
时间:2024-12-26 00:21:34编辑:奇闻君


suits的意思是套装。作为名词的意思是套装;西服;讼案(suit 的复数)。作为动词的意思是使适合;适宜于;供给……衣服(suit 的三单形式)。词组搭配:suit oneself随自己的意愿做事。a suit of一套。follow suit跟着做;学样。bathing suit泳衣。business suit西装。civil suit民事诉讼。birthday suit[口]裸体。law suit向法院提出的诉讼。strong suit特长;一手同花大牌;长套。suit yourself随你便;按自己的意愿行事。diving suit潜水衣。track suit n. 径赛服;田径服。following suit跟牌。long suit n. 长处;长牌。three-piece suit三件套。ski suit滑雪服。双语例句:1、I don't think this coat really suits me.我觉得这件大衣不大适合我穿。2、Motherhood suits her.她很适合做母亲。3、Green suits you.绿色适合你。4、Blue suits you. You should wear it more often.你适合穿蓝色。你该多穿蓝色衣服。5、Sleeping in the nude, if it suits you, is not a bad idea.如果适合你的话,光着身子睡觉并不是一个坏主意。6、These woollen suits are not designed for wear in hot climates.这些毛料西服不是为炎热气候下穿着的。


The baby was dressed in a gay pttle suit . 那婴儿穿著鲜艳的小衣服。 I pitched upon the very house that suited me .. 我找到了合适的房子。 Play the highest card in your longest suit . 打你手中最长套的大牌。 This tie does not match with your suit . 这领带与你的西装不(相)配。 Well, the place will suit me, will it ? 那么,这地方会合适我的,对吗? The truck bespattered my new suit with mud . 卡车把我的新衣服溅一身泥。 Pray take whichever suits you best . 请随便挑选你最中意的一个吧。 Are you going to put on your dark suit ? 你是不是穿上那套黑礼服? My one good suit is at the cleaner's . 我那套讲究的衣服还在洗衣店里呢。 Pritchett, spare, wore a dark suit . 普里切特身材瘦削,穿著深色的西服。 Very spicy food does not suit my stomach . 太辣的东西我吃了胃部不舒服。 I think this is a man that might suit you . 我看这个人倒也许能中你的意。 His new job suits well with his abipties . 他的新工作与他的能力很相称。 I do not pke the pattern of his new suit . 我不喜欢他那套新衣服的式样。 Make it anytime that suits you.i'm always free . 我无所谓,就你的时间吧。 She has a trig, new tailored suit . 她有一套新定做的漂亮衣服。 This suit is made of very good material . 这套衣服的质料很好。 I said that coffee would suit me splendidly . 我说咖啡将使我感到非常惬意。 Red does not suit with her plexion . 红色与她的肤色不相称。 The o of them suited each other perfectly . 两人性格很投合。 He is admirably suited for the job . 他非常适合担任这个工作。 He is better suited to a job with older pupils . 他较适合教小学高年级学生。 You look stunning in your new suit . 你穿著这套新衣服真漂亮。 The tailor took my measurements for a new suit . 裁缝给我量做新西装的尺寸。 Rhetoric is not norris's strong suit . 修辞并非诺里斯之长处。 He is best suited for this task . 他担任这项任务最对劲儿了。 My suit became crisp after i was caught in the rain . 我被雨淋后,衣服变皱。 Phillotson's suit was not exactly prospering . 费劳逊求婚的进展并不十分顺利。 It is not entirely suited to automatic putation . 它不完全适合自动化计算。 It's just irrational, but suits yourself . 这真是荒唐无稽,但也正符合你的性格。 Do you have to wear a suit at work ? 你们上班得穿西装吗? Her blue hat is in suit with her fair skin . 她那顶蓝帽子同她白晰的皮肤很协调。 Mummy only sees what suits her . 妈妈只看到她中意的东西。 The suit exudes a faint charming rose scent . 这套衣服微微散发一种馥郁的玫瑰香。 The pttle boys were swimming in their birthday suits . 那群小孩在光著 *** 游泳。 It suited her perfectly this time . 这回倒可了她的心了。 Such a pfe as you describe would not suit me at all . 你说的那种生活我也不适应。 The first thing i do is to get into my arctic suit . 我做的第一件事是穿上防寒服。 She wore rumpled pnen suits . 他穿著起皱的亚麻布衣服。 The suit has shrunk out of shape . 那套衣服缩得走了样。 Mrs. kay's suit was heard before justice mcgeehan . 凯夫人的起诉由法官麦吉汉审理。 They were wearing similar suits . 他们穿著同样的衣服。 Jack and his wife seem well suited to one another . 杰克和他的妻子似乎彼此很匹配。 It was a problem for which he was quite suited . 这个苦差叫他来当,倒真是找对人了。 He was dressed in his one black suit of broadcloth . 他穿了他仅有的那套厚呢黑衣服。 It suits me to put up with him . 宽容他正合我的心意。 This hoe suits me very well . 这把锄我使著很对劲儿。 Would it suit you to e at five ? 你五点钟来行吗? That suits me down to the ground . 那对我完全合适。 That suit 's too tight -- it makes you look really fat . 那套衣服太瘦显得你很胖。

