一起。   Focus must work very closely with energy as they are reliant on each other.   我发现了一个本地孤儿院的孩子在前线附近游荡我的作品也从主要关注战争,到关注重大社会问题。   I found a boy from the local orphanage wandering around the front line.   城乡居民越来越关注生活质量的改善和提高,其中,休闲问题越来越引起人们的关注。   They come to emphasis on the improvement of life quality.   关注于“什么”而不是“如何”。   Focus on what not how.   它不值得严肃评论家的关注。   It is beneath the attention of serious critics.   在美国,芯片工业被列入“十大”需要迫切关注的工业。   In America, the microchip industry has been put in the “top ten” industriesfor urgent attention.   和我分享这方面的关注。   And I share this concern.   你喜欢这么受关注吗?   And do you like all the attention?   好吧,作为一名医生,这不是,并且不能,是我的主要关注。   Well, as a physician, that is not, and cannot be, my primary concern.   我应该只关注我的将来。   I should only focus on my future. huihua.   我们的状况就像我的那个朋友一样:我们不值得关注,因为我们没有 故事 。 我们没有死。   Our condition is like that of my friend: we are unworthy of attention becausewe have no stories, and no death.    关注烦人英语 句子 带翻译   你的答案——你希望如何以及向谁分配你有限的注意力——将日益引起其他人的关注。   Your answer—how and to whom you want to allocate your finite attention—will increasingly attract the attention of others.   相反地,它应当存在于其所拥有的项目中或者聚集了大量其他共同关注的项目中。   Instead, it should reside in its own project or in a project that aggregates a number of other common concerns.   你现在享受在舞台上说话所得到的关注了吗?   Do you now enjoy the attention of speaking on the stage?   The talks will focus on economic development of the region.   会谈将着重讨论该地区的经济发展。   His administration's economic policy would focus on reining in inflation   他的政府的经济政策将侧重于控制通货膨胀。   Their talks are expected to focus on arms control   他们的会谈预计会集中讨论军备控制问题。   It took an extraordinary effort to focus on preparing his classes or correcting his students 'work.   备课和批改学生的作业花费了他很多精力。   What I'm going to do in this lecture is focus on something very specific   我在今天的讲座中将主要探讨一些非常具体的问题。   Focus on making a short, firm follow-through.   集中精力完成简短而有力的随球动作。   The work should focus on helping parents to let go of their children.   工作应以协助父母放松 对子 女的管教为重点。   He said his sudden focus on foreign policy was not motivated by presidential politics   他说他突然关注外交政策并非受总统政治的驱使。   Focus on the feeling of relaxation   全身心体会放松的感觉。   They focus on overt discrimination rather than insidious aspects of racism.   他们关注的是公开的歧视,而不是种族主义的一些潜在问题。   His eyes slowly began to focus on what looked like a small dark ball   他的眼睛慢慢开始看清楚那个看上去像是个小黑球的东西。   Students should resist the temptation to focus on exams alone   学生们应当抵制诱惑,集中精力备考。   Throughout the exercise, focus on keeping your abs tight.   整个锻炼过程中,注意要紧绷腹肌。   To harvest oil and gas profitably from the North Sea, it must focus on the exploitation of small reserves as the big wells run dry.   随着大型油井的枯竭,要想从北海的石油和天然气开采中盈利,必须着力于开采小储量的油井。   Here I would like to focus on one question in particular.   这里我想着重讲一个问题。   关于关注的英文阅读:交友时应该最先关注哪里   If you're in the hunt for a new best friend, scientists say the first place you should look is down.   科学家们指出,如果你在找一个新的好友,那么你首先观察的地方应该是下面。   Researchers discovered that we are likely to look at the feet of people we want to befriend, as shoes can tell the wearer's personality.   研究人员发现,我们可能会观察我们想要与之交友的那个人的双脚,因为鞋子能够道出穿鞋者的性格。   Using eye-tracking technology, US researchers followed where 105 heterosexual participants looked when they met someone.   美国研究人员使用了眼球追踪技术,跟踪了105名异性恋参与者在遇到某人时会观察什么地方。   With members of the same sex, scientists at Kansas University and Wellesley College found the volunteers would look to the feet.   堪萨斯大学和威尔斯利学院的科学家们发现,在面对同性成员中,志愿者们会观察双脚。   In journal Archives of Sexual Behaviour, they wrote: 'Recent research found shoes to be an accurate artificial sign used to make judgments about a person's.'   他们在《性行为档案》期刊中写道:“近期的研究发现,鞋子是一个用来对他人做出判断的精确、人为信号。”   'When looking for a friend, subconsciously, you want to see signals that this person is perhaps part of the same social peer group.'   “当寻找一个朋友时,潜意识里,你想要发现这个人可能是同一社会群体中的一员的信号。”   With the opposite sex, the study found women focused on the top half of a man's body, while male attention drifted to a woman's chest.   该研究还发现,在面对异性时,女性会聚焦男性的上半身,而男性则把注意力转移到女性的胸部。 猜你喜欢: 1. 关于微笑的唯美英语句子 2. 经典句子中英对照 3. 节目如何用英语翻译 4. 活动用英语怎么说 5. 订阅用英语怎么说


1、focus on 关注,聚焦于 2、pay attention to 注意 扩展资料   例句:   Don't always focus on the dark side of things.   不要总是关注事物的阴暗面。   To answer the two questions, let' s focus on the following points.   为了回答这两个问题,让我们来关注以下几个点吧。   The report's focus is on how technology affects human life rather than business   这个报告关注的是技术如何影响人类生活而非商业活动。   I didn't pay attention to what she was saying.   我没有注意她在说什么。

画蛇添足的意思是什么? 寓意是什么?

画蛇添足 (发音 huà shé tiān zú)
【解 释】 画蛇时给蛇添上脚.比喻做了多余的事,反而有害无益,徒劳无功.
【出 处】 西汉·刘向《战国策·齐策二》:“蛇固无足,子安能为之足?”
【用 法】 连动式;作宾语;含贬义
【示 例】 周而复《上海的早晨》第四部:“他想接上去说,又觉得是~,只好惋惜地坐着没动.”
【近义词】 徒劳无功、多此一举
【反义词】 画龙点睛、恰到好处、恰如其分
【灯 谜】 巳
【典 故】
故事发生在古代楚国.有一家人家祭祀祖宗.仪式完毕后,把剩下的一壶酒,赏给手下的办事人员喝.人多酒少,很难分配.这几个人就商量分酒的办法.有个人说:“一壶酒分给几个人喝,太少了.要喝就喝个痛快.给一个人喝才过瘾呢!”大家都这样想,可是谁也不肯放弃这个权利.另一个提议说:“这样吧,让我们来个画蛇比赛.每个人在地上画一条蛇,谁先画完,谁就喝这壶酒.”大伙儿都赞成这个办法.于是每个人折了一根树枝,同时开始画起来.有一个人画得最快,转眼之间,把蛇画好了.他左手抓过酒壶,得意地看看同伴,心想,他们要赶上我还差得远哩.便洋洋自得地说:“我再给蛇添上几只脚,也能比你们先画完.”正当他画第二只脚的时候,另一个人把蛇画完了.他一把夺过酒壶说:“蛇本来是没有脚的,你画的根本就不是蛇.还是我先画完,酒应当归我喝.” 添画蛇脚的人无话可说,只好咽着唾沫,看别人喝酒.
②舍人——古代王公贵族手下的办事人员.卮(zhī)—— 古代盛酒的器具.
示例 将军功绩已成,威声大震,可以止矣.今若前进,倘不如意,正如“~”也.(明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第一百十回)
英文:draw a snake and add feet to it—ruin the effect by adding sth.superfluous 蛇本来没有脚有人却给它加上脚,故事见《战国策·齐策二》.比喻做事多此一举,反而坏事.例:今若前进,倘不如意,正如画蛇添足也.——《三国演义》


关注一下 英语
好多呢,to pay attention to...

worth my attention

pay attention to...

devote one's attention to...

claim attention

pel attention


Please pay close attention to our Wechat.
I just expect that you could care me a little more, even if it was a simple hello.
Do you care about me?

Who will care about me?

You don't care about me,do u?



Will you care about me a little more?



care about有关心,在乎的意思(是精神上的)

care for,通常是i do care for you这样.或者Do you care for me?

take care of 多为照顾的意思

