Over the moon

时间:2024-12-11 10:37:20编辑:奇闻君

over the moon什么意思

非常高兴;乐翻了天;狂喜;从字面意思来看over the moon,over是在上面的意思,moon是月亮的意思。但是overthe moon连在一起,千万不要理解成登月,over the moon 是高兴万分的意思。不管遇到什么好事,比如说是涨工资、生宝宝、或是自己支持的球队赢了比赛的冠军,都可以说over the moon, 来表达兴奋的心情。欣喜若狂:意发音:xīn xǐ ruò kuáng 释义:欣喜:快乐;若:好象;狂:失去控制。形容高兴到了极点。 出处:清·霁园主人《夜谭随录·护军女》

over the moon用法

over the moon:兴高采烈;欣喜若狂使用例句:She's over the moon about her new job.她对新工作感到很满意I was over the moon to get your letter.收到你的信我高兴极了。The whole team were over the moon at winning the game.全队都为赢得这场比赛欣喜若狂。XiaoLi was over the moon when she learned she had passed all her final exams.小李得知她已通过了全部的期终考试后欣喜若狂。

