作品年表 何处献殷勤 / 如何向女人求爱 How to Make Love to a Woman (2010) .....Daniel 吸血鬼日记 The Vampire Diaries (2009)....Damon Salvatore 《吸血鬼日记》中的哥哥Damon城市入侵者 Lost City Raiders (2008) .....Jack Kubiak 杀人锦标赛 The Tournament (2008) .....Miles Slater 未来水世界2(2008) 苏醒 / 梦醒时分 Wake (2008) .....Tyler 遗失的撒马利亚人 The Lost Samaritan (2008) .....William Archer 马可波罗 Marco Polo (2007) .....Marco Polo 对我说,你爱我 Tell Me You Love Me (2007) .....Nick (unknown episodes) 惹鬼回路 / 脉搏 / 连锁信 / 猛鬼宽频 Pulse (2006) .....Dexter 《惹鬼回路》内心的幽灵 The Sensation of Sight (2006) .....Drifter TV: The Movie (2006) 勇敢者 Fearless (2004) .....Jordan Gracie 在敌之手 / 落入敌手 In Enemy Hands (2004) .....U.S.S. Swordfish: Danny Miller 老人与制片厂 / 老人与好莱坞 The Old Man and the Studio (2004) .....Matt Recess (2004) .....Cooley 〈Young Americans〉(2000)迷失 Lost (2004) .....Boone Carlyle (28 episodes, 2004-2007) 犯罪现场 拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) Tony 第三季 第一集(2002) 情爱磁场 / 男女玩过界 / 诱惑法则 The Rules of Attraction (2002) .....Paul Denton 善变的心 Changing Hearts (2002) .....Jason Kelly 一桩复仇案的解剖 Anatomy of a Hate Crime (2001) .....Russell Henderson 情系屋檐下 / 爱在屋檐下 Life as a House (2001) .....Josh 超人前传 Smallville (2001) .....Adam Knight (6 episodes, 2004) 年轻美国人 / 暑假班的星期天 Young Americans (2000) .....Hamilton Fleming (8 episodes, 2000) 名人百态 Celebrity (1998) .....(uncredited) Recess (2004) .....producer
吸血鬼日记 第三季 The Vampire Diaries(2011)....Damon Salvatore
吸血鬼日记 第二季The Vampire Diaries (2010)....Damon Salvatore
何处献殷勤/ 如何向女人求爱 How to Make Love to a Woman (2010) .....Daniel
吸血鬼日记第一季 The Vampire Diaries (2009)....Damon Salvatore
城市入侵者/迷城探秘Lost City Raiders (2008) .....Jack Kubiak
杀人锦标赛The Tournament (2008) .....Miles Slater
城市入侵者Lost city raiders(2008)
苏醒/ 梦醒时分Wake (2008) .....Tyler
遗失的撒马利亚人The Lost Samaritan (2008) .....William Archer
马可波罗Marco Polo (2007) .....Marco Polo
说你爱我 Tell Me You Love Me (2007) .....Nick (7 episodes)
惹鬼回路/ 脉搏 / 连锁信 / 猛鬼宽频Pulse (2006) .....Dexter
内心的幽灵The Sensation of Sight (2006) .....Drifter
TV: The Movie (2006)
勇敢者Fearless (2004) .....Jordan Gracie
在敌之手/ 落入敌手 In Enemy Hands (2004) .....U.S.S. Swordfish: Danny Miller
老人与制片厂/ 老人与好莱坞 The Old Man and the Studio (2004) .....Matt
Recess (2004) .....Cooley
迷失 Lost (2004) .....Boone Carlyle (28 episodes, 2004-2007)
犯罪现场拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) Tony 第三季 第一集(2002)
情爱磁场/ 男女玩过界 / 诱惑法则 The Rules of Attraction (2002) .....Paul Denton
善变的心Changing Hearts (2002) .....Jason Kelly
一桩复仇案的解剖Anatomy of a Hate Crime (2001) .....Russell Henderson
情系屋檐下/ 爱在屋檐下 Life as a House (2001) .....Josh
超人前传Smallville (2001) .....Adam Knight (6 episodes, 2004)
年轻美国人 / 暑假班的星期天 Young Americans (2000) .....Hamilton Fleming (8 episodes, 2000)
名人百态 Celebrity (1998) .....(uncredited)
Recess (2004) .....producer