出现是英语里面的高频词语,我们都学过出现的英文,但是很多人只知道出现的英文是appear,其实出现的英文还有其他说法。下面是我为你整理的出现的英文,希望大家喜欢! 出现的英文 appear; arise; emerge; grow appearance appear的常见句型 用作动词 用作不及物动词 S+~(+A) He promised to be here at four, but didn't appear until six. 他答应四点钟到,但六点钟才来。 The boy suddenly appeared from under the bed. 小男孩突然从床下钻出来。 We expected him, but he never appeared. 我们等他,他却一直没来。 They both appeared for the entrance examination. 他们两人都参加了入学考试。 Talk of the devil and he'll appear. 说鬼,鬼就来了。 A ship appeared near the harbour. 一艘船出现在港口附近。 The sun appeared from behind the clouds. 太阳从云层后面露出脸来。 When we reached the top of the hill, the town appeared below us. 当我们到达山顶时,市镇就呈现在我们脚下。 This magazine will appear fortnightly. 这杂志将两周出一期。 The works appeared first as a serial in a newspaper. 那部作品最初是在一家报纸上连载的。 Mary appeared in her best dress. 玛丽穿着她最好的衣服出现了。 He appeared in full dress. 他穿着礼服到场。 It ~s/~ed (to sb+)that-clause It appears that you're right. 看来你是对的。 It appeared that he had a taste for music. 看来他对音乐还有一定的鉴赏力。 It appears everybody is well prepared. 看来人人都准备好了。 He was taking them to the exhibition, it appeared. 他看来是准备带他们去看展览会。 Very soon it began to appear that the research was not progressing smoothly. 不久就显露出来这项研究进展得不顺利。 Now it appears to me that he may play an important role in settling the problem. 在我看来,他可能在解决这个问题中起重要作用。 It appears to me that something has gone wrong with the election. 依我看,这次选举似乎出了毛病。 There ~s/~ed... There appears to be several reasons for changing our plan. 看来改变我们的计划有几个理由。 There appeared to be only one room. 看来只有一个房间。 There appeared to have cropped up some difficulties in the management of the school. 在学校管理方面看来曾经出现过一些困难。 用作系动词 S+~+(to be) n. He appeared to be about fifty years of age. 他看起来大约50岁。 This appears (to be)an important matter. 这看来是件重要的事情。 It appears (to be) a true story. 它好像是一个真实的故事。 arise的词语用法 v. arise多以抽象名词作主语,意思是“出现,开始,呈现”。 arise也可表示“从…站起来”,这是旧式用法; arise表示“起床”,是正式而又常用的用法; arise指一个团体或民族“站立起来”时,特指正当权力的取得或政治地位的提高。 arise还可表示“起因于,由…而产生”等意义,与from和out of搭配,表示因果关系。 arise还可用作系动词,后面可接形容词作表语。 arise常用于无形的东西,而rise常用于有形的东西。 Jane's anger arises from the misbehaviour of her children. 愤怒是无形的。 The sun rises in the east. 太阳是有形的。 arise是指“上升,出现或发生”等义,而rise是指“上升,升高”,有时也可用于无形的东西上。 Prices keep rising. 价格持续上升。 My hopes are rising.
出现的英文可用appear或arise表达。重点词汇解释:1、appearv. 出现;显得;似乎vi. 出庭;登场2、arisevi. 出现;上升;起立扩展资料:appear的用法:appear的基本含义有二:一是出现,到达,指出席或在公共场所露面,也指可以看见或变得清晰起来,较少意味着具有确切地具体的背景或出处。引申为出演,出版,面世。appear作此解时,是不及物动词,其后常有时间、地点等状语。appear的另一个意思是似乎,显得,看起来好像,含有因视觉误差、观点限制或他人掩饰而得到的印象与事实并不一定相符的味道。appear作此解时,主要用作系动词,也可用作不及物动词。appear用作系动词,接介词短语、动词不定式或as if/though引导的从句,to be可以省略。当形容词是表语形容词时,to be不可省略。appear用作系动词的句子中可插入to sb,在强调时可移至句首。
展现、展示的英文单词是:showshow英 [ʃəʊ] 美 [ʃo] vt. 显示;说明;演出;展出vi. 显示;说明;指示n. 显示;表演;炫耀词组短语show oneself 露面on show 展览着,在公开展出show up 露面;露出;揭露show in 领入;领人show off 炫耀;卖弄扩展资料同近义词1、exhibition英 [ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn] 美 [ˌɛksəˈbɪʃən] n. 展览,显示;展览会;展览品词组短语exhibition hall 展览厅art exhibition 艺术展览;美术展览exhibition centre 展览中心exhibition area 展区;参展面积on exhibition 展出中2、performance英 [pə'fɔːm(ə)ns] 美 [pɚ'fɔrməns] n. 性能;绩效;表演;执行;表现词组短语high performance 高性能;高效能的good performance 良好的性能;良好绩效performance evaluation 性能评估;性能赋值performance management 绩效管理
show …for 和 show … to 怎么区分?
show …for 和 show … to 的具体区别如下:1、具体含义不同。show sth to sb 表示“将某物展现给某人”,show sth for sb 表示“对某人表现出……”。2、语气的强调内容不同。show...for...语气侧重点在人,show...to...语气侧重点在物。如show respect to parents,这个短语译为向父母展示出尊重,语气强调的是尊重。3、表示的具体动作不同。show …to 表示的动作是通过行动去表达,而show…for 表示的动作不一定通过行动表达。扩展资料:通过例句或许更能明白show for 与 show to 的区别。第一组例句:①Please show your photos to me. 请把你的照片给我看看。②We should show great respect for/to our parents. 我们应该尊敬父母。(我们应该对我们的父母表现出尊敬)通过例句①②可发现show …for 和 show … to 的大致意思相同,但具体含义不同。第二组例句:③Don't be humble or pushy, but show respect for him and his customs. 要不卑不亢,但得尊敬他以及他的习俗。④Traditional dances are performed to show respect to the moon. 传统舞蹈表达了人们对月亮的尊敬。通过例句③④可说明show...for...语气侧重点在人(例句③中的 him and his customs就是表示“人”是侧重点),而show...to...语气侧重点在物(show respect to the moon,侧重点是物,即moon)。第三组例句:⑤Youth should always show respect to old age. 年轻人应该永远尊敬老年人。⑥Children should show respect for their teachers. 学生要尊敬老师。通过例句⑤⑥可发现show …for表示的动作不一定通过行动去表达,如例句⑤,它更像一个祈使句,没有发生具体的行动。show …to 表示的动作是通过行动去表达,如例句⑥。