
时间:2025-01-29 01:47:52编辑:奇闻君


propose的汉语意思如下:v.提议;建议;打算;希冀;计划;求婚;提名;提供(解释)。propose的读音是:英 [prəˈpəʊz] 美 [prəˈpoʊz] 。propose的造句如下:1、I wish to propose a toast to our friendship and cooperation.我提议为我们的友谊和合作干杯。2、May I propose a toast to our guest of honor, Mr. Zhang!我提议为我们尊贵的客人张先生,干杯!3、Allow me to propose a toast to our honour guest Mr Green.允许我提议为我们的贵客格林先生干杯。4、Let me propose a toast to you.我提议,让我们为你先干杯。5、Finally, we propose the countermeasure to consummate our country's community correction system.最后,提出了完善我国社区矫正制度的对策。


suggest 是动词,基本含义是 1、建议,如 suggest things for children to do; suggest that we take a walk.建议孩子们做一些事;提议去散步 提出, 使想起, 暗示 2、使人想到。如:a cloud that suggests a mushroom; a ringlike symbol suggesting unity.一朵让人想到蘑菇的云;让人想到团结的环状标记 3、暗示。如:a silence that suggested disapproval.沉默暗示着反对。 4、要求。如:Such a crime suggests apt punishment.这样一桩犯罪要求给予适当的惩罚 proposal则为名词,相应的动词应该是propose,其含义是: 1、建议。该如suggest第一义相同。如propose a change in the law.提议修改法律 2、推荐, 提(名)。如:be proposed as a candidate for 被推荐为 ...候选人 3、企图,意图,打算,计划。如:proposed to buy and run a farm.打算购买并经营一个农场 4、求(婚)。如:propose marriage to a girl向一个姑娘求婚 5、提议举杯祝饮:提出为…干杯 advice也是名词,相应的动词应该是advise,其基本含义是: 1、建议。该含义与前两词第一义相同。 2、劝告、忠告。 3、通告,通告。 这三词作建议讲时,区别主要如下: advise 指不正式地通过详细查问情况而“劝告”或“提意见”让人做某事,而所做的多为未来事,往往带有深思熟虑的意味,但听起来似乎显得较勉强或较谦逊。例如: May I advise you not to lend him large sums of money? 我劝告你不要将大笔钱借给他。 Please advise me when the goods are dispatched.发货时请通知我。 suggest是指单一性的并带有试验性地“建议”或“提出”意见、计划、理论、办法等。提出者通常并不坚持自己所提的内容。也可指故意或偶然地向别人“暗示”或“启发”某事。例如: It was suggested that such devices should be designed and produced without delay. 曾经有人建议立即设计和生产这种装置。 Does that name suggest anything to you? 那个名字使你联想到什么没有? propose的意思是“提议”、“求婚”。例如: He porposed that we (should) go there. 他建议我们去那里。 He proposed to the girl. 他向这女孩求婚了。


propose意思是建议、打算,单词详细介绍如下:1、基本释义:propose是一个英语单词,动词,作及物动词时意思是建议,打算,计划,求婚,作不及物动词时意思是建议,求婚,打算。2、短语搭配:Grandstand Propose看台求婚,propose for提名某人并为,建议。propose aim定为目标。propose suggest建议,提议。3、双语例句:The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex.建筑师为提议建设的购物中心做了一个比例模型。He accepted all the changes we proposed.他同意我们提出的全部修改方案。She proposed a possible solution to the mystery.她提出了对这个奥秘的一种可能的解答。


Propose在英语中的意思是:提议;建议;打算;希冀;计划;求婚;提名;提供。Propose在英语句子中可以这么使用:1、 I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.我提议为新娘新郎干杯。2、 The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex.建筑师为提议建设的购物中心做了一个比例模型。3、 The revelations gave new fuel to angry opponents of the proposed law.新披露的情况使反对该法律提案的人更为激愤。4、 Nobody would assent to the terms they proposed.谁也不会同意他们提出的条件。5、 There is widespread discontent among the staff at the proposed changes to pay and conditions.员工对改变工资和工作环境的建议普遍不满。6、 The proposed increase in income tax proved deeply unpopular with the electorate.增加所得税的建议令选民十分不满。7、 The union balloted its members on the proposed changes.工会要求会员对所提议的变革进行无记名投票。8、 Your application must be proposed and seconded by current members.你的申请必须由现任成员推荐并得到他们的支持。9、 He proposed a new diplomatic initiative to try to stop the war.他提出了一项新的外交计划以尽力阻止这场战争。

