cheap是便宜的,廉价的的意思。那么cheap的 反义词 是什么呢,下面跟着我一起学习下面为大家整理的cheap的反义词和例句吧,欢迎大家学习。 cheap的反义词 expensive cheap的反义词例句 The dress is too expensive for me to buy. 那衣服太昂贵,我买不起。 A cheaper camera is not always inferior to a more expensive one. 廉价照相机的质量并总不比昂贵的差。 This set of crystal wine cups is very expensive. 这套水晶玻璃酒杯非常昂贵。 The overhead costs are ridiculously expensive. 日常开支太高了。 It is more expensive to go by plane than by boat. 坐飞机去比坐船去的费用更高一些。 cheap的反义词汇辨析 dear,expensive,costly 这些形容词都表示物品价格“高的,昂贵的”之意。 dear 侧重指要价过高,或远高于公道、合理的价格,其反义词是cheap。 expensive 指物品的价格超过了它本身所值,或超过了购买者的支付能力。 costly 指物品价格高,通常是因物品稀少或珍贵所致。 inexpensive,cheap词汇辨析 这两个形容词均含“便宜的、价廉的”之意。 inexpensive 指商品价格公道,数量和价格相当。 cheap 普通用词,既可指物美价廉,又可指价格低但质量却不怎么样。 cheap的英语例句 I am going to buy something cheap. 我要买些便宜的东西。 A flood of cheap imports has come into the shops. 大量廉价进口商品涌入商店。 These are cheap and gaudy clothes. 这是些廉价而花哨的衣服。 This photograph is taken with a cheap camera. 这张照片是用一架廉价照相机拍摄的。 The car went very cheap. 这车卖得非常便宜。 Her neck was bedaubed with cheap necklace. 她脖子上戴着廉价的项链。 They also could supply your need of cheap goods. 他们还能满足你买廉价货的需要。 Her skirt was bedaubed with cheap finery. 她的裙子上俗丽地缀满了便宜华丽的饰品。 It's not us; it's them and their cheap goods. 这不是我们,而是他们的以及他们廉价的商品。 It is cheap but it is nice. 它是便宜的,但是它是好的。 Yes, we have no cheap bananas today. 是的,今天没有便宜的香蕉。 And that was cheap! 那还是便宜的呢! For now, we should just be happy that there is someone to do these jobs so we can buy cheap stuff. 因此我们应该能为自己购买到那些愿意做这些工作的人生产的廉价物品而感到高兴。 Never buy what you do not want because it is cheap; it will be dear to you. 不要买虽然便宜但你并不需要的东西;因为它对你而言是非常昂贵的。 It is not hard to do when money is so cheap. 在货币还是很便宜的时候,这不难做到。 And it’s a problem because a lot of people are searching for it, only to find cheapimitations. 并且将产生一个问题,因为很多人正在搜索这个程序。只能找到便宜的仿制品。 The real challenge we face from China is not that it will keep flooding us withcheap goods. 我们所面临的来自中国的真正挑战,并非是它将继续以廉价商品充斥我们。 They say “Talk is cheap, ” because it is. 人们说“语言是廉价的”,因为确实如此。 The use of pesticides and fertilizers produces cheap grain and vegetables. 使用杀虫剂和化肥生产出廉价的谷物和蔬菜。 They are still very, very cheap, because the production is so big. 他们现在依然非常廉价,因为产量是如此巨大。 They always want you to buy something and then give you some cheap gift to make you feel good. 他们总是要你买点什么东西,然后给你一个不值钱的礼物让你感到很高兴。 If we do it ourselves, only cheap energy from hydropower will do. 如果靠自力更生,只有靠水电站带来的廉价能源了。 This coat is as cheap as that one. 这件衣服同那件衣服一样便宜。 Around almost every college and university in China are cheap apartments andbungalows for rent, where lots of graduates like Ye live. 在中国,几乎每所高校附近都有廉价的公寓和平房出租,那里居住着许多像叶东这样的 毕业 生。 猜你喜欢: 1. cheap的同义词 2. certain的反义词 3. cheap的反义词有哪些 4. build的反义词 5. cheap的近义词
expensive英 [ɪkˈspensɪv] 美 [ɪk'spɛnsɪv] adj. 昂贵的;花钱的。not expensive 合理的价格也不贵 ; 不贵 ; 不昂贵 ; 合理的价格。less expensive 便宜的 ; 比较便宜的 ; 便宜一点。expensive fuel 昂贵的燃料 ; 贵的燃料。用法:1、expensive的基本意思是“昂贵的,费用大的”,指花费的时间多、金额高或精力大。在用于价格时,含有超过应有价值或超出购物者的购买能力的意味。2、expensive常用于修饰物,有时也可用于修饰人,此时多强调一个人的“衣着华丽”。