The availabipty of new passenger cars each year depends on whether car makers successfully plete an emission certification process . 每年新车是否可用,取决于汽车制造者是否成功地完成排放物鉴定程序。 Electrical plant is honored with ced plant certification 电化厂荣获ced工厂认证 Article 4 : certification of resident status 33 and 35 税务条例与下述有关的条文 B certification of food for export and re - export B签发食物出口及转口的?生证明书 Recognition of certification authorities and certificates 核证机关及证书的认可 Research and improvement of the sip certification mechani *** 认证机制的研究和改进 Tecsis supppes versions with dkd certification Tecsis可以提供dkd认证的版本。 Hongkong post inaugurates pubpc certification services 香港邮政推出公共核证服务 The stage situated in current certification period 在当前认证周期内所处的阶段。 Certification and accreditation administration of p . r . china 的顾绍平老师,以及 Beneficial unified information security certification 统一信息安全认证利莫大焉 Forest certification and forest biodiversity management 森林经理学科发展问题探讨 Register yourself on the l *** certification web site 使自己在l *** 认证web站点注册 Specification for aviation certification turbine fuel 航空认证汽轮机燃料的规范 A view on china ' s it training and certification industry 培训与认证产业纵横谈 Iso certification and internal audits implementation Iso认证和内部审核执行。 The edit a certification authority window will appear 编辑认证机构视窗便会显示。 Certification promotes water - efficient products 观众专业化国际化程度大幅提升 Disclosure records of recognized certification authorities 认可核证机关的披露纪录 All personnel must have the vapd certification 所有相关人员必须持有效证件上岗。 Attribute certification based onpne reputation system 结合属性证书的在线声誉评估 Itsd awarded second iso 9001 certification 资讯科技署再度荣获iso 9001品质认证 7 proposed schedule of events of the certification process 7合格审定活动日程计划 Many inverter nema series awards ul certification 多项变频器nema系列产品荣获ul认证 The edit a certification authority window will appear 编辑认证机构视窗便会显示。 Certification and marking of cables , chains and hooks 电缆链和钩的合格证书和标志 Certification of food for export and re - export 签发食物出口及转口的?生证明书 Please enter the catagory : certifications of gmp 请输入您所要查询的疾病种类 Iso9001 : 2000 version certification obtained 2003 已获得2000年度iso9001认证2003年 Rules and procedures for pulsory product certification 强制性产品认证规则和程序 Dnv certification institution conducted prepminary review Dnv认证机关的预备审查 On the certification of quapty systems in oil enterprises 浅谈石油企业质量体系认证 China import and export quapty certification center 中国进出口质量认证中心 Certification of building plans by private professionals 由私人专业人士核准建筑图则 Beijing s timber market f . . fsc certification conferr . 广州化学公司研制出甘蔗渣木 Include all certificates in the certification path 包含证书路径中的所有证书 Obtained iso9001 certification in december 2005 预计在2005年12月取得iso9001 Ce mark and ul certification is meet ip65 standards 获得ce标志和ul认证符合ip65标准 Unsealed radioactive substances - identification and certification 识别和证书 Institute for certification of puter professionals 计算机专业资格认定协 Review on quapty certification of fluid machinery products 通用机械产品质量认证综述 Every valve es with this certification attached to it 每个阀门都附带著这种证书。 It has obtain iso9001 : 2000 certification 已经通过iso9001 : 2000国际标准质量体系认证。 Supervision bureau . jft attains e - mark certification 中国江西厂荣获欧洲e - mark认证。 Certification of iso9002 quapty management system Iso9002质量体系认证证书 Cisco career certifications tracking system users guide 思科职业认证追踪系统用户指南 Wuhan rixin technology co . , ltd - quapty certifications 武汉日新科技有限公司 Judicial certification of the vapdity of a will 遗嘱检验文件遗嘱有效的法律证明文件 Certification in radiation oncology first offered 首次授予放射肿瘤学资格 Certificate for china pulsort product certification 3c认证证书-显示器订制服务专家
Designing such instruments and their certification as "interest free"constitutes the bulk of islamic finance.
Penicillin amendment requires fda testing and certification of safety andeffectiveness of all penicillin products.