
时间:2024-12-06 12:10:16编辑:奇闻君


在环球金融危机与欧债危机期间,待用咖啡被视为是基层社会团结的象征。2004年,一个慈善机构Ronde della carita在复活节举办了giornata nazionale del sospeso待用咖啡慈善活动。2010年,意大利几个着重于人权的艺术节日上都举办了Rete del Caffè Sospeso慈善活动。2011年12月,Giornata del Caffè Sospeso慈善活动在国际人权日上举行。还有一个网站“1café.org”专门筹募待用咖啡。


How about buying a cup of coffee for someone you’ll never meet? It may sound like the latest trend in showy barista techniques, but a suspended coffee is much more heartwarming than asnazzylatte.Born in the cafes of Italy’s southern city of Naples, the caffe sospeso (which literally means “suspended coffee”) is a tradition in which someone pays in advance for an extra cup or two, which can then be consumed by a coffee-drinker-in-need later in the day.A customer-in-need can then later ask if there is a “suspended coffee” available and have a hot drink without having to pay for it.The idea has become an international internet sensation with coffee shops in Europe and North America participating in the movement. The Facebook page alone has more than 28,000 “likes.”The tradition of “suspended coffee” is a long-standing tradition in Italy that increased in popularity after the Second World War. Agence France-Presse reported last week that the practice was starting to take hold in other European countries hit hard economically. More than 150 cafés in Bulgaria were taking part.At cafes that participate in the custom, customers can ask if there are any “suspended coffees” available, and if so, they are supplied with a beverage, thanks to the kindness of a stranger.

