
时间:2025-02-03 18:43:10编辑:奇闻君


一、泌尿外科和男科的联系和区别联系:男科是泌尿外科的一个分支,泌尿外科包括男科。男科的出现,实际上是学科发展的需要。比如最初是医学,医学之后,又分内科、外科、妇科、儿科,外科以后,又有了胸科、脑外科、泌尿外科等等好多外科,发展到今天,泌尿外科里面又分出一个男科。区别:两者治疗疾病的范畴不同。泌尿外科包括三部分器官上的疾病:第一部分就是肾上腺(两边肾脏上面有两个小的腺体)的疾病。第二部分就是泌尿系统,包括肾脏、输尿管、膀胱、尿道,就是促尿的系统。第三部分是男性生殖系统,男性生殖系统包括睾丸,就是阴囊里面的东西,睾丸、附睾、输精管、里面有精囊、射精管、前列腺,出来还有阴茎等等这些。比起男科来讲,还有重要的不同点泌尿外科同时也看女性泌尿系统疾病。现在所谓的男科,就是把泌尿科这三部分的第三部分――男性生殖器所有器官上解剖上的异常、生理上的异常都归到男科。所谓的男科就是男生殖系统器官上疾病的治疗或者诊断或者发病机制的研究。男科是最近几年根据学科细分的概念才派生出来的。具体点来说泌尿外科主要看以下的疾病:男女泌尿系统生殖感染、泌尿系统结石、泌尿系统肿瘤、泌尿系统炎症、前列腺疾病、性功能障碍,不孕不育、泌尿系统手术(常见的有包皮手术、尿道下裂、精索静脉曲张、尿失禁等)男科主要看的疾病有:前列腺疾病、性功能障碍、男性不育和生殖器官的小型手术。总之,实际上这两者的关系,应该是男科包括在泌尿外科里面,是其一个小的分支,比起来发展时间还很短。追问:睾丸旁一片红 还有睾丸上有黄黄的粘液去看哪科回答:泌尿外科追问:要带多少钱回答:广东梅州市的黄糖医院 本地最好的回答:那你需要多带点了,带多了可以剩了带回家.




问题一:泌尿外科都看哪些病? 泌尿外科,的疾病有,泌尿系结石,肾结石,输尿管结石,膀胱结石,尿道结石,肾部囊肿,输尿管狭窄,,阳痿,早泄,性功能障碍,前列腺炎,附睾炎,睾丸炎,鞘膜积液,精囊炎等,

问题二:泌尿外科看什么病 手术 - 是一个大手术。包括各分支学科,如:普外科,胸外科,神经外科,泌尿外科,肝胆外科,肛肠外科,面部外科,骨外科等。基于普外科,年轻的医生必须学习后,一般手术。一旦分科专业,其他专业不参与,不只是水平不达标,以及赔偿责任问题。归属骨骨折患者手术。正式的,智能的泌尿外科医生没有看到骨折的患者。

问题三:泌尿外科主要看什么病?男性的的生殖器应该去哪个科看? 泌尿外科主要看泌尿系统的疾病,即肾、膀胱、输尿管、男性外生殖器疾病等。这里的所说的男性外生殖器疾病包括尿道、 *** 、睾丸、附睾、阴囊等的炎症、外伤、肿瘤、结石以及先天性畸形等,在有男性专科的医院里,性功能方面的障碍则由男性科看,如果没有分设男性科的话,性功能障碍也属于泌尿外科管属范围。

问题四:泌尿外科看什么病? 男人的问题

问题五:泌尿科有什么疾病要查的 一般去医院里面做b超看一看有没有得什么病。

问题六:泌尿科主要是治疗什么病的 肾输尿管.膀胱.男性前列腺阴胫

问题七:泌尿外科的诊疗范围有哪些? 泌尿外科的诊疗范围是十分广泛的,它包括:男性和女
性的泌尿系疾病、肾上腺疾病和男性生殖系统疾病。主要疾病有:(1) 肾脏、输尿管、膀胱、尿道所患疾病,它包括有:结石,肿瘤,炎症 、先天性畸形、 损伤及其器官功能障碍等疾病。(2)男性生殖系统疾病。包括:睾丸、附睾,前列腺、精索的肿瘤、炎症、畸形及损伤;(3)肾上腺的肿瘤、囊肿及其分泌功能失调导致的高血压、激素紊乱等疾病;(4)男性的性功能疾病(如:阳痿、早泄、 *** 减退、异常勃起)及各种原因导致的不育症
疼 痛: 肾区,痛,输尿管区疼痛,膀胱区疼痛,尿道疼痛,阴囊部疼痛,会 *** 疼痛。
肿 块:肾区肿块输尿管肿块膀胱区肿块,腹股沟部肿块, *** 肿块。


1、总结:泌尿内科主要治疗肾脏有关的疾病。泌尿外科属于外科科室,治疗的疾病所需要通过手术等外科手段才能治愈。2、泌尿内科属于内科科室,主要治疗肾脏有关的疾病,如急慢性肾小球肾炎,肾病综合征,间质性肾炎,肾小管中毒,急性肾损伤,慢性肾脏病,慢性肾功能衰竭,以及各种继发性肾损害,如高血压肾损害,糖尿病肾病,狼疮性肾炎。3、而泌尿外科属于外科科室,治疗的疾病所需要通过手术等外科手段才能治愈,如泌尿系统的结石,泌尿系的肿瘤,泌尿外科系梗阻,前列腺增生,前列腺炎,泌尿系统的外伤,先天畸形等。扩展资料:泌尿科学涵盖的器官包括肾脏、输尿管、膀胱、尿道,以及男性生殖系统的睾丸、附睾、输精管、精囊、前列腺、阴囊与阴茎。泌尿科诊治的范围有:前列腺炎、前列腺增生、前列腺癌、泌尿系感染(尿道炎,支原体、衣原体感染,淋病,非淋菌性尿道炎等)、泌尿系结石。肾癌、输尿管癌、膀胱癌、尿失禁等泌尿外科疾病。精索静脉曲张。鞘膜积液:睾丸鞘膜积液、精索鞘膜积液、交通性鞘膜积液,女性泌尿外科:尿路感染、尿道肉阜、尿失禁、膀胱过度活动症等。泌尿科的专家能治疗的“内科疾病” (意即不需外科手术治疗者),如泌尿道感染,同时也能治疗其“外科疾病”,如先天畸形的矫治、癌症的手术治疗等。接受泌尿外科治疗的患者只有20%左右需要手术。泌尿科医师也参与尿失禁的评估与治疗。尿路动力学是测量泌尿系统流动、储存与压力变化的一系列仪器,其中泌尿科医师常使用尿流率图、膀胱压力描绘图或可携式尿动力计来作为治疗患者的参考。参考资料:百度百科-泌尿科


高考结束了,现在即将进入填报志愿的阶段,这时候除了考虑学校,还要考虑专业。有人想了解泌尿外科学是什么。接下来我为大家整理了泌尿外科学的介绍,希望对你有帮助哦! 泌尿外科 泌尿外科,是主要诊断和治疗泌尿系统“外科”部分疾病的医院科室,主要治疗各种泌尿性疾病。 治疗范围 各种尿结石和复杂性肾结石;肾脏和膀胱肿瘤;前列腺增生和前列腺炎;睾丸附睾的炎症和肿瘤;睾丸精索鞘膜积液;各种泌尿系损伤;泌尿系先天性畸形如尿道下裂、隐睾、肾盂输尿管连接部狭窄所导致的肾积水等等。 泌尿外科是个比较古老的专科,有较久的历史;但同时却又是个比较新的专科,甚至到2013年,在有的分科医院里,还是有别的专科而唯独没有泌尿外科。这说明,这个专科是重要的,但发展也是不平衡的。 区别 泌尿外科不应该叫“泌尿科”,因为它不包括与尿有关的“内科”部分,如肾炎、糖尿病、尿崩症等,这应当加以区别而避免混淆。然而情况在变化,科学在前进,不断地有新的项目由内科范围转入到泌尿外科中来,例如肾血管性高血压、肾上腺的一些疾病等,所以也必须辩证唯物地看待问题。 泌尿外科学 泌尿外科学主要内容为肾脏移植,腹腔镜手术,肾上腺腺瘤、嗜铬细胞瘤、原发性醛固酮增多症等肾上腺手术治疗,肾、膀胱、前列腺肿瘤手术,前列腺癌手术,肾盂输尿管交接部狭窄手术,肾、输尿管、膀胱结石手术治疗,经膀胱、耻骨后前列腺增生摘除手术,经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切手术,经膀胱镜应用钬激光进行膀胱肿瘤切除,尿道下裂、阴茎下屈整形等手术,体外碎石治疗肾、输尿管、膀胱结石。近年来开展了慢性前列腺炎的病因检查和治疗,以及男性性功能障碍和男性不育的诊治。 案例:梗阻性尿路疾病 Obstruction is one of the most important abnormalities of the urinary tract, since it eventually leads to decompensation of the muscular conduits and reservoirs, back pressure, and atrophy of renal parenchyma. It also invites infection and stone formation, which cause additional damage and can ultimately end in complete unilateral or bilateral destruction of the kidneys. 梗阻是泌尿道最重要的异常之一,因其最终使肌性管道及其容器失去代偿能力,发生反压及肾实质萎缩。它亦可导致感染及结石形成,加重肾脏损害,最终使一侧或双侧肾脏完全破坏。 Both the level and degree of obstruction are important to an understanding of the pathologic consequences. Any obstruction at or distal to the bladder neck may lead to back pressure affecting both kidneys. Obstruction at or proximal to the ureteral orifice leads to unilateral damage unless the lesion involves both ureters simultaneously. Complete obstruction leads to rapid decompensation of the system proximal to the site of obstruction ,with immediate muscular failure. For example, acute retention occurs if the obstruction is distal to the bladder, and anuria occurs if obstruction involves both ureters. Partial obstruction leads to gradual progressive muscular hypertrophy followed by gradual dilation. decompensation ,and hydronephrotic changs. Vesicoureteral reflux may develop in some cases. 梗阻的平面及程度对了解其病后果是重要的。膀胱颈或膀膛颈以下部位梗阻,其反压可影响双侧肾脏,而输尿管口或其近端梗阻则引起单侧损害,除非双侧输尿管同时有病变。完全梗阻可能可使梗阻以上泌尿系统迅速增值失代偿能力,伴有立刻肌力丧失。例如梗阻在膀胱以下部位可以引起急性尿潴留,而双侧输尿管发生梗阻则可出现无尿。部分梗阻则逐渐引起进行性肌肉肥厚,随后出现逐渐扩张,代偿功能丧失及肾积水变化。膀胱输尿管反流可在某些病例出现。 Etiology 病因 Acquired urinary tract obstruction may be due to inflammatory or traumatic urethral strictures, bladder outlet obstruction (benign prostatic hypertrophy or cancer of the prostate), vesical tumors, neuropathic bladder, extrinsic ureteral compression (tumor, retroperitoneal fibrosis, or enlarged lymph nodes), ureteral or pelvic stones, ureteral strictures, or ureteral or pelivic tumors. 获得性尿路梗阻可能由于炎性或损伤性尿道狭窄,膀胱出口梗阻(良性前列腺肥大或前列腺癌)、膀胱肿瘤、神经性膀胱疾病、外源性输尿管压迫(肿瘤、腹膜后纤维化或巨大的淋巴结)、输尿管结石或肾盂结石、输尿管狭窄、及输尿管或肾盂肿瘤引起。 Pathogenesis 病原学 Regardless of its cause, acquired obstruction leads to similar changes in the urinary tract, which vary depending on the severity and duration of obstruction. 不论何种原因,获得性梗阻引起尿路内相类似的改变,而改变的具体情况则因梗阻的严重程度和时间长短有所不同。 a. Urethral Changes: Proximal to the obstruction, the urethra dilates and balloons. Aurethral diverticulum may develop, and dilatation and gaping of the prostatic and ejaculatory ducts may occur. a.尿道改变:梗阻近端尿道扩张及膨胀可发展为尿道憩室、前列腺管及射精管扩张及裂口。 b. Vesical Changes: Early, the detrusor and trigonal thickening and hypertrophy compensate for the outlet obstruction, allowing complete bladder emptying . This change leads to progressive development of bladder trabeculation, cellules, saccules, and then, diverticula. Subsequently, bladder decompensation occurs and is characterized by the above changes plus incomplete bladder emptying, resulting in residual urine. Trigonal hypertrophy leads to secondary urteral obstruction owing to increased resistance to flow through the intravesical ureter. With detrusor decompensation and residual urine accumulation, there is strectching of the hypertrophied trigone, which appreciable increases ureteral obstruction. This is the mechanism of back pressure on the kidney in the presence of vesical outlet obstruction (while the urterovesical junction maintains its competence)。 Catheter drainage of the bladder relieves trigonal stretch and improves drainage from the upper tract. b.膀胱改变:早期为使膀胱完全排空,逼尿肌及膀胱三角增厚及肥厚,以代偿膀胱出口梗阻。这种改变逐渐发展成膀胱小梁、小腺泡、囊泡,终成为膀胱憩室,最后膀胱失去代偿功能,表现长期持征为上述改变加重,和膀胱排空不完全,最终出现残余尿。膀胱三角区肥厚可引起继发性输尿管口梗阻,这是由于尿液通过膀胱壁部分输尿管时阻力增加而造成的。由于逼尿肌失代偿及残余尿增加,肥厚的三角区过度伸展,加重输尿管梗阻,这就是由于膀胱出口梗阻对肾脏发生反压的机制(此时膀胱输尿管连接处功能健全)。膀胱置管引流减少三角区牵张,并改善上尿路引流。 A very late change with persistent obstruction (more frequently encountered with neuropathic dysfunction) is decompensation of the ureterovesical junction, leading to reflux. Reflux aggravates the back pressure effect on the upper tract by exposing it to abnormally high intravesical pressures——in addition to favoring the onset or persistence of urinary tract infection. 持续性梗阻(常由于神经原疾病膀胱功能失常)非常晚期限改变为输尿管膀胱连接处失偿导致尿液反应。面对膀胱非常高的压力,尿液反流除促使尿路发生感染或使感染持续性,还加重上尿路的反压。 c. Ureteral Changes: The first noted change is a gradually progressive increase in uretereal distention. This increases ureteral wall stretch, which in turn increase contractile power and produces ureteral hyperactivity and hypertrophy. Because the ureteral musculature runs in an irregular helical pattern, stretching of its muscular elements leads to lengthening as well as widening. This is the start of ureteral decompensation, where tortuosity and dilatation become apparent. These changes progress until the ureter becomes atonic, with infrequent and ineffective or completely absent peristalsis. c.输尿管改变:最先可见的改变为输尿扩张逐渐增加,这就增加输尿管壁的牵张,从而增加收缩力,产生输尿管过度活动及肥厚。因为输尿管是不规则螺旋形走向,肌内成份的牵张使输尿管延长及增宽。输尿管的弯曲及扩张标志着它功能失偿的开始,这种改变继续进行直至输尿管失去张力,蠕动减少或完消失。 d. Pelvicaliceal Changes: The renal pelvis and calices, being subjected to progressively increasing volumes of retained urine, progressively distend. The pelvis first shows evidence of hyperactivity and hypertrophy and then progressive dilatation and atony. The calices show the same changes to a variable degree, depending on whether the renal pelvis is intrarenal or extrarenal. In the latter, caliceal dilatation may be minimal in spite of marked pelvic dilatation. In the intrarenal pelvis, caliceal dilatation and renal parenchymal damage are maximal. The successive phases seen with obstruction are rounding of the fornices, followed by flattening of the papillae and finally clubbing of the minor calices. d.肾盂肾盏改变:肾盂肾盏由于承受的残余尿容量逐渐增加而扩张。肾盂早期表现是蠕动增强及肥厚,以后逐渐扩大及无张力。肾盂根据其是肾内肾盂抑或外肾盂,而呈不同程度的同样改变。如为后者,虽然肾盂已明显扩大,肾盏扩张可能不明显;而若为肾内肾盂,肾盏扩张和肾实质损害均严重。其梗阻连续相(Successive phase)所见为穹窿呈圆形,接着肾乳头呈扁平,最后肾小盏呈杵状。 e. Renal Parenchymal Changes: With progressive pelvicaliceal distention, there is parenchymal compression against the renal capsule. This, plus the more important factor of compression of the arcuate vessels as a result of the expanding distended calices, results in a marked drop in renal blood flow. This leads to progressive parenchymal compression and ischemic atrophy. Lateral groups of nephrons are affected more than central ones, leading to patchy atrophy with variable degrees of severity. The glomeruli and proximal convoluted tubules suffer most from this ischemia. Associated with the increased intrapelvic pressure, there is progressive dilation of the collecting and distal tubules, with compression and atrophy of tubular cells. e.肾实质改变:随着肾盂肾盏进行性扩大,肾实质向包膜侧受压,加上由于肾盏扩大,向弓形动脉压迫这一重要因素终于使血流明显下降,而导致进行性肾实质受压和缺血性萎缩。侧组肾单位受累较中央组为重,而导致严重程度不等的斑状萎缩。肾小球及近曲小管受缺血损害最重。伴随肾盂内压增加,集合管及远曲小管呈进行性扩大,肾小管细胞受压和萎缩。 Clinical Findings 临床表现 a. Symptoms and Signs: The findings vary according to the site of obstruction: 症状与体征:其表现因梗阻位置而异。 Infravesical obstruction——Infravesical obstruction leads to difficulty in initiation of voiding, a weak stream, and a diminished flow rate with terminal dribbling. Burning and frequency are common associated symptoms. A distended or thickened bladder wall may be palpable. Urethral induration of a stricture, benign prostatic hypertrophy, or cancer of the prostate may be noted on rectal examination. Meatal stenosis and impacted urethral stones are readily diagnosed by physical examination. 膀胱下梗阻:膀胱下梗阻导致起始排尿困难,排尿无力及尿流率减少,伴随尿后滴沥。烧灼感及尿频为常见伴随症状。可触及膨胀或增厚的膀胱壁,肛门检查可发现狭窄部尿道变硬,良性前列腺增加或前列腺癌。尿道口狭窄和尿道嵌塞结石常可由物理学检查而获诊断。 Supravesical obstruction——Renal pain or renal colic and gastrointestinal symptoms are commonly associated. Supravesical obstruction may be completely asymptomatic when it develops gradually over a period of several weeks or months. An enlarged kidney may be palpable. Costovertebral angle tenderness may be present. 膀胱上梗阻:肾区疼痛或肾绞痛常与胃肠道症状同时出现。当膀胱上梗阻发展缓慢时。经数周或数月可完全无症状。可触及增大的肾脏。肋脊角可有压痛。 b. Laboratory Findings: Evidence of urinary infection, hematuria, or crystalluria may be seen. Impaired kidney function is noted by elevated blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine, with the ratio well above the normal 10:1 because of urea reabsorption. b.化验结果:可观察到感染尿,血尿或晶体尿,血尿素氮及血清酐升高,由于尿素氮再吸收以致其比值高于10:1.这表明肾功能受损害。 c. X-Ray Findings: Radiologic examination is usually diagnostic in cases of stasis, tumors, and strictures. Dilatation and anatomic changes occur above the level of obstruction, whereas distal to the obstruction, the configuration is usually normal. This helps in localizing the site of obstruction .Combined antegrade imaging by intravenous urograms and retrograde imaging by ureterograms or urethrograms, depending on the site of obstruction, is sometimes needed to demonstrate the extent of the obstructed segment. In supravesical obstruction, demonstration of stasis and delayed drainage is essential to establish and measure the severity of obstruction. c.X线表示:尿液胡滞,肿瘤或狭窄的病例,放射学检查可获诊断。梗阻平面以上有扩张和解剖学改变,而在梗阻远端形态为正常,这有助于诊断梗阻位置。根据梗阻位置有时需同时作顺利性静脉尿路造影及逆行性输尿管造影或尿道造影,以确定梗阻段的伸延。在膀胱以上梗阻,显示郁滞及延迟,引流,对于确定及估计梗阻的严重性是重要的。 d. Special Examinations: d.特殊检查: Antegrade urography via percutaneous needle or tube nephrostomy is of particular value when the obstructed kidney fails to excrete the radiopaque material on excretory urography. This procedure allows application of the Whitaker test, during which fluid is introduced into the renal pelvis at varying rates. The fluid transport can be measured and the degree of obstruction estimated by the use of a pressure monitor. 顺行时尿路造影:当阻塞的肾脏在排泄性尿路中造影剂不能排泄时,使用经皮针或者说导管行肾造瘘特别有价值,这种操作可施行Whitaker试验, 在试验期间液体可以不同程度注入肾盂。可测量液体转移,以压力监测器来估计梗阻程度。 Ultrasonography——This will reveal the degree of dilatation of the renal pelvis and calices and allows for diagnosis of hydronephrosis in the prenatal period. 超声显像:它可展示肾盂及肾盏的扩大程度,及可在胎儿期诊断肾积水。 Isotope studies——A technetium Tc 99m DMSA scan portrays the degree of hydronephrosis, as well as renal function. Use of diruretics during the scan can provide information similar to that obtained with the Whitaker test. 同位素检查:用锝99M DMSA扫描可了解肾盏积水程度及肾功能。在扫描时使用利尿剂可得到与Whitaker试验相似的效果。 CT scan——This may be of value in revealing the degree and site of obstruction as well as the as the cause in many cases. The use of contrast agents will allow estimation of residual renal function. CT扫描:在某些病例,对显示梗阻部位,程度以及原因有一定价值,使用对比剂可估计残留有肾功能。 Complications 并发症 The most important complication of urinary tract obstruction is renal parenchymal atrophy as a result of back pressure. Obstruction also predisposes to infection and stone formation, and infection occurring with obstruction leads to rapid kidney destruction. 尿路梗阻最重要的并发症为反压所致的肾实质萎缩。梗阻也可以使肾脏易于感染和形成结石,而发生于梗阻的感染则可加速对肾脏的破坏。 Treatment 治疗 The aim of therapy is relief of the obstruction(eg, catheterization for relief of acute urinary retention)。 Surgery is often necessary. Simple urethral stricture may be managed conservatively by dilation or urethrotomy. However, urethroplasty may be required. Benign prostatic hypertrophy and obstructing bladder tumors require surgical removal. 治疗的目的在于解除梗阻(例如:上导尿管以解除急性尿潴留)。常常需要外科治疗。单纯尿道狭窄可用尿道扩张及尿道切开等保守法治疗,但有时需行尿道成形术。良性前列腺增生及阻塞性膀胱肿瘤需外科切除。 Impacted stones must either be removed or bypassed by a catheter if it is thought that they may pass spontaneously. If they do not pass spontaneously, the stones must be removed surgically later. 嵌顿性结石必须取石;如认为结石可能自行排出,亦可经旁道置管。如不能自行排出,以后必须手术取石。 Ureteral or ureteropelvic junction obstruction requires surgical revision and plastic repair, either by ureterovesicoplasty, ureteroureteral anastomosis, bladder flaps to bridge a gap in the lower ureter, transureteroureteral anastomosis or ureteropyeloplasty. Penal stones may be removed instrumentally via percutaneous nephrostomy or by irrigation through a tube placed directly into the kidney. 输尿道或肾盂输尿管交界梗阻需行手术矫正或行整形修补;输尿管膀胱成形术,输尿管输尿管吻合术,或输尿管肾盂成形术。在下段输尿管则可用膀胱瓣作搭桥填补缺损。肾结石可通过皮穿器械摘除,或者经皮穿刺肾造瘘或经肾直接置管进行冲洗。 Preliminary drainage above the obstruction is sometimes needed to improve kidney function. Occasionally, permanent drainage and diversion by cutaneous ureterostomy, ileal or colonic loop diversion, or permanent nephrostomy is required. If damage is advanced, nephrectomy may be indieated. 有时为改善肾功能可先在梗阻上方置管引流,有时需作永久性引流,输尿管皮肤造口尿流改道术,回肠或结肠改道或永久性肾造口等。如损害加重,可通适用肾切除。 Prognosis 预后 The prognosis depends on the cause, site, duration, and degree of kidney damage and renal decompensation. In general, relief of obstruction leads to improvement in kidney function except in seriously damaged kidneys, especially those destroyed by inflammatory scarring. 预后取决于原因,位置,病程及肾脏损害和肾脏失偿程度。一般来说,解除梗阻可使肾功能改善,除非肾脏严重受损,尤其是炎性疤痕所破坏的。 泌尿外科学的介绍相关 文章 : ★ 泌尿外科学的介绍 ★ 泌尿系统知识 ★ 泌尿外科 ★ 泌尿外科实习心得体会3篇 ★ 泌尿外科实习心得体会 ★ 泌尿外科医生述职报告 ★ 泌尿外科实习心得体会范文 ★ 2019泌尿外科医生述职报告精选5篇 ★ 泌尿外科科室年终总结范文 ★ 泌尿外科医生述职报告

