
时间:2025-01-05 07:33:52编辑:奇闻君


Arrangement的读法是:英 [əˈreɪndʒmənt] 美 [əˈreɪndʒmənt]解释:n.安排;筹备;安排方式;布置;商定;约定;整理好的东西;改编乐曲复数: arrangements短语搭配:course arrangement课程安排 ; 课程按排 ; 排课管理 ; 课程设置flexibility arrangement弹性措施 ; 灵活安排plant arrangement植物配植 ; 植物配置 ; 车间布置 ; 景观绿化alternative arrangement交错布置 ; 间隔布置 ; 替换布置 ; 翻译tooth arrangement牙齿排列 ;[口腔]排牙 ; 布齿monetary arrangement金融财务安排Trio Arrangement行程安排extraordinary arrangement精心安排 ; 特殊安排casting arrangement铸造器例句:1、Many people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the arrangement.许多人表示对这一安排不满。2、Are you happy with that arrangement?你对这一安排感到满意吗?3、We can come to an arrangement over the price.我们可以就价格问题达成一项协议。4、Will you see to the arrangements for the next meeting?你来负责安排下次会议,好吗?5、There are special arrangements for people working overseas.对赴海外工作的人员有特别安排。


arrangement英 [əˈreɪndʒmənt] 美 [əˈreɪndʒmənt] n.安排;筹备;安排方式;布置;商定;约定;整理好的东西;改编乐曲复数: arrangements记忆技巧:arrange 安排;排列 + ment,arrange 的名词 → 排列,布置高考IELTSTOEFLTEM4TEM8牛津词典noun1[C, usually pl.] ~ (for sth)安排;筹备a plan or preparation that you make so that sth can happentravel arrangements旅行安排I'll make arrangements for you to be met at the airport.我会安排人到机场接你。2[C, usually pl.] 安排方式;布置the way things are done or organizedShe's happy with her unusual living arrangements.她对自己不同寻常的生活安排方式感到很得意。new security arrangements新保安措施There are special arrangements for people working overseas.对赴海外工作的人员有特别安排。3[C, U] ~ (with sb) (to do sth)商定;约定an agreement that you make with sb that you can both acceptan arrangement between the school and the parents学校和家长的一项约定We can come to an arrangement over the price.我们可以就价格问题达成一项协议。


We’ll arrange for an experienced teacher.我们将安排一位有经验的教师.
I’ve arranged for a taxi.我已安排好了一辆计程车.
Would you like to arrange (for) a personal interview?你希望安排一次个别接见吗?
3.正因为表示“安排”时不能直接跟某人作宾语,所以要表示汉语的“安排某人做某事”,英语习惯上不说 arrange sb to do sth,而说arrange for sb to do sth:
I’ve arranged for Mary to meet you at the airport.我已经安排玛丽去机场接你.
类似地,英语不说 hope sb to do sth,而说 hope for sb to do sth,不说 wait sb to do sth,而说 wait for sb do sth,不说long sb to do sth,而说long for sb to do sth等.另外还有,英语习惯上不说 demand sb to do sth,而说 demand of sb to do sth.
They arranged that the meeting (should) be put off to Saturday.他们安排把会议推迟到星期六.
I’ve arranged that one of our representatives will meet you at the airport.我已安排好派一个代表到机场接你.
比较同义句:I’ve arranged for him to attend the meeting.=I’ve arranged that he (should) attend the meeting.我已安排他去参加会议.
5.其后习惯上不接双宾语,如“请给我们安排一次与工人的会见”不能译为:Please arrange us an interview with the workers.可改为:Please arrange an interview with the workers for us

