
时间:2025-01-24 21:52:03编辑:奇闻君

找歌pleace for my head--linkpark

a place for my head linkin park



Linkin Park - A Place For My Head

I watch how the
Moon sits in the sky in the dark night
Shining with the light from the sun
The sun doesnt give life to the moon to assuming
The moons going to owe it one
It makes me think of how you act to me you do
Favors and then rapidly you just
Turn around and start asking me about
Things that you want back from me
Im sick of the tension sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place to feed your greed
While I find a place to rest
I wanna be in another place
I hate when you say you dont understand
(Youll see its not meant to be)
I wanna be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head
Maybe someday Ill be just like you and
Step on people like you do and run
Away the people I thought I knew
I remember back then who you were
You used to be calm used to be strong
Used to be generous but you shouldve known that youd
Wear out your welcome now you see
How quiet it is all alone Im so
Sick of the tension sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place to feed your greed
While I find a place to rest Im so
Sick of the tension sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place to feed your greed
While I find a place to rest
You try to take the best of me
Go away
Shut up
I am so sick of the tension sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place to feed your greed
While I find a place to rest


Quiet inside--Andy Tubman(真的很静,大概是我听过的最悲伤的歌了,是灵幻夹克的片尾曲)

Girl singing in the wreckage--Black Box Recorder(是那种淡淡的,静静的,有一点叛逆的味道)

The facts of life--Black Box Recorder(黑匣子的歌总是那种初听的时候很柔软,但是有点外柔内刚的感觉)

Beautifull--Christina Aguilera(这首好听的程度不用我多说了)

Luttaby for Lucas--standfast(对于歌手不是很熟悉,不过第一次听就被吸引了)

Blue Moutain River--Cara Dillon(听第一句就舍不得换的歌)

Not going anywhere--Keren ann(K的歌大多都是安静舒缓的,她的嗓音有一点沙哑,正好唱出那种稍显庸懒的忧伤)

Seventeen--Keren ann

End of May--Keren ann(这首与她平时那种轻巧的舒缓有点不同,End of May显得有点压抑,但是听起来很美)

Gotta have you--the weepies(他们的甜蜜小情歌啊,会让人一边听一边不知不觉咧开嘴角,看着午后落进窗户的阳光的感觉)

Somebody loved--the weepies

the scarler tide--Alison crauss(是听冷山原声的时候听到的,温柔却不失力度,让人想起爱人的怀抱)

You will be my ain true love--Alison crauss(冷山一出现悲伤场面必放的曲子)

I wish my baby was born(连那个暴躁有点残酷的警察听了都会哭的民谣)


Everything's not lost--coldplay(伤)


swallowed in the sea--coldplay

What if--coldplay

Stop crying your heart out--oasis(大概是绿洲最为忧伤的歌了)

let there be love--oasis(这个也很好听,强烈推荐)

Half the world away--oasis(虽然属于BSIDES,但被歌迷认为是有史以来最优秀B面歌曲之一)

talk tonight--oasis

In between--Linkin park(LP里面我最喜欢的是MIKE那种低沉的嗓音,很够味,这首是一个人唱的,很好听,歌词也很有意义)

Valentine's day--Linkin park

My December--Linkin park

hands held hign--Linkin Park

where'd you go--Fort Minor(MIKE 主唱,虽然是说唱,但是旋律真的很好听)

Sunny came home--Shawn Colvin(现在很少有这么好听的乡村音乐了)

Tonight I wanna cry--Keith Urban

The hard way--Keith Urban

shoot the moon--Norah Jones(个人认为是诺拉琼斯最好听的歌)


Everything's not lost--coldplay

swallowed in the sea--coldplay

Stop crying your heart out--oasis

let there be love--oasis

Black roses red-- Alana Grace

Together--Avril Lavigne

Fogotten--Avril Lavigne

Innocence--Avril Lavigne
When You're gone--Avril Lavigne

