
时间:2023-05-01 09:58:49编辑:奇闻君

1992-1996 南京大学 学士;

1996-1997 南京大学 硕士研究生;

1997-2000 香港大学 硕士;

2000-2005 美国里海大学(Lehigh Univ.) 博士;

2005-2006 美国宾州州立大学(Penn State Univ.) 博士后;

2007-2009 美国杜兰大学(Tulane Univ.) McWilliams Postdoctoral Research Associate;

2009-至今 南京大学.

Ph.D. 2005 Lehigh University,PA,USA。

M.Phil. 2000 The University of Hong Kong。

B.S. 1996 Nanjing University。



2017.09-11,国际大洋发现计划369航次(IODP Expedition 369);

2012.10-12,综合大洋钻探计划344航次(IODP Expedition 344);









"构造地质"(本科生课程);Structural Geology and Tectonics(undergradudate)

研究生课程“地球物理专题”,“地球动力学”部分章节Co-teach"adavances in Geophysics" and "Geodynamics"(graduate)


古地磁Paleomagnetism-tectonics;环境磁学Environmental magnetism;古气候与古海洋Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography。


Jiao, W. J., Li, Y. X.*, Yang, Z. Y., Liu, J.R., 2019. A widespread Early Mesozoic remagnetization in South China. Journal of Geophysical Research. doi:10.1029/2018JB016707

Qin, S. X., Li, Y. X.*, Li, X. H., Xu, B., Luo, H., 2019. Paleomagnetic results of Cretaceous cherts from Zhongba, southern Tibet: New constraints on the India-Asia collision. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 173,42-53. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.01.012

Gong, Z., Kodama, K.P., Li, Y. X. 2019. Paleomagnetism and rock magnetic cyclostratigraphy of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, South China: Constraints on the remagnetization mechanism and the encoding processes of Milankovitch cycles, Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 528, 232-246,

Li, Y.X.* , Zhao, X.X.*, Xie, S.Y., Jovane, L., Petronotis, K.E., 2018. Paleomagnetism of IODP Site U1380: Implications for the Forearc Deformation in the Costa Rican Erosive Convergent Margin. Scientific Reports. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-29243-7

Jiao, W. J., Li, Y. X.*, Yang, Z. Y., 2018, Paleomagnetism of a well-dated marine succession in South China: A possible Late Cambrian true polar wander (TPW). Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. 277, 38-54. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2018.01.009

Li, C. H.*, Li, Y. X.*, Zheng, Y. F., Yu, S.Y., Tang, L.Y., Li, B.B., Cui, Q.Y., 2018. A high-resolution pollen record from East China reveals large climayte variability near the Northgrippian-Meghalayan boundary (around 4200 years ago) exerted societal influence. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. 512, 156-165.

Li, X.H., Zhang, C.K., Li, Y.X., Wang, Y., Liu, L., 2018. Refined chronostratigraphy of the late Mesozoic strata in South China and its tectono-stratigraphic evolution. Gondwana Research. 66, 143-167. doi:10.1016/j.gr.2018.09.006

Wen, B., Evans, D., Wang, C., Li, Y. X. , Jing, X.Q., 2018 A positive test for the Greater Tarim Block at the heart of Rodinia: Mega-dextral suturing of supercontinent assembly. Geology 46 (8), 687-690.

Zhang, Y., Jia, D., Muxworthy, A.R., Li, Y. X., Xia, B., Xie, Z.Y., Hu, J., Zi, J.P., Liu, W.L., 2018 The chemical remagnetization of Ediacaran dolomite in the Taishan Paleo-reservior, Southh China. Journal of Geophysical Research 123, 6161-6175. doi:10.1029/2018JB015547.

Ge, W.Y., Li, C.H.*, Xing H.X., Li, L.,Li, Y. X.*, Rittenour, T., Hu, Z.J. 2018. Examining the chronology of transgressions since the late Pleistocene in the Fujian coast, southeastern China. Quaternary International

Li, Y. X.*, Monta?ez, I. P., Liu, Z. H., and Ma, L. F. , 2017, Astronomical constraints on global carbon-cycle perturbation during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2). Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 462, 35-46. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2017.01.007

Wen, B., Evans, D., Li, Y.X.*, 2017, Neoproterozoic paleogeography of the Tarim Block: An extended or alternative “missing-link” model for Rodinia? Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 458, 92-106.

Gong, Z., Kodama, K.P., Li, Y. X. 2017, Rock magnetic cyclostratigraphy of the Doushantuo Formation, South China and its implications for the duration of the Shuram carbon isotope excursion, Precambrian Research 289, 62-74,

Zhang, B.X, Li, Y.X.* , Hu, X.M. 2017, Paleomagnetc results from Jurassic-Cretaceous strata in the Chuangde area of southern Tibet constrain the nature and timing of the India-Asia collision (in Chinese with English abstract). Chinese Science Bulletin doi: 10.1360/N972016-00767

Li, Y.X.*, Jiao, W.J., Liu, Z.H., Wang, D.H., He, Y.X., and Quan, C* 2016, Terrestrial responses of low-latitude Asia to the Eocene-Oligocene climate transition revealed by integrated chronostratigraphy. Climate of the Past, doi: 10.5194/cp-12-255-2016.

Li, Y.X.* and Kodama, K.P., 2016, Detecting and correcting for paleomagnetic inclination shallowing of sedimentary rocks: a review. Frontiers in Earth Science, doi: 10.3389/feart.2016.00007.

Li, X.H., Wei, Y.S., Li, Y.X., Zhang, C.K. 2016. Carbon isotope records of the early Albian oceanic anoxic event (OAE)1b from eastern Tethys (southern Tibet, China). Cretaceous Research. 62, 109-121, doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2015.08.015

Li, Y.X.*, Zhao, X.X., Jovane, L., Petronotis, K.E., Gong, Z. and Xie, S.Y. 2015. Paleomagnetic constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Costa Rican subduction zone: new results from sedimentary successions of IODP drill sites from the Cocos Ridge. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. doi: 10.1002/2015GC006058

Wen, B., Evans, D., Li, Y.X.*, Wang, Z.R., Liu, C., 2015. Newly discovered Neoproterozoic diamictite and cap carbonate (DCC) couplet in Tarim Craton, NW China: stratigraphy, geochemistry, and paleoenvironment. Precambrian Research, 271, 278–294, doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2015.10.006.

Li, C.H. and Li, Y.X. 2015. Study of modern pollen and stomata from surficial lacustrine sediments from the eastern edge of Tibetan Plateau, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 221, 184–191.

Li, Y.X.*,S.P.Wang, S.Y. Fu, W.J. Jiao, 2014. Recognizing the threshold magnetic anisotropy for inclination shallowing: implications for correcting inclination errors of sedimentary rocks. Frontiers in Earth Science, doi: 10.3389/feart.2014.00008

Quan, C., Liu, Z.H., Utescher, T., Jin, J.H., Shu, J.W., Li, Y.X., Liu, Y.-S. C, 2014. Revisiting the Paleogene climate pattern of East Asia: A synthetic review. Earth-Science Reviews139, 213–230.

Li, C.H., Li, Y.X., Burr, G.S. 2014. Testing the accuracy of 14C age data from pollen concentrates in the Yangtze Delta, China. Radiocarbon 56, 181–187,doi: 10.2458/56.16920

Li, Y.X.* , L.S. Shu, B. Wen, Z. Y. Yang, J.R.Ali 2013. Magnetic inclination shallowing problem and the issue of Eurasia's rigidity: insights following a palaeomagnetic study of upper Cretaceous basalts and redbeds from SE China. Geophysical Journal International 194, 1374–1389, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt181

Wen, B., Li, Y.X.*, Zhu, W.B. 2013. Paleomagnetism of the Neoproterozoic diamictites of the Qiaoenbrak Formation in theAksu area, NW China: Constraints on the paleogeographic position of the Tarim Block. Precambrian Research 226, 75-90.

Li, Y.X.*, T. E. Tornqvist, J. M. Nevitt, B. Kohl 2012. Synchronizing a sea-level jump, final Lake Agassiz drainage, and abrupt cooling 8,200 years ago. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 315-316, 41-50.

Li, Y.X.*, J.R. Ali, L.S. Chan, and C.M. Lee, 2005. New and revised set of Cretaceous paleomagnetic poles from Hong Kong: implications for the Cretaceous-Cenozoic development of southeast China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 24, 481-493, doi: 10.1016/j.jsease.2004.01.004.

Li, Y.X.* H. Renssen, A. P. Wiersma, and T. E. Tornqvist 2009. Investigating the impact of LakeAgassiz drainage routes on the 8.2 ka cold event with a climate model.Climate of the Past 5, 471-480.

Li, Y.X.*, T.J. Bralower, I.P. Monta?ez, D.A. Osleger, M.A. Arthur, D.M. Bice, T.D. Herbert, E. Erba, I. Premoli-Silva., 2008. Toward an orbital chronology for the early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a (OAE1a, ~ 120 Ma). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 271, 88-100. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.03.055

Li, Y.X.*, Z.C. Yu, and K.P. Kodama, 2007. Sensitive moisture response to Holocene millennial-scale climate variations in the Mid-Atlantic region, USA. The Holocene 17 (1) 3-8. doi: 10.1177/0959683606069386

Li, Y.X.*, Z.C. Yu, K.P. Kodama, and R.E. Moeller, 2006. A 14,000-year environmental change history revealed by mineral-magnetic data from WhiteLake, northwestern New Jersey, USA. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 246, 27-40. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2006.03.052

Li, Y.X.* and K.P. Kodama, 2005. Assessing thermal effects on magnetic fabrics of sedimentary rocks: results from synthetic and natural samples. Geophysical Research Letters 32 (4), L04314, doi: 10.1029/2004GL022049.

Li, Y.X.*, K.P. Kodama, and D.P. Smith, 2004. New paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, and petrographic results from the Valle Group, BajaCalifornia, Mexico: Exploring the causes of anomalously shallow paleomagnetic inclinations. Journal of Geophysical Research109, B11101, doi: 10.1029/2004JB003127

Hu, G., W.X.Hu, J.Cao, S.P.Yao, X.M.Xie,Y.X.Li, Y.X.Liu, X.Y.Wang2012.Deciphering the Early Cretaceous transgression in coastal southeastern China:Constraints based on petrography, paleontology and geochemistry. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.

Hu, X.M., K.D. Zhao, I. O. Yilmaz, Y.X. Li 2012. Stratigraphic transition and palaeoenvironmental changes from the Aptian oceanic anoxic event 1a (OAE1a) to oceanic red bed 1 (ORB1) at Yenicesihlar section, central Turkey. Cretaceous Research,doi:10.1016/ j.cretres.2012.01.007.

Li, C.H., Y.F. Zheng, S.Y.Yu, Y.X.Li, H.D.Shen 2012. Understanding the ecological background of rice agriculture on the Ningshao Plain during the Neolithic Age: pollen evidence from a buried paddy field at the Tianluoshan cultural site. Quaternary Science Review35, 131-138.

Zhu, W.B, B.H.Zheng, L.S.Shu, D.S.Ma, H.L.Wu, Y.X.Li, W.T.Huang, J.J.Yu 2011. Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Precambrian Aksu blueschist terrane, northwestern Tarim, China: Insights from LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb ages and geochemical data. Precambrian Research 185, 215-230.

Li, Z., Y.L.Zhang, Y.X. Li, J. Zhao 2010.Palynological records of Holocene monsoon change from the Gulf of Tonkin (Beibuwan), northwestern South China Sea. Quaternary Research 74, 8-14.

Kendall, R. A., J. X. Mitrovica, G. A. Milne, T. E.T?rnqvist, Li, Y.X., 2008. The sea-level fingerprint of the 8.2 ka climate event. Geology 36, 423-426. doi: 10.1130/G24550A.1





解思伊,李永祥*,藏南卧龙剖面下侏罗统海相地层的岩石磁学特征及其古环境意义,高校地质学报,23(3),545-554 (2017).

中国地球物理学会(CGS);中国地质学会(GSC);American Geophysical Union (AGU);European Geoscience Union(EGU);

