天真的意思。造句:1、She was a naive and romantic girl then. 2、 It is naive of you to think that people are all kind-hearted. 3、The children in the kindergarten are so cute and lively. 4、Four. How lovely the children are!5、 Your charm lies in your naive attitude towards life.1、她那时是个天真而烂漫的姑娘。2、你总以为人心都是善良的,这种想法未免太天真了。3、幼儿园小朋友天真活泼,真惹人喜爱。4、孩子们一个个天真活泼,多么可爱!5、你的魅力在于你对人生天真烂漫的态度。
innocent的意思是清白的。清白的;无罪的;无辜而受连累的;天真的;无邪的;单纯的;无恶意的;无意冒犯的;无害的;幼稚的。短语搭配:1、Presumed Innocent无罪的罪人;假定无罪;推定无罪。2、Innocent Love爱无罪;真爱无畏;天真的爱;爱无罪剧情。3、Innocent Eyes纯真眼眸;她的第一张专辑;天真的眼睛;天真的双眼。双语例句:1、We believe him to be innocent.我们相信他是无辜的。2、She believe him to be innocent.她认为他是清白的。3、But he is innocent.但他还是天真的。4、Our fondness for each other is pure and innocent.我们之间的好感是纯洁的、真诚的。5、The following innocent conclusion with which she perorates.她作为结束语的如下没有恶意的结论。