
时间:2024-12-28 06:48:18编辑:奇闻君


《上帝是个女孩》英文版如下:Remembering meDiscover and seeAll over the worldShe's known as a girlTo those who are freeTheir minds shall be keyForgotten as the past'Cause history will lastGod is a girlWherever you areDo you believe it' can you receive itGod is a girlWhatever you sayDo you believe it' can you receive itGod is a girlHowever you liveDo you believe it' can you receive itGod is a girlShe's only a girlDo you believe it' can you receive itRemembering meDiscover and seeAll over the worldShe's known as a girlTo those who are freeTheir minds shall be keyForgotten as the pastCause history will lastGod is a girlWherever you areDo you believe it can you receive itGod is a girlWhatever you sayDo you believe it can you receive itGod is a girlHowever you liveDo you believe it can you receive itGod is a girlShe's only a girlDo you believe it can you receive itGod is a girlWherever you areDo you believe it can you receive itGod is a girlWhatever you sayDo you believe it can you receive itGod is a girlHowever you liveDo you believe it can you receive itGod is a girlShe's only a girlDo you believe it can you receive it《上帝是个女孩》赏析歌曲中,女主唱Mell有些慵懒而清脆柔美的声音,加上猛烈撞击碎拍呈现出的强烈的节奏感,典型的Dance节奏混搭POP及Trance舞曲的元素,使得歌曲极富节奏感和弹性,这样的演唱和演奏方式深深震撼和吸引了广大的音乐爱好者。该单曲有多个Remix版本,较出名的版本有两个:原版的是God is A Girl(Radio Edit),即有电音的版本,抒情版的为(Album Version)。


上帝是女孩英文:God Is a Girl.双语例句:1、她救下一个眼看要落入水中的小女孩。She saved a little girl from falling into the water. 2、法庭承担了保障这个女孩福利的责任。The court assumed responsibility for the girl's welfare. 3、比我高大的女孩过去总是追赶着胳肢我。The bigger girls used to chase me and tickle me. 4、看到这么多女孩抽烟令我感到很沮丧。It depresses me to see so many young girls smoking. 5、女孩通常缺乏自信,而男孩则往往会高估自己的能力。While girls lack confidence, boys often overestimate their abilities.

