
时间:2024-12-30 00:53:34编辑:奇闻君


eruption的动词是erupt.erupt单词发音:英 [ ɪˈrʌpt ] 美 [ ɪˈrʌpt ]基本解释:火山爆发;突然发生;爆发动乱;突然出现erupt的造句如下:Daren Well, an active volcano could erupt at anytime!活火山就是随时都会喷发的火山呀!Massacres erupt without anyone being held accountable.爆发许多屠杀案而又没有人承担责任。Ambassador Osman warned these issues must be resolved or conflict could erupt.奥斯曼大使警告说,这些问题必须解决,否则可能会爆发冲突。It's amazing how these brawls erupt and how completely mad the whole scene looks.争斗爆发的因由、场面的混乱让人叹为观止。Depressive all the time, depressing oneself affection, can you have a day when erupt一直压抑着, 压抑着自己的情感, 会有爆发的一天吗Are there volcanoes that might erupt soon that would pose a threat to U. S. airspace可能即将爆发的火山会威胁到美国上空吗?


eruption[i'rʌpʃən]n. 爆发, 喷发, 出疹, 长牙例句与用法:The place was recently visited by a serious volcanic eruption.这地方最近发生了一次严重的火山爆发。Pulverized particulate matter ejected by volcanic eruption.火山灰火山爆发喷射出来的粉末状颗粒物质The hostilities will be on eruption.战事即将爆发。The eruption of volcano makes many people lose their lives.火山的爆发使许多人丧失了生命。词形变化:形容词: eruptive | 副词: eruptively | 动词过去式: erupted | 动词过去分词: erupted | 动词现在分词: erupting | 动词第三人称单数: erupts |

