无耻的;没廉耻的;不要脸的。例句The shameless man blamed the flaming camera frame. 那个无耻的人责怪燃烧的摄影机框架。No one in the village likes the man because he is a shameless hypocrite. 村庄内没有一个人喜欢那人,因为他是一个无耻的伪君子。Did you see the shameless way she was chucking herself at him? 你看她涎皮赖脸地追求他了吗?What a shameless man! 这人真厚脸皮!
shameless英/ˈʃeɪmləs/ 美/ˈʃeɪmləs/adj.无耻的;没廉耻的;不要脸的派生词: shamelessly adv. shamelessness n.记忆技巧:shame 羞耻 + less 无…的 → 无耻的 shameless造句1、Shameless dreams: Lee Kuan Yew wants Singapore to rule ASEAN like an Israel!无耻梦想:李光耀想让新加坡统治整个东盟当以色列!2、No lowly shameless nauseating and absurd remarks of praise or flattery.没有卑贱无耻肉麻的赞美或奉承而荒谬言论。3、Microsoft's shameless imitation of the iPod is just one of many strategic shifts微软对iPod不知羞耻的抄袭只是它众多战略改变之一4、“He was so shameless he narrated the whole thing without any sense of remorse,” he said.“他毫不羞耻的叙述了整件事,并没有丝毫的后悔,”他说。5、She unshelled his shameless lies.她揭露了他的无耻谎言。6、The rich lavished their wealth on luxury goods for their palazzos, and on shameless dressing up.富人在奢侈品上挥霍财富,用以装饰住宅及背离德行的衣着打扮。7、The shameless lame man is to blame for the flaming frame.无耻的跛子应为燃烧的框架负责。8、Some copycat sites, on the other hand, are more shameless in their theft.另一方面,那些完全抄袭别人的网站的行为等同于无耻的盗窃aremore shameless。9、a shameless impudent scheming woman一个不知羞耻的放肆无礼的诡计多端的女人。
shameless英/ˈʃeɪmləs /美/ˈʃeɪmləs /adj.无耻的,不要脸的。短语1、The Shameless无赖汉;无耻之徒2、Shameless Creature无耻的傀儡近义词:cheeky英/ˈtʃiːki /美/ˈtʃiːki /adj.无耻的;厚脸皮的。短语1、Cheeky Angel鲁莽天使;卤莽天使;粗莽天使;莽天使2、A Cheeky Angel天使的小生意气;天使的生意气;天使小意气
shameless英/ˈʃeɪmləs /美/ˈʃeɪmləs /adj.无耻的,不要脸的。短语1、The Shameless无赖汉;无耻之徒2、Shameless Creature无耻的傀儡近义词:cheeky英/ˈtʃiːki /美/ˈtʃiːki /adj.无耻的;厚脸皮的。短语1、Cheeky Angel鲁莽天使;卤莽天使;粗莽天使;莽天使2、A Cheeky Angel天使的小生意气;天使的生意气;天使小意气