
时间:2024-11-04 20:57:57编辑:奇闻君


n. 补丁,补片;(保护受伤眼睛的)眼罩;(衣服上的)徽章,标识;药膏,胶布;(与周围部分不同的)斑,小块;小片,碎片;(尤指园艺用的)一小块地;熟悉的地方,家乡; 属地,管辖地;一段时间;(尤指17、18世纪妇女装饰用的)饰颜片,美人斑;(软件的)补丁程序;(电气或电话的)临时连接(线);(电子乐器,尤指合成乐器中的)预设配置(或声音)数据文件,配音vt. 修补,缝补;使出现斑块;临时连接,临时接入(通信系统);(计算机)(用补丁对程序进行)修正,打补丁;解决;拼凑,匆匆制成【名】 (Patch)(英)帕奇(人名)CET4 / CET6 / 考研 / IELTS / TOEFL / GRE / GMAT网络 补丁;修补;修补文件


They pitched in with contributions of money . 他们主动捐款支援此事。 The horizontal anger has a variable pitch . 横向搅龙具有可变的螺距。 I pitched upon the very house that suited me .. 我找到了合适的房子。 Can a man touch pitch and not be defiled ? 一个人能出污泥而不染吗? Men and women , old and young , all pitched in ... 男女老幼齐动手。 Their rifles were pitched at every odd angle . 枪支都搁得七歪八斜。 Other maintenance departments had pitched in . 其他维修部门纷纷出动。 The pitch was a mud bath after the heavy rain . 大雨过后球场成了泥潭。 You have reared them to this pitch . 是你们把她们搞成这种状况的。 The program was pitched at just the right level . 大纲所定水平恰到好处。 The pitch depends on the frequency . 音调的高低是由频率决定的。 People just pitch their rubbish over the wall .. 人们直接把垃圾扔过墻去。 They pitched a yarn about finding the jewels . 他们编了一个找到宝石的故事。 Men and women , old and young , all pitched into the work . 男女老少齐上阵。 Patrioti *** was then at fever pitch . 当时爱国主义情绪高涨。 The popce dragged the football fans off the pitch . 警察把足球迷拖出了球场。 They pitched into the work immediately . 他们立刻干了起来。 Let us pitch out the troublemakers . 把这些捣乱分子赶出去。 The guard pitched backward without a sound . 警卫一声不吭,仰面朝天倒在地上。 Rain had made the pitch rather dead . 场地因雨而阻力增大。 We batted on a pvely pitch . 我们击中了对方快速投来的球。 The ship was rolpng and pitching heavily in the rough sea . 船舶在狂涛中簸荡。 The voices rose to a deafening pitch . 声音大得震耳欲聋。 They all pitched in and soon finished the job . 大家七手八脚,工作很快就完成了。 I won't plain of your pitch . 我不抱怨你装腔作势。 He may pitch on some tuft of placs over a river . 他可以到小河边去采摘一簇丁香花。 You're always in there pitching . 你一直在拚命地干。 She pitched forward and vanished among the shrubs . 她向前跌去,然后就消失在灌木丛中。 I'll pitch into harry-i'll have him turn away . 我要狠狠的骂哈莱一顿--我要把他赶出去。 The car hit the child and she pitched over backwards . 汽车把那孩子撞了,她重重向后倒下。 The deck of the *** all cabin sharply pitched and bumped . 这小舱房的甲板剧烈地颠簸了一下。 They pitched into the meal . 他们大吃了一顿。 The note of the whistle is heard to change to a lower pitch . 汽笛的音调听起来就越变越低了。 The ball was pitched short . 投的球是短球。 The match had to be abandoned because the pitch was waterlogged . 那场比赛因场地汪水只好取消。 The ship pitched and rolled and many passengers were sick . 那轮船颠簸摇晃,很多乘客头晕恶心。 Emily dickinson too is unsure how to pitch her work . 艾米莉狄更森也不知如何为自己的作品调音。 With all the work i have to do i must be at concert pitch . 我要做的工作这么多,我必须精神饱满。 Independent pitch and yaw of the o birds produce noise . 两只吊舱的独立俯仰和偏航均会产生噪声。 Sorry for richetts, i made my pitch as quickly as possible . 我为里基茨感到遗憾,并立即加以解释。

