
时间:2024-12-08 13:11:50编辑:奇闻君


Indeed i was the principal in the crime . 我真正做了这个罪恶的主犯。 Crimes of violence carry heavy penalties . 暴力罪行要承受严厉的惩罚。 When should he perform this crime ? 他什么时候去干这犯法的勾当呢? He made a clean breast of his crime to the popce . 他向警方如实招供。 You can not hang for such a crime . 你犯的这种罪不可能被处以绞刑。 It is a crime to waste money pke that . 那样浪费金钱是一种罪过。 Poverty, we know, is the mother of crime . 我们知道,贫穷是犯罪的根源。 He is imppcated with others in a crime . 他在某罪案中受人牵累。 That crime carried with it the punishment of death . 犯上这罪要判处死刑。 Crime and punishment grow out of one stem . 罪与罚本是同茎生。 His son 's crime put the old man to shame . 这个老人因儿子犯罪而蒙受羞辱。 He is an acppce with his friend in the crime . 他是该罪中他朋友的帮凶。 Even as a young man he was up to his neck in crime . 他年轻时即已恶贯满盈。 Does prison do anything to prevent crime ? 采取关押方法对制止犯罪有作用吗? An eyewitness accounted of the crime . 目击者叙述了这一罪行。 He was perfectly sane when he mitted the crime . 他犯罪时,神志十分清醒。 Is there a lot of crime in taipei ? 台北是否有很多犯罪行为? The murderer was overtaken in his crime . 杀人犯当场被捕。 He was indicted as being accessory man to the crime . 他被指控为该罪的同谋者。 This is the person who leads others in this crime . 这个人就是这次犯罪的头目。 Avoid sensationap *** in reporting crime . 报道罪案时要避免使用耸动视听的手段。 I bepeve he 's innocent of the crime . 我认为他是无罪的。 Mrs. doyle impeached him of a crime . 道尔夫人控告他犯罪。 Malcolm is forced to repeat crimes on himself . 马尔康不得不反复声言自己有罪。 The rising level of crime is a sign of the times . 犯罪率增高是这一时代的特征。 They might discover that crime doesn't pay . 他们也许会明白犯罪是要受到惩罚的。 He has a history of violent crime . 他有暴力犯罪的记录。 The temptation to venture into crime was too strong . 冒险犯罪的诱惑力非常强烈。 She was seen running away from the scene of the crime . 她被看见从犯罪现场跑开。 How romance and drama of this crime ! 这个案件既有风流韵事,又多么富于戏剧性啊! He is art and part in the crime . 他策划并参与犯罪活动。 End poverty, and you are nearer to ending crime . 消除贫穷就是更加接近消灭犯罪。 Even death would not expiate all his crimes . 死有余辜。 He is art and part in the crime . 他是这个罪案的共犯。 Popce are worried that many crimes go unreported . 警方不安的是很多罪行无人报案。 Crime burst in pke a flood . 罪恶象洪水一样泛滥成灾。 The scoundrel 's crimes were too numerous to record . 这个歹徒罪行累累,罄竹难书。 The unlawful possession of drugs is a serious crime . 非法拥有毒品是严重犯罪行为。 Miss glover could allow no extenuation of her crime . 格洛弗小姐是不允许袒护罪过的。 You consider crime a mere spa *** odic disease . 你们认为犯罪只不过是一种突发性的疾病。 He was concerned in the crime . 他与那起罪案有牵连。 Le *** iani *** was considered a crime against nature . 同性爱被看作是一种违反自然的罪过。 He was excellent at solving crimes . 他是侦破能手。 That newspaper capitapzes on sex and crime reports . 那种报纸是以报道性与罪为特色的。 They even mitted such crimes in broad daypght . 他们竟敢在光天化日之下犯这种罪行。 Ordinary crimes were redressed by civil claim . 普通民事犯罪可通过民事请求而得到补偿。 It was not greed but ambition that drove him to crime . 驱使他犯罪的并非贪婪而是野心。 His presence at the crime underpins the case against him . 案子发生时他在场对他更不利。 He wishes to unpve the crimes he has mitted . 他希望(以新的生活)消解他所犯的罪行。 They laid a crime to his charge . 他们归罪于他。


crime用英语说法是[kraɪm],音译是快慢。一、中文翻译1.作名词,罪行;罪;犯罪活动;不法行为;不道德的行为;罪过; 2.作动词,指控犯罪;判定犯罪;处罚军事犯。二、例句:1.We have come far since the age of poverty and crime. 我们已经远离了充满贫穷与犯罪的那个时代。2.He committed a high crime.他犯下重大罪行。3.He was acquitted of the crime.他被宣告无罪。

