
时间:2025-01-01 15:22:10编辑:奇闻君


greatness的英音读[ˈɡreɪtnəs],美音读[ˈɡreɪtnəs]。一、短语搭配1、Ordinary Greatness豆豆向前冲。2、Cultivate Greatness培育伟大。3、true greatness真正的科学真谛。4、immoderate greatness毫无节制的扩张。5、Leadership Greatness卓越领导力。6、Innovations Greatness创新成就伟业。7、Greatness Achieved任务完成。二、例句1、He may not always achieve greatness but at least he's a trier.他也许并非总能成就大事,但至少他竭尽所能。2、Some are born great, some achieve greatness,and some have greatness thrust upon them.有人生来伟大,有人成就伟大,有人被迫伟大。3、My whole ambition is to serve my country and maintain its greatness.我唯一的抱负就是为国家服务,维护它的伟大。4、What king can we compare in greatness and heroism to the Caesar whose rule Cato would not endure?有哪一个国王比得上伟大西泽的英雄气概呢?但加图仍不能忍受西泽的统治。5、The social scientists are right to say that we should be a little sceptical of greatness,and that we should always look in the next room.社会科学家们说得对,我们应该对伟大保持一点怀疑,我们应该总是去隔壁看看。


greatness读音是[ˈɡreɪtnəs],以下是双语例句:1、He may not always achieve greatness but at least he's a trier. 他也许并非总能成就大事,但至少他竭尽所能。2、Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. 有人生来伟大,有人成就伟大,有人被迫伟大3、My whole ambition is to serve my country and maintain its greatness. 我唯一的抱负就是为国家服务,维护它的伟大。4、What king can we compare in greatness and heroism to the Caesar whose rule Cato would not endure? 有哪一个国王比得上伟大西泽的英雄气概呢?但加图仍不能忍受西泽的统治。5、The social scientists are right to say that we should be a little sceptical of greatness, and that we should always look in the next room. 社会科学家们说得对,我们应该对伟大保持一点怀疑,我们应该总是去隔壁看看。6、Today Dickens' greatness is unchallenged . 如今,狄更斯的伟大是不容置疑的。7、Stephen Francis observed then eighteen-year-old Shelly Ann as a track meet and was convinced that he had seen the beginning of true greatness . 斯蒂芬·弗朗西斯观察了当时18岁的雪莉·安,认为他看到了真正伟大的开始。8、Greatness is forged in the ordinary. Heroes come from the people. 平凡铸就伟大,英雄来自人民。9、Greatness comes out of the ordinary. 伟大出自平凡,平凡造就伟大。10、We become stuck in an uncomfortable paradox8: our ambitions have been ignited by greatness, but everything we know of ourselves points to congenital ineptitude9. 我们被困在一个难受的困境里:我们的雄心壮志是被伟大激起来的,但是我们慢慢发现自己天赋上的无能

