
时间:2025-01-08 20:48:42编辑:奇闻君

freeze in中文翻译

It 's freezing in the river . 河水冰人。 Shall i put some anti - freeze in the radiator 要不要在散热器里注入一些防冻剂? What about the time your hooves froze in the pond 还记得你在那冷冰冰的池塘里吗 Do you ever freeze in social situations 你是否有过在社交环境中被冷落的经历? It ' s freezing in this room ; can ' t we have a fire 房间里冷极了,我们能不能生个火? Frozen in their last horrible moment of pving 在他们最后一刻的恐惧中僵直 Frozen in winter , several minutes came over 冬天结冰,几分钟就过来了。 Real friendship does not freeze in winter 真正的友谊遇到寒冬也不会冻结 Frozen in winter , several minutes came over 冬天结冰,几分钟就过来了。 Real friendship does not freeze in winter 真正的友谊在冬天也不会冻结 Later when he discovered that the car was really gone , his face became frozen in shock 等到发现车子真的不见时,他整个人都吓呆了! Freezing in here 有点冷。 Freezing in here 有点冷。 The phenomenon that rivers freeze in high latitude and cold regions is universal 摘要高纬度寒冷地区的河流在冬季结冰是一种普遍现象。 The red sea was divided and congealed or was frozen in place until god released the sea again 红海的海水便分开并且凝固住直到上帝让海水复合 Helps prevent fuel pne freeze in winter and remove condensation in warm , wet weather 防止冬天时油路结冰以及再湾暖潮湿的天候时,汽油分子的收缩 As it fed on the nectar , its wings moved tremulously and i froze in my tracks , transfixed 它吮吸著花蜜,双翅颤抖地扇动著,我僵在路上,呆呆地望著。 Ps : underground burying tube should be increased depending on local depth of anti - frozen in north area 注:北方地区可根据当地防冻层深度增加地下埋管。 Though my lodging has already been arranged , i am freezing in the snow as dusk gathers around me 虽然住宿已为我安顿好了?可是暮色苍茫的雪中我仍然觉得寒冷。 Flowers frozen in pquid air can be broken with a hammer as though they were made of glass 在液态空气里冰冻过的花朵,宛如玻璃做的一样,可以用一个锤子击碎。


  freeze既能做名词也能做动词,那么freeze做名词和动词分别都有哪些意思吗?下面我为大家带来freeze的英语意思和双语例句,欢迎大家阅读学习!   freeze作名词的意思:   冻结;严寒时期   freeze作动词的意思:   凝固,结冰;冻伤,冻死   freeze的英语音标:   英 [fri:z] 美 [friz]   freeze的时态:   现在分词: freezing   过去式: froze   过去分词: frozen   freeze的英语例句:   1. A wage freeze was imposed on all staff earlier this month.   这个月早些时候,所有员工的工资都被冻结了。   2. Freeze it only until firm but not rock solid.   把它冻硬,但是不要硬得像石头一样。   3. The coffee is freeze-dried to seal in all the flavour.   咖啡经冷冻干燥以保留原汁原味。   4. The trees were damaged by a freeze in December.   那些树因为12月里的一次冰冻而遭到毁坏。   5. When the chicken is cooked I'll freeze some.   鸡肉做好以后,我会把一部分冷冻起来.   6. The water pipes will freeze.   水管会冻住。   7. Ice could freeze up their torpedo release mechanisms.   冰可能会冻死他们的鱼雷发射装置。   8. You can freeze the soup at this stage.   这时可以把汤冷冻起来。   9. Most fresh herbs will freeze successfully.   大多数新鲜的芳草都很适宜冷冻贮藏。   10. Your hands will freeze doing this.   做这个手会冻僵的。   11. They want the government to freeze prices.   他们希望政府冻结物价。   12. He slipped and broke his leg during the big freeze.   他在严寒期间滑倒,摔断了腿.   13. In capitalist society, big enterprises always try to freeze out the smaller ones.   在资本主义社会, 大企业总是千方百计地排挤小企业.   14. The children wanted the lake to freeze over so they could ice - skate.   孩子们希望湖面结冰,这样他们就可以在上面滑冰了.   15. They seemed to freeze me out of the family.


FREEZE,英语单词,主要用作为动词、名词,作动词时意为“(使)冻结,结冰;严寒;(水管等)冻住;冷冻,冷藏;惊呆;使定格;(账户)冻结;僵硬”,作名词时意为“冻结;凝固;停止;冰冻期,严寒期;霜冻,(美)弗里兹(人名)”。短语搭配:freezespace 冷冻区 ; 热冻区freeze over 全面结冰 ; 冻结超过 ; 冻结 ; 封冻Freeze Selected 冻结所选择的 ; 冻结选择Big Freeze 大冻结 ; 大寒冷 ; 大冰冻Freeze point 冰点 ; 凝固点 ; 卡点Freeze Panes 冻结窗格 ; 冻结窗口GLITTER FREEZE 闪闪的冰冻Freeze Unit 冻结单位 ; 冻结设备freeze thawing 冻融


v.(使)冻结,结冰;(使)冻住,冻堵;冰冻;严寒;n.冻结;停止;冰冻期;严寒期。一、读音:英 [friːz];美 [friːz]。二、例句:The pipes have frozen, so we've got no water.水管已经冻了,我们接不到水。三、词汇用法:1、动词。freeze主要用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语,常用于被动结构。2、名词。freeze作“冻结”解时,指的是对工资、物价的冻结,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。扩展资料:近义词:solidify一、意思:v.(使)凝固,变硬,变得结实;(使)变得坚定,变得稳固,巩固。二、读音:英 [səˈlɪdɪfaɪ] 美 [səˈlɪdɪfaɪ]。三、例句:The mixture will solidify into toffee.这种混合物凝固后就成了太妃糖。四、词汇用法:用作动词表示变得稳固,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语,常用于被动结构。



