
时间:2025-01-21 08:50:59编辑:奇闻君

Klaus Doldinger的《Moonchild》 歌词

歌曲名:Moonchild歌手:Klaus Doldinger专辑:The Never Ending Story格子戸(こうしど)の向(む)こうに赈(にぎ)わう宵(よい)の街灯(あかり)眠(ねぶ)りに诱(いざな)うは浮(う)かぶ影(かげ)の轨迹(きせき)ゆらゆら揺(ゆ)れる月(つき)よお前(まえ)は何処(どこ)へ行(ゆ)くの?あくがれる想(おも)いの行末(ゆくすえ)は优(やさ)しき人(ひと)の幻想(ゆめ)うっちー - Moonchild作词:柏木るざりん/ヤヤネアレンジ:芳叶/らんてぃ原曲:东方永夜抄/月见草幼(おさな)い手(て)を引(ひ)かれ见上(みあ)げた星(ほし)に河(かわ)に故郷(ふるさと)の栄华(えいが)を描(えが)くは幻(まぼろし)か镜(かがみ)に浮(う)かぶ月(つき)に触(ふ)れては想(おも)い出(だ)す暖(あたた)かな微睡(まどろ)みに包(つつ)まれた千夜(せんや)の物语(ものがたり)消(け)せない命(いのち)も终(お)わらない未来(みらい)も全(すべ)てを 赦(ゆる)して呜呼(ああ)……月(つき)が満(み)ちる夜(よる)は胸(むね)に抱(だ)き眠(ねぶ)るのあなたが编(あ)んでくれた莲华(れんげ)の花(はな)饰(かざ)りゆらゆら揺(ゆ)れる月(つき)よお前(まえ)は何処(どこ)へ行(ゆ)くの?永夜(えいよ)の神様(かみさま)が许(ゆる)すなら今宵(こよい) 私(わたし)と共(とも)にby-iwakura_sasami-

Klaus Doldinger的《Delilah》 歌词

歌曲名:Delilah歌手:Klaus Doldinger专辑:Early Doldinger - The Complete Philips SessionsDelilahDelilahShout shout shout delilahShout shout shout at the top of your lungsShout shout shout delilahShout shout shout until the kingdom comesStay away from meJust stay away from my houseStay away from meJust stay away or I'll sort you outShout shout shout delilahShout shout shout 'till the kingdom comesTreading on my dreamsStop treading on my dreamsOut out out delilahOut out out stay out of my placeOut out out delilahOut out out or I'll rearrange your faceHe'll never really beHe'll never be your loverHe'll never really beHe'll never really be your loverSo stay away from meJust stay away from my houseStay away from meJust stay away or I'll sort you outShout shout shout delilahShout shout shout 'till the kingdom comesTreading on my dreamsStop treading on my dreamsDelilah...Push me

Unbelievable 歌词

Mark Medlock - Unbelievable德国07年11月top100歌曲lrc编写 : gdhIt's not the way you smile … in the morningIt's not the way you kiss… me tonightIt's not the way you smile,when you're yawningIt's not the way you hold … then we tightWords can't express … They can not expressWhat you mean to meYou're unbelievable ... IrresistibleI cant believe my eyes, when I'm with youYou're unbelievable, You're just incredibleAnd I can't … can't breathe without youcan't breathe without youIt's not the way we spend … nights togetherIt's not the way you look … in and meIt's not the way you say … it's foreverNever all will be … will beWords can't express … They can not expressWhat you mean to meYou're unbelievable ... IrresistibleI can't believe my eyes, when I'm with youYou're unbelievable, You're just incredibleAnd I can't … can't breathe without youAnd I can't breathe without youYou're unbelievable ...IrresistibleI can't believe my eyes, when I'm with youYou're unbelievable, You're just incredibleAnd I can't … yes yeah I can'tcant breathe without youAnd I can't … can't breathe without youend... by gdh

Mark Medlock的《Baby Blue》 歌词

歌曲名:Baby Blue歌手:Mark Medlock专辑:Baby Blue词:方文山 曲:周杰伦BabY bLuE(Jay)海平面远方开始阴霾悲伤要怎么平静纯白我的脸上 始终挟带一抹浅浅的无奈(Lara)你用唇语说你要离开(心不在)那难过无声慢了下来汹涌潮水 你听明白 不是浪而是泪海(合)转身离开 (你有话说不出来)分手说不出来海鸟跟鱼相爱 只是一场意外我们的爱(给的爱)差异一直存在 (回不来)风中尘埃 (等待) 竟累积成伤害(合)转身离开分手说不出来蔚蓝的珊瑚海 错过瞬间苍白当初彼此(你我都)不够成熟坦白 (不应该)热情不再 (你的) 笑容勉强不来爱深埋珊瑚海(Jay)毁坏的沙雕如何重来 有裂痕的爱怎么重盖只是一切 结束太快 你说你无法释怀(Lara)贝壳里隐藏什么期待(等花儿开)我们也已经无心再猜面向海风 咸咸的爱 尝不出还有未来(合)转身离开 (你有话说不出来)分手说不出来 海鸟跟鱼相爱只是一场意外我们的爱(给的爱)差异一直存在 (回不来)风中尘埃 (等待) 竟累积成伤害(合)转身离开 (分手说不出来)分手说不出来 蔚蓝的珊瑚海错过瞬间苍白当初彼此(你我都)不够成熟坦白 (不应该)热情不再 (你的) 笑容勉强不来爱深埋珊瑚海END?

