
时间:2025-01-15 15:40:43编辑:奇闻君


苏菲玛索经典电影推荐:《初吻》、《芳芳》、《勇敢的心》等。《芳芳》苏菲玛索的成名作,片中法式浪漫的搭配,童话公主古典裙子让少女的清纯之美尽显。法国文化浓厚的优雅与热情浪漫野性不羁混在一起,妩媚娇艳又让人恋恋不舍。战争片《勇敢的心》由梅尔·吉布森、苏菲·玛索、凯瑟琳·麦克马克主演。根据真人真事改编的一部电影,影片的人物原型就是英国历史上富有传奇色彩的英雄人物“威廉·华莱士”。讲述了苏格兰起义领袖威廉·华莱士与英格兰统治者不屈不挠斗争的故事。该片在第68届奥斯卡金像奖上曾获得最佳影片、最佳导演等5项奖项。《初吻》苏菲•玛索当年凭借此片成为欧洲影坛著名的小明星。讲述的是薇卡(苏菲•玛索 饰)是个13岁的女孩,不同于班上的其他同学父母离异的状况,她拥有一个完整的家庭,虽然她总是觉得被母亲忽略,伴随青春期到来的,除却敏感的对父母之爱的需要,还有对异性情感的渴望。然而,父母的感情出现了裂痕,母亲与薇卡的德语老师燃起了爱火花;而在舞会上认识的拉乌尔,让她感受到初恋的美好同时也领会了爱情的伤害……






Sophie Marceau
born 17 November 1966) is a French actress, who has appeared in 35 films. During her teens, Marceau achieved popularity by her debut films La Boum (1980) and La Boum 2 (1982), for which she received a César Award for Most Promising Actress. In addition to her French language films, she has worked in international films such as Braveheart (1995) and as the main antagonist Elektra King in The World Is Not Enough (1999).

Early life:
Marceau was born Sophie Danièle Sylvie Maupu in Paris, France, the second child of Simone (née Morisset), a shop assistant, and Benoît Maupu, a truck driver. The family lived a working-class existence that left Marceau with generally fond memories of childhood. During the week, she helped at the family restaurant. She spent weekends with her family in La Cabane, a small house in Vert-le-Petit in the department Essonne. Her parents divorced when she was nine

In February 1980, Marceau and her mother came across a model agency looking for teenagers. Marceau had photos taken at the agency but did not think anything would come of it. At the same time, Françoise Menidrey, the casting director for Claude Pinoteau's La Boum (1980), asked modeling agencies to recommend a new teenager for the project. After viewing the rushes, Alain Poiré, the director of the Gaumont Film Company, signed Marceau to a long-term contract. La Boum was a hit not only in France, where 4.5 million tickets were sold, but several other European countries and Japan.

In 1981, Marceau made her singing debut with French singer François Valéry on "Dream in Blue," written by Delanoë.

Early film career:
In 1982, at the age of 15, Marceau bought back her contract with Gaumont for one million French francs She borrowed most of the money. After starring in the sequel film La Boum 2 in 1982, Marceau focused on more dramatic roles, including Fort Saganne (co-starring Gérard Depardieu and Catherine Deneuve) and Joyeuse Pâques (Happy Easter) in 1984, L'Amour Braque and Police in 1985, and Descente aux Enfers (Descent Into Hell) in 1986. In 1988, she starred in L'Etudiante (The Student) and Chouans!. That year, Marceau was named Best Romantic Actress at the International Festival of Romantic Movies for her role in Chouans.

In 1989, she starred in Mes nuits sont plus belles que vos jours (My Nights are more Beautiful than your Days), which was directed by her long-time boyfriend Andrzej Zulawski. In 1990, she starred in Pacific Palisades and La Note Bleue, her third film directed by her companion. In 1991, she ventured into the theater in Eurydice, which earned Marceau the Moliere Award for Best Female Newcomer.

Marceau began making less-dramatic films, such as the comedy Fanfan in 1993 and La Fille de D'Artagnan in 1994 — both popular in Europe and abroad. That year, she returned to the theatre as Eliza Dolittle in Pygmalion

International success:

Marceau at the 1996 César Awards ceremonyMarceau achieved international recognition in 1995 as Princess Isabelle in Mel Gibson's Braveheart. That year, she was part of an ensemble of international actors in the French film directed by Michelangelo Antonioni and Wim Wenders, Beyond the Clouds.

In 1997, she continued with William Nicholson's Firelight, filmed in England, Véra Belmont's Marquise, filmed in France, and Bernard Rose's Anna Karenina.

She played Hippolyta in A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999). She became a villainess Bond girl by playing Elektra King in The World Is Not Enough (1999).

Marceau teamed up again with her then-boyfriend Andrzej Zulawski to film La Fidélité in 2000.

Author and director:
In 1995, Marceau wrote a semi-autobiographical novel, Menteuse (engl. translation Telling Lies published in 2001), in which the narrator is a beautiful actress who is confident in her beauty and talent and yet insecure. The unnamed narrator takes the reader into a world of memories, fantasies, and impressions, but never reveals herself completely. Marceau's work was described as "an exploration of female identity". Marceau describes what the narrator is going through

Personal life:
Marceau had a 17 year relationship with director Andrzej Żuławski, who is 26 years her senior. Their son Vincent was born in June 1995. In 2001, Marceau separated from Żuławski and became involved with producer Jim Lemley and later gave birth to her second child, Juliette, born in Paris in 2002

苏菲玛索 法国影星英文简介。

外文名: Sophie Marceau
别名: Flatfoosie
国籍: 法国
出生地: 法国巴黎
出生日期: 1966年11月17日
血型: A型
职业: 演员,歌手
代表作品: 《初吻》,《狂野的爱》
身高: 173 厘米
体重: 47 公斤
三围: B34-W24-H34
16岁时,她与法国影帝哈德巴狄厄(Gerard Depardieu)及法国影后凯瑟·琳丹妮芙合演《沙岗堡》,第二年又与杰哈德巴狄厄再度搭档合演《警察》。1984年,苏菲玛索和波兰导演安德列左拉斯基合作《狂野的爱》,为她的演艺生涯以及个人生活带来大转变,她从此摆脱玉女戏路的局限,也和左拉斯基成为现实生活中的亲密伴侣。
苏菲玛索在《黑日危机》的片中,我们看到的已经是一个全然成熟形象的苏菲玛索,正因为有了她的加入,《黑日危机》被誉为最好看的007影片。除了演戏之外,苏菲玛索也尝试多方位发展,她所执导的短片《L’ Aube a l’ Envers》曾经获选参加1995年坎城影展的“一种注目”单元,而在1996年她也在法国出版了一本自己写的书《La Menteuse》。
1.1980年 《初吻》(laboum),又名《第一次接触》,饰薇克Vic Beretton。
2.1982年 《初吻2》(laboum2),又名《再一次接触》,饰薇克Vic Beretton。
3.1984年 《萨卡纳要塞》(fortsaganne),又名《沙岗堡》《萨卡纳要塞》,饰马德莱娜Madeleine of Saint-Ilette。
4.1984年 《最后一次接触》(joyeusespues),又名《初吻3》《快乐的复活节》,饰朱丽Julie。
5.1985年 《狂野的爱》(lamourbraque),又名《野恋》《狂野之爱》《冒失的爱》《虐恋》,饰玛丽Mary。
6.1985年 《警察》(police),又名《末路刑警》,饰诺丽雅Noria。
7.1986年 《堕入地狱》(descenteauxenfers),又名《落入地狱》《爱比死更冷》,饰萝拉Lola。
8.1988年 《女学生》(ltudiante),又名《曲折的爱》《女大学生》《心动的感觉》《含苞欲放》,饰瓦伦蒂娜Valentine。
9.1988年 《雪琳娘》(chouans!),饰塞利纳Céline。
10.1989年 《我的夜晚比你的白天更美丽》(mesnuitssontplusbellesquevosjours),饰布朗什Blanche。
11.1990年 《来自巴黎的女孩》(pacificpalisades),又名《太平洋的围栏》,饰波娜戴特Bernardette。
12.1991年 《情书战场》(poursacha),又名《为了萨莎》,饰劳拉Laura。
13.1991年 《蓝色乐章》(lanotebleue),饰索朗日。��
14.1993年 《芳芳》(fanfan),又名《留住有情人》,饰芳芳Fanfan。
15.1994年 《豪情玫瑰》(lafillede d'artagnan),又名《达达尼昂的女儿》《火枪手16.1995年 《勇敢的心》(braveheart),《惊世未了情》《惊世未了缘》,饰伊莎贝拉王妃Princess Isabelle。
17.1995年 《云上的日子》(par-delàlesnuages),又名《在云端上的情与欲》《神秘野百合》,饰女孩。�
18.1995年 《对我来说,拍电影就是生活》(makingafilmformeistolive)。
19.1996年 《安娜·卡列尼娜》(annakarenina),又名《浮生一世情》《爱比恋更冷》,饰安娜·卡列尼娜Anna Karenina。
20.1996年 《玛奇丝》(marquise),又名《路易十四的情妇》《路易十四的情人》,饰玛奇丝Marquise。
21.1996年 《心火》(firelight),饰伊丽莎白Elisabeth Laurier。��
22.1999年 《失去与得到》(lost&found),又名《爱情狗绑架案》《斗气俏冤家》,饰丽拉·杜布瓦Lila Dubois。
23.1999年 《仲夏夜之梦》(amidsummernight’s dream),饰希波丽妲Hippolyta。
24.1999年 《007之黑日危机》(the world is not enough),又名《末日危机》《007之纵横天下》,饰艾丽卡·金Elektra。
25.2000年 《忠贞》(lafidélité),又名《情欲写真》,饰克莱丽Clélia。
26.2001年 《卢浮魅影》(belphégor,lefantmedulouvre),又名《浮宫魅影》《卢浮宫传奇》,饰丽莎Lisa。
27.2002年 《对我说爱》(parlez-moid’amour),又名《当爱变成习惯》《跟我说爱》《请对我说爱我》《跟我谈谈爱》,自编自导自演。
28.2003年 《当阿历克斯遇到艾玛》(alex&emma),又名《书中自有颜如玉》《男书女爱》《恋爱“书”成班》,饰波丽娜Polina Delacroix。
29.2003年 《我决定留下来》(jereste),又名《我决定留下来》《我留下》《汽车钥匙》《爱情30拉警报》,饰玛丽·多米尼克Marie-电影《007之黑日危机》
30.2004年 《护士娜丽》(acesoir),又名《晚上见》《就在今晚》,饰娜丽Nelly。
31.2005年 《逃之夭夭》(anthonyzimmer),又名《色计》、《安东尼·齐莫》,饰吉雅拉Chiara Manzoni。
32.2007年 《魅影追击》,分饰维多利亚和露丝。
33.2008年 《超级女特工》,又名《超女特工》、《幕后女英雄》、《暗处的女人》,饰路易丝·德斯方坦斯Louise Desfontaines。
客串:《夜未央》,又名《午夜旋律》《午夜巴黎》《午夜时分》,饰街边女孩34.2008年 《母女情深》,电影《床的另一边》又名《萝尔》《放声大笑》,饰Anne。
35.2009年《不要回头》(Don't Look Back),饰珍妮june。
36.2009年《床的另一边》(De l'autre cote du lit),饰阿丽亚娜。
37.2009年《男人的床边》(L'homme de chevet),饰Muriel。

