
时间:2025-01-23 08:03:08编辑:奇闻君


domestic的意思是:家庭的,国内的,驯养的。一、词语解释domestic:形容词国内的,家庭的,家的,驯养的,热心家务的;名词佣人,国货。 复数形式:domestics;副词:domestically;反义词:domestic。domestic相关的词根或词缀是:dom,dom房屋,驯服,控制+estic什么的。二、例句1、Sometimes on small domestic cameras,sometimes on phones。有时是用小型的家用摄像机,有时是用手机。2、After resigning, she just wanted to put all her energy into her domestic life。辞职后,她只想将自己的全部精力投入到家庭生活中。3、Families where both husband and wife work require domestics to take care of the children。夫妻双方都有工作的家庭需要保姆来照顾孩子。


domestic意思是国内的。短语搭配1、domestic market国内市场。2、domestic demand国内需求;本地内部需求。3、domestic product国内产品;本地生产。双语例句1、This is our domestic affairs, which do not need the intervention of other countries.这是我们国内的事务,不需要他国的干涉。2、After resigning, she just wanted to put all her energy into her domestic life.辞职后,她只想将自己的全部精力投入到家庭生活中。3、Families where both husband and wife work require domestics to take care of the children.夫妻双方都有工作的家庭需要保姆来照顾孩子。


domestic什么意思如下:n.佣人;家佣;家庭纠纷;家庭矛盾adj.本国的;国内的;家用的;家庭的例句:1、International capital is typically much more volatile than domestic capital and its mobility is often the trigger for financial instability.国际资金一般都远较本地资金波动,其四处流窜的特性往往成为触发金融不稳定的原因。2、Start with its oil consumption. Domestic crude production is rising only slowly, so imports are growing by more than 30% a year.我们可以从石油消耗说起,中国国内原油产量上升缓慢,每年多于30%的原油是依赖于进口的。3、Like international trade, domestic trade in farm produce is often highly distorted.像国际贸易一样,国内农产品贸易往往受到严重扭曲。4、It must also manage liquidity in the bubble-prone domestic economy while trying to micromanage lending in the state-owned banking sector.它还必须在努力对国有银行部门的放贷行为进行微观管理的同时,管理易于产生泡沫的国内经济中的流动性。5、Our dilemma was that we were constrained by domestic pressures from choosing either of the two options that made strategic sense.难办的是,囿于国内压力,我们无法在两个具有战略意义的方案中作出选择。6、One of a breed of American domestic fowl having gray, barred plumage, yellow legs, and a rose - colored comb.多米尼加鸡;芦花纹鸡一种羽毛灰色有花斑、腿黄、冠玫瑰色的美国家禽。

