
时间:2025-01-09 12:54:33编辑:奇闻君


ZEPPELIN 这个腕表品牌来自于德国慕尼黑的POINTtec。设计的灵感来自于德国人 Ferdinand Graf von ZEPPELIN 发明的飞行船及其造型,并将腕表功能与制表工艺,搭配古典美学或时尚流行的元素,设计出与众不同的德意 志腕表。ZEPPELIN 腕表主要零件是在欧洲或德国制造,所有的表会在面板上或是表背上正式打印出MADE IN GERMANY, 所以不管是机械机芯或瑞士的石英机芯皆经过严格的品管控制,ZEPPELIN 是在 POINTtec 自己的工作室组装腕表,是少数仍在德国制造腕表的品牌。


zeppelin读音是:[ˈzepəlɪn]。双语例句:The zeppelin floated gracefully in the sky, offering a magnificent view of the landscape below. (齐柏林飞艇在空中优雅地漂浮,提供了下方风景的壮丽景色。)I have always been fascinated by the history and engineering behind zeppelins. (我一直对齐柏林飞艇的历史和工程背后的原理感到着迷。)The zeppelin provided a unique and luxurious mode of transportation in the early 20th century. (在20世纪初,齐柏林飞艇提供了一种独特而奢华的交通方式。)The crash of the Hindenburg zeppelin in 1937 marked the end of the era of passenger zeppelins. (1937年“亨登堡号”齐柏林飞艇的坠毁标志着乘客用齐柏林飞艇时代的终结。)The zeppelin was a symbol of technological innovation and human achievement during its heyday. (在齐柏林飞艇的全盛时期,它是技术创新和人类成就的象征。)The passengers embarked on the zeppelin with excitement, ready for their airborne adventure. (乘客们兴致勃勃地登上齐柏林飞艇,准备开始他们的空中冒险。)The zeppelin glided through the clouds, offering a smooth and serene flight experience. (齐柏林飞艇在云层中滑翔,提供了平稳而宁静的飞行体验。)The invention of the zeppelin revolutionized long-distance travel and opened up new possibilities for exploration. (齐柏林飞艇的发明彻底改变了长途旅行的方式,并为探索开辟了新的可能性。)The zeppelin's majestic appearance and slow movement gave it a distinctive charm. (齐柏林飞艇雄伟的外观和缓慢的移动赋予了它独特的魅力。)The zeppelin's design allowed for spacious cabins and panoramic windows, providing passengers with a breathtaking view. (齐柏林飞艇的设计使得机舱宽敞,并配有全景窗户,为乘客提供了令人惊叹的视野。)

