
时间:2024-12-31 02:47:18编辑:奇闻君

bitter的意思 英语bitter的意思

1、bitter英[ˈbɪtə(r)]美[ˈbɪtər]adj.苦的; 激烈而不愉快的; 充满愤怒与仇恨的; 愤愤不平的; 令人不快的; 使人悲痛的; 由痛苦引起的; 味苦的; 严寒的;n.苦啤酒(在英国很受欢迎); 苦酒原汁(从植物中提取的苦酒精液体,可增加其他酒精饮料的味道);vt.使变苦;adv.剧烈。

2、[例句]Okay, Im looking for sweet and salty, Claire, not bitter.我要的是甜中带咸,克莱尔,不是苦的。


  bitter表示"有苦味的意思。那么你知道bitter的同义词是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧!   bitter的同义词:   distasteful   bitter的同义词:   unpleasant   词组习语:   to the bitter end   1. 义无反顾,坚持到底   工人们将战斗到底。   the workers would &B{fight to the bitter end}.   bitter的例句:   1. They drink bitter on draught in the local bar.   他们在当地的酒吧里喝桶装的苦啤酒。   2. For many, their long-awaited homecoming was a bitter disappointment.   对许多人来说,他们期盼已久的还乡之行却令他们大失所望。   3. McGuire took a long swig from his bottle of bitter lemon.   麦圭尔举起瓶子咕咚咕咚地喝了一大通苦柠檬汁。   4. Our spirits rallied as the bitter-sweet alcohol worked its magic.   苦中带甜的酒发挥了奇效,我们的精神随之振奋起来。   5. Outside, a bitter east wind was accompanied by flurries of snow.   外面,刺骨的东风伴着阵阵小雪。   6. His voice tailed away in the bitter cold air.   他的声音在刺骨的寒风中越来越微弱。   7. The quarrel between the Serbs and the Croats is old and bitter.   塞尔维亚人和克罗地亚人之间的争斗由来已久,而且非常激烈。   8. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by feeling bitter..   心怀怨愤是绝对没有好处的。   9. Mr Taylor was not bitter towards those who had opposed him.   泰勒先生对那些曾反对过他的人并未怀恨在心。   10. There've been some bitter exchanges between the two groups.   两组之间发生过一些激烈的争吵。   11. The bitter rows and recriminations have finally ended the relationship.   激烈的争吵和相互指责最终为他们的感情画上了句号。   12. He is bitter about the inaction of the other political parties.   对其他政党的无作为他多有挖苦。   13. The author's intention is to keep everyone guessing until the bitter end.   这位作家打算把悲惨结局的悬念一直保留到最后。   14. Despite their bitter screen rivalry, off-stage they are close friends.   虽然他们在银幕上是誓不两立的对手,在现实生活中却是至交。   15. The north wind was bitter and deadly cold.   北风寒冷刺骨。   1. He found it distasteful to be offered drinks before witnessing the execution.   他觉得在目睹行刑前还要上酒让人很不舒服。   2. I found it a touch distasteful.   我觉得这略有点让人反感。   3. The very idea of cheating him is distasteful to me.   欺骗他的那个想法使我很不愉快.   4. I find his attitude highly distasteful.   我觉得他的态度很令人厌恶.   5. The work was thoroughly distasteful to her.   她憎恶这种工作.   6. Don't force her into a distasteful marriage.   不能强迫她与她不喜欢的男人成婚.   7. Smoking is distasteful to me.   我不喜欢抽烟.   8. The medicine is distasteful but good for you.   良药苦口.   9. The way Charles tried to make up to the boss was distasteful to the workers.   工人们很看不惯查尔斯想巴结老板的那种样子.   10. The suggestion was distasteful to Gatsby.   这个建议不合盖茨比的口胃.   11. The fiddler's crude and irreverent sense of humor was distasteful to him.   拉琴人的粗鲁无礼的幽默感使他讨厌.   12. But the old sheds and bankers were distasteful to him.   但是那儿那些旧日的工作棚和工作台,都让他看着很讨厌了.   13. Some of us find this distasteful - an undignified kind of life.   我们一些人对此十分厌恶,认为这是一种极不光彩的生活.   14. Even the thought of her was distasteful to him.   他即使一想起她来,都感到恶心.   15. Such surreptitious bypassing of Standlely was distasteful.   这种偷偷摸摸的绕过斯坦德莱的做法令人厌恶.   1. The plant has an unpleasant odour and an acrid taste.   这种植物闻着刺鼻,吃着辣口。   2. The aeroplane was gyrating about the sky in a most unpleasant fashion.   飞机在空中盘旋,令人不堪忍受。   3. By pushing aside unpleasant thoughts they merely repress these thoughts.   他们对不愉快的想法不予理会,其结果仅仅是压制了这些想法。   4. It made things very unpleasant in a way.   这把事情弄得有点不大愉快。   5. It was a very unpleasant and frightening attack.   那是一次非常恶劣且骇人的攻击。   6. She thought him an unpleasant man.   她认为他是个粗鲁的人。   7. She felt herself blanch at the unpleasant memories.   一回想起那些不愉快的事情,她觉得自己的脸刷地就白了。   8. The symptoms can be uncomfortable, unpleasant and serious.   那些症状可能令人不适,很不舒服甚至会比较严重。   9. The vacuum has an unpleasant smell.   那个真空吸尘器有股很难闻的气味。   10. an unpleasant subject of conversation   不愉快的话题   11. The minerals in the water made it unpleasant to drink.   水里的矿物质使得这水挺难喝的。   12. They've been trying to push all the unpleasant jobs on me again.   他们一直想把所有讨厌的工作再次往我身上推.   13. Her manner seemed unpleasant at first, but she improved on further acquaintance.   起初她的举止让人很不愉快, 但是经过进一步接触她改了许多.   14. I found him thoroughly unpleasant, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.   我觉得他一点也不讨人喜欢, 没有任何可取之处.   15. The skunk gives off an unpleasant smell when attacked.   受到攻击时臭鼬会发出一种难闻的气味.

